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Civil war in Ukraine: News & discussion

There's been an information that Donetsk aeroprt (new terminal) was sized in 95%.


These comanders of units have done it.

Here's a raport from Donetsk aerport (video inside):
Новый терминал аэропорта полностью зачищен от «киборгов» - Первый по срочным новостям — LIFE | NEWS
This makes how many times the cyborgs have been wipe out and the airport taken by the russian terrorist? time will show
" "Cyborgs" fight off terrorist attacks. The enemy is substantial losses, - Press Center ATO"

Прес-центр АТО: "Кіборги" мужньо відбивають атаки терористів. Противник зазнає суттєвих втрат

Cyborgs will die or get maimed if they do not stop bullying innocent Russian people.

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Yes well equipped, wearing jungle camouflage in white snow enviroment.

lol, i wore woodland camo on my MOPP and IBA in Iraq when i was serving with the US Army, so i guess US miltary were not at all well equip too i supposed...
lol, i wore woodland camo on my MOPP and IBA in Iraq when i was serving with the US Army, so i guess US miltary wee not at all well equip too i supposed...
Humm, were you wearing German flag on your uniform as well.
Yes well equipped, wearing jungle camouflage in white snow enviroment.
also in case you are wondering

US special force wore AUSCAM(Australian Camo) in Afghanistan

Bosnian wear US Marine MARPAT before a general adaptation of BOSPAT, a MARPAT based uniform in early 2000s

US SF wore Georgian Uniform in Eastern Europe some time eith Georgia patching.

excellent. Did the Chinese donated your uniform then.

no, cos i am half Chinese, and dude, what you are saying is absurd, you are unprofessional and ill.equip solely because you wear someone else uniform.

If you have served in the military before, you will know using other allies uniform is quite common between soldier and.SF as different pattern have different focus and they are almost always better then your own if you are fighting overseas.
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no, cos i am half Chinese, and dude, what you are saying is absurd, you are unprofessional and ill.equip solely because you wear someone else uniform.

If you have served in the military before, you will know using other uniform is quite common hetween soldier and.SF as different pattern have different focus and they are almost always better then your own if you are fighting overseas

Well you might have served in the US military. But that doesn't give you the carte blanche to BS here.
Any professional military will put on the same cameo that is best for that enviroment. You don't go around with each individual having a different pattern and wearing Jungle cameflouge in white out conditions.

By the way does China allow dual Citizenship. If not then being an American you cannot be a Chinese.
Well you might have served in the US military. But that doesn't give you the carte blanche to BS here.
Any professional military will put on the same cameo that is best for that enviroment. You don't go around with each individual having a different pattern and wearing Jungle cameflouge in white out conditions.

dude, beliece it or not is up to you, i just tell you what i see and what i know.

It is quite single minded to say a military is ill equip because they wear a different country uniform. And they wear woodland in whiteout snow.

Do you understnad the meaning of Operational Capability?

You have a swedish flag, go ask any swedish soldier when did they have the M90 Oken Kamo issued, and they will tell you in 2004/2005, but fact is Swedish involvment in Afghanistan and Africa long before 2004/05 so ever wonder what they wear in Afghanistan? before the Desert uniform was in Issue? The swede wore Woodland camo

So would you consider Swedish Military are illequip too? lol

Fact is, soldier wear uniform, and they can be interchange mostly within each branch (Marine wearing Army or Navy wearing Marine) and some time its quite often seeing soldier wearing allies uniform out in the field, from personal preference to operational requirment.

And dude, i said i am part Chinese that mean one of my parent was Chinese, that does not mean i am a Chinese Citizens, althought i do have a Hong Kong Chinese passport while being an American. That is a loop hole i dont think you will understand even i tell you.
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dude, beliece it or not is up to you, i just tell you what i see and what i know.

It is quite single minded to say a military is ill equip beca use they wear a different country Uniform. And they wear woodlqnd in whiteout snow.

You have a swedish flag, go ask any swedish soldier when did they have the M90 Oken Kamo issued, and they will tell you in 2004/2005, but fact is Swedish involvment in Afghanistan and Africa long before 2004/05 so ever wonder what they wear in Afghanistan? before the Desert uniform was in Issue? The swede wore Woodland camo

So would you consider Swedish Military are illequip?

And dude, i said i am part Chinese that mean one of my parent was Chinese, that does not mean i am a Chinese Citizens, althought i do have a Hong Kong Chinese passport while being an American.

Hopping around won't help your case. I know you are trying to be the Ukies advocate. But anyone with a few working brain cells will know that wearing Jungle Cameflouge in whiteout conditions will make you stick out from the enviroment and will be easier for your enemy to take you out.
The other purpose of a uniform is so that you can differentiate between who is on your side and who is the opposition, now if everyone in your unit is wearing a different pattern it will be difficult to differentiate, thus having more of blue-on-blue incidents (thats what the Americans call it, isn't it).
By the way check the definition of uniform, that might help too.

Now if the Swedes were not wearing the proper pattern for the cnditions that they were deployed to, then yes they were ill-equipped for the enviroment that they were being deployed in.

you started with Chinese, now it's Hong Kong Chinese, continuing on this pattern I think next will be Taiwanese Chinese. Anyways mate, I don't care, whatever floats your boat.
Hopping around won't help your case. I know you are trying to be the Ukies advocate. But anyone with a few working brain cells will know that wearing Jungle Cameflouge in whiteout conditions will make you stick out from the enviroment and will be easier for your enemy to take you out.
The other purpose of a uniform is so that you can differentiate between who is on your side and who is the opposition, now if everyone in your unit is wearing a different pattern it will be difficult to differentiate, thus having more of blue-on-blue incidents (thats what the Americans call it, isn't it).
By the way check the definition of uniform, that might help too.

Now if the Swedes were not wearing the proper pattern for the cnditions that they were deployed to, then yes they were ill-equipped for the enviroment that they were being deployed in.

lol how about wearing Woodland on a totally blank Desert?

mate, what you think is too 1990, you missed a very important factor on interoperablility with other country.

Today in the same battlefield, you will find not just a single country fighting on yourside, when I fought in Iraq, i fought with the Brits and the Canadian, hence i have a Canadian flag on my IBA.

It is a common sight to have 3 or 4 different Uniform on the same side within your AO, and if we are running by your logic, we would have killed each other a long time ago...lol

Then there were mission orientated dress code as well, the one you dont want people to know American soldier were in a Canadian AO, hence when you have this kind of mission, you wear Canadian Uniform

But i guess this will be falling into deaf ear as what you think is war is what you see on TV, while i am overthere actually fighting a war, you probably wont understand
lol how about wearing Woodland on a totally blank Desert?

mate, what you think is too 1990, you missed a very important factor on interoperablility with other country.

Today in the same battlefield, you will find not just a single country fighting on yourside, when I fought in Iraq, i fought with the Brits and the Canadian, hence i have a Canadian flag on my IBA.

It is a common sight to have 3 or 4 different Uniform on the same side within your AO, and if we are running by your logic, we would have killed each other a long time ago...lol

Then there were mission orientated dress code as well, the one you dont want people to know American soldier were in a Canadian AO, hence when you have this kind of mission, you wear Canadian Uniform

But i guess this will be falling into deaf ear as what you think is war is what you see on TV, while i am overthere actually fighting a war, you probably wont understand
Now you are aguing just for argument's sake.
Yes different countries can be allies and can be on the same battlefield wearing their respective county's uniforms, thats not something new that has happened for a very long time.But thats not what we are discussing unless if you are indirectly implying that we have German soldiers in the Ukraine fighting the Novorussians.
What I am talking about (and what you are avoiding) is members of the same military in the same unit having different uniforms. That's something one expects from a militia but not for a professional military.
Still you didn't check the definition of the word unifrom, did you now?
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