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Why Ukraine’s neo-Nazi Azov Battalion is not worth your sympathy

For the same reasons why Russian authorities allowed neo-Nazis like Milchakov organize a world Nazi Congress in St Petersburg

Or why Russia organized Stalin parade in Mosxow

Or why German authorities allow neo-Nazis marches in Berlin

Being marginal and an idiot is not illegal in Ukraine. Yet they can't show swastika or hammer and sickle.
For the same reasons why Russian authorities allowed neo-Nazis like Milchakov organize a world Nazi Congress in St Petersburg

Or why Russia organized Stalin parade in Mosxow

Or why German authorities allow neo-Nazis marches in Berlin

Being marginal and an idiot is not illegal in Ukraine. Yet they can't show swastika or hammer and sickle.
How is Stalin same as Nazism? Did Stalin killed people based on race or has race supremacy ideology? Churchill also killed lots of Indian thru starvation during WWII and mass bombing of Germany indiscriminately. Yet why UK still commemorate him??
How is Stalin same as Nazism? Did Stalin killed people based on race or has race supremacy ideology? Churchill also killed lots of Indian thru starvation during WWII and mass bombing of Germany indiscriminately. Yet why UK still commemorate him??
Stalin was probably worse for the population of the USSR than Hitler. The people harassed by his regime probably didnt care much about it being a racial or political reason leading to their death or deportation.
Stalin was probably worse for the population of the USSR than Hitler. The people harassed by his regime probably didnt care much about it being a racial or political reason leading to their death or deportation.
Absolutely nonsense. If Hitler still exist or won the WWII, he will probably killed all Russian or slava races. Stalin only killed people who opposed him, he dont care you are african or gypsy.

Stalin forces all Slava races to work for one goal that is industrialization and he is right. Without Russia modernization. Where is the mass horde of T-34 tank to overrun the Nazi war machine?
So like everyone else, then face up to the stuff ur country is doing. I never complained of my country being backward because of urs, where did u get that? But u cheerlead for westerners, then u do horrible crimes and then u claim championship of human rights as well and when someone like me shows u ur ugly face, u runaway saying i dont care 😂.
Dude, I AM A WESTERNER. I don't cheer the west, I am the west.....

As I said 10 times already, I did what I do, you can call me whatever you want, you can call me Nazi or you can call me hypocrites, ugly face and so on, that does not mean I will stop what I was doing.

Also, why would I care? You mean this "<-->" much to me. LOL Do I care the cigarette butt I discarded after I enjoy that smoke? No, that is what you mean to me. So, why exactly I need to care what you or you people think?? I mean, you can blame the west for all your misfortune instead of really work your way into development, that's you. Again, why do I need to care about you? It's like do I care about the people I killed in Iraq and Afghanistan? Nope. I mean, what do you want me to do, say a prayer before I kill them?? Or do you think the Taliban care about the American before they kill them??

LOL, I mean, you want to rant, that's your problem, but it wouldn't take a genius to realise at the end of the day, all you will do is rant, and ranting ain't gonna get your life better.
West does this all the time. It gives bullshit reasons and excuses but intelligent people see right through it
U r the west so i will call u what u are (a hypocrite scum), shouldn't i??? What is ur problem with that and no one asked u to care u dumb idiot neither does anyone expect u to stop lolz. No wonder u lot got drilled in Afghanistan by goat herders, u guys are stupid.
. . .
I don't know why people would think these kind of post would work.

Sure, because you said I am wrong and I insulted you, so I must apologise, right? In reality, I wouldn't care, I just report the post and move on.

I mean, if your goal is to want me to get that extra things done (Click on the report button) then you have achieved your goal. But hey, I have nothing to do at the moment, I can spare 3 seconds to report your posts, if that is what you wanted.
How is Stalin same as Nazism? Did Stalin killed people based on race or has race supremacy ideology? Churchill also killed lots of Indian thru starvation during WWII and mass bombing of Germany indiscriminately. Yet why UK still commemorate him??
Nazi here Nazi there
Nazi everywhere
be advised Nazi is just a slang, today a slander. Actually it’s the abbreviation of NSDAP, in German is „die Nationalsozialistische deutsche Arbeiterpartei“.
It is the name of the ruling political party.
Stop using the word Nazi if don’t understand the meaning.
Nazi here Nazi there
Nazi everywhere
be advised Nazi is just a slang, today a slander. Actually it’s the abbreviation of NSDAP, in German is „die Nationalsozialistische deutsche Arbeiterpartei“.
It is the name of the ruling political party.
Stop using the word Nazi if don’t understand the meaning.
Nazi is banned in Germany. But Ukraniane embrace it. Now the EU is supporting this evil.
Nazi is banned in Germany. But Ukraniane embrace it. Now the EU is supporting this evil.
You are wrong.

I don’t know where you get it.
Do you know the AFD? It’s not banned.
Meanwhile everything is banned in China, Russia. Even calling war as war is criminal offense in Russia. Try it and you will land in gulags.

Russia is the today’s version of racist nationalist Nazi.
"Nazi" is such a misnomer, everyone loves to throw that around as a slur. These Ukie ultra nationalists aren't really national socialists but use some of their insignia. One must take into consideration their colorful past with being a border state of the erstwhile eastern block and the fact that they wanted forever to break free of the clutches of communism.
You are wrong.

I don’t know where you get it.
Do you know the AFD? It’s not banned.
Meanwhile everything is banned in China, Russia. Even calling war as war is criminal offense in Russia. Try it and you will land in gulags.

Russia is the today’s version of racist nationalist Nazi.
As if Germany is free? Why RT is banned? You western criminal also used law and prejudice to whatever that don't suit you all.

I doubt you are even living in Germany.

You seems to have zero idea what is happening in Germany.

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