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Why Ukraine’s neo-Nazi Azov Battalion is not worth your sympathy

You missed what I said before. You don't need to be a part of stuff to be supporting an orgnisation. If I support Ukrainian Military, that mean I support Ukrainian Military, whether or not they support Azov or "Nazi" battalion is beside the point. Again as for what you want to call them, that's you, again, you can call the entire American or NATO force Nazi, I can call PLA Nazi, whether they are or not. You can't stop me from calling PLA Nazi even if PLA never call them that, as much as i can't stop you from calling Ukrainian Nazi, whether or not they call them that.

THIS............IS MY POINT

As for whether or not Azov is Nazi, it itself is a debatable. And whether or not Azov is calling the shot? Well, all I can say is this, if they are, and they are disbanded as Russian took Mariupol, does that mean Ukrainian is a headless chicken?

Also, it's ignorant to call Wehmarcht "Nazi" when they, again, by law, have to be apolitical. Abwehr, on the other hand, is Nazi.
It is perfectly OK for you to support Ukrainian military. Just like it is perfectly OK for me to think you simply a Nazi cheerleader. They are just our opinions. I am not going to stop you and you certainly cannot stop me, either.
sure, I am not the one who name calling someone "Idiot"

If you don't know why you are -ve rated, then please stop talking about logic with me.

You have proved post upon post in multiple threads that you are being idiotic. Should I be just PC and not say you are being that ? Where will this stop ? Imagine this -ve rating facility used throughout history by people like you who are being idiotic.

I mean, he once try to talk economy with me without a basic understanding of how market works.

Yeah, Hazrat Isa, Hazrat Muhammad, Karl Marx, Lenin and Muammar Gaddafi were all graduates of London School of Economics. :rolleyes: What about the Occupy Wall Street movement people and those activists inspired by it in many places in the Western bloc ?

Markets ? What does that even mean ?

And then come around and present his "Utopia" type economic system where everyone work for credit.

What is wrong with it ? Here's a section from what Muammar Gaddafi wrote in part 2 in his Green Book :
The final step is for the new socialist society to reach a stage in which profit and money disappear. Society will become fully productive; the material needs of society will be met. In this final stage, profit will disappear, as will the need for money.

The recognition of profit is an acknowledgment of exploitation, for profit has no limit. Attempts so far to limit profit by various means have been reformative, not radical, intending to prohibit exploitation of man by man. The final solution lies in eradicating profit, but because profit is the dynamic force behind the economic process, eliminating profit is not a matter of decree but, rather, an outcome of the evolving socialist process. This solution can be attained when the material satisfaction of the needs of society and its members is achieved. Work to increase profit will itself lead to its final eradication.
My proposal is the half-way point there.

You may say you are a communist, but you use state capitalism to get rich at the expense of other humans.

How am I getting rich at the expense of others ? In fact in the next company I will be starting soon ( that is pending finance and this will be my second co-founded one ) the company will be arranged on cooperative basis in the sense of all the workers ( other than me ) being paid the same salary and all workers participating in the company decisions. Communist enough, yes ?
It is perfectly OK for you to support Ukrainian military. Just like it is perfectly OK for me to think you simply a Nazi cheerleader. They are just our opinions. I am not going to stop you and you certainly cannot stop me, either.
Dude, again, have you catch the convo when I said to Jamahir

You can call me nazi when I chopped off those Russian Weiner??
On the other hand, I don't really care if they cut off Russian soldier's penis, the more the merrier, that will teach them not to f with the Ukrainian. I don't mind being a Nazi if that mean I am defending my home, at the end of the day, I don't care about what you think, as long as you are in my home uninvited, I will cut off your head, cut off your arm or cut off your wiener until you leave, or get sent to the morgue, and it's that simple, call me Nazi while I do it, I don't really care, cuz I don't answer to you people. I only answer to my people.

As Zelenskyy said, he don't mind the Russian (Mostly Putin) called him Nazi, and if defending your own country is Nazi, then all Ukrainian are Nazi.

I mean, why hung up on a symbol?? Does that give Russia more edge if they call Ukrainian or me Nazi? Nope, war still goes on, and it will be fought exactly the same, only stupid people will think there are going to be different.

Are you one of those people?

You have proved post upon post in multiple threads that you are being idiotic. Should I be just PC and not say you are being that ? Where will this stop ? Imagine this -ve rating facility used throughout history by people like you who are being idiotic.

Yeah, Hazrat Isa, Hazrat Muhammad, Karl Marx, Lenin and Muammar Gaddafi were all graduates of London School of Economics. :rolleyes: What about the Occupy Wall Street movement people and those activists inspired by it in many places in the Western bloc ?

Markets ? What does that even mean ?

What is wrong with it ? Here's a section from what Muammar Gaddafi wrote in part 2 in his Green Book :

My proposal is the half-way point there.

How am I getting rich at the expense of others ? In fact in the next company I will be starting soon ( that is pending finance and this will be my second co-founded one ) the company will be arranged on cooperative basis in the sense of all the workers ( other than me ) being paid the same salary and all workers participating in the company decisions. Communist enough, yes ?
Well, again, as with the last time, I will just call you a dreamer and move on.

And also, leave my end of year bonus alone, just because you want to pay with social credit, that doesn't mean I want to too.

And no, you don't have to be PC about it, I will just keep giving you -ve rating when you do it. How about that?
Dude, again, have you catch the convo when I said to Jamahir

You can call me nazi when I chopped off those Russian Weiner??

As Zelenskyy said, he don't mind the Russian (Mostly Putin) called him Nazi, and if defending your own country is Nazi, then all Ukrainian are Nazi.

I mean, why hung up on a symbol?? Does that give Russia more edge if they call Ukrainian or me Nazi? Nope, war still goes on, and it will be fought exactly the same, only stupid people will think there are going to be different.

Are you one of those people?
It is a false argument. Nobody is calling Zelensky a Nazi because he depends his own country. That is a typical straw-man argument.
It is a false argument. Nobody is calling Zelensky a Nazi because he depends his own country. That is a typical straw-man argument.
Well, talk to Zelenskyy about that, he said it, not me.
Dude, if I live in the US, does that mean I am involved with the KKK or Aryan Nation because it exist in the US? So because of Azov, the ENTIRE Ukraine or Entire Ukrainian military is Nazi?

I mean, I know you are naïve an all, but this is just plain stupid..........Honestly, do you even have a brain to process what you type before you type it?
What is plain stupid is that you are ignoring the fact that Ukrainian people stopped students of color from leaving "the Ukraine" before them when the war started. So, yeah. You can try to pretend that Nazism is not a very common thing in Ukraine, but evidence suggests that it is way beyond what is considered normal in a country that pretends to be innocent.

By the way, this doesn't mean that Russians are any better though. Xenophobia is still a thing in Slavic countries in general.
What is plain stupid is that you are ignoring the fact that Ukrainian people stopped students of color from leaving "the Ukraine" before them when the war started. So, yeah. You can try to pretend that Nazism is not a very common thing in Ukraine, but evidence suggests that it is way beyond what is considered normal in a country that pretends to be innocent.
Are you for real?

I said I don't mind being called a Nazi for helping the "Nazi" Ukrainian on how to defend themselves. Call me that, I don't care. That is a label, you call me a Nazi, does not mean anything in a grand scheme of thing. That is the situation now, Nazi or not, you still have to defend your home. I mean this is not 2nd grade playground and you get butt hurt when someone call you name and you sit in your own corner and draw circle.

Even the man himself said, call me Nazi if you want, he is going to be there defending his own country and so did his countryman, and if that make them Nazi, then all Ukrainian are Nazi.

You put that term out that much, that term have no meaning anymore. So yeah, you call me Nazi, does that mean I am going to stop what I am doing and surrender?? Man, you people have some weird way of thinking...
Are you for real?

I said I don't mind being called a Nazi for helping the "Nazi" Ukrainian on how to defend themselves. Call me that, I don't care. That is a label, you call me a Nazi, does not mean anything in a grand scheme of thing. That is the situation now, Nazi or not, you still have to defend your home. I mean this is not 2nd grade playground and you get butt hurt when someone call you name and you sit in your own corner and draw circle.

Even the man himself said, call me Nazi if you want, he is going to be there defending his own country and so did his countryman, and if that make them Nazi, then all Ukrainian are Nazi.

You put that term out that much, that term have no meaning anymore. So yeah, you call me Nazi, does that mean I am going to stop what I am doing and surrender?? Man, you people have some weird way of thinking...
Dude, you ARE plain stupid apparently.

Did I say that you care about being called a Nazi?
If you are so eager to be called a Nazi, sure. It's not like anybody cares what you are or what you are called. You could be called a "fagg*t" or a pillow biter for all I care. I don't care much for name calling.

Regardless of whether you care about being called a Nazi or not, the Azov battalion does have Nazi tendencies and it is getting its *** kicked as we speak. Ukraine is never going to take back the territories that Russia has captured and no matter how much people pretend that it's winning the war, it is losing its vital infrastructure and is becoming landlocked. Ukraine is now smaller and is on the way of becoming Afghanistan 2.0 in terms of economy and human development. I'd love to see what these Nazis could do about that, besides surrendering like they eventually did in Mariupol.
Well, again, as with the last time, I will just call you a dreamer and move on.

And also, leave my end of year bonus alone, just because you want to pay with social credit, that doesn't mean I want to too.

Yes I am a dreamer and I have the intellect, ambition and will to make it reality but I leave you to you accept that or leave.

Though yes, "Social credits" is not a right term and I will have to think up another but you haven't even gone through the thread to make a judgement about it because I have not only added new points but also answered other members' queries and noted their points and evolved the idea in the OP.

And no, you don't have to be PC about it, I will just keep giving you -ve rating when you do it. How about that?

You have gone bezerk with your -ve rating "power" and your irrational posts. But I have already reported you and your chum, dbc.

Even the man himself said, call me Nazi if you want, he is going to be there defending his own country and so did his countryman, and if that make them Nazi, then all Ukrainian are Nazi.

If you thus defend Zelensky you should also defend the assassinated Muammar Gaddafi :
"In the name of Allah, the beneficent, the merciful..

For 40 years, or was it longer, I can’t remember, I did all I could to give people houses, hospitals, schools, and when they were hungry, I gave them food. I even made Benghazi into farmland from the desert.

I stood up to attacks from that cowboy Reagan. When he killed my adopted orphaned daughter, he was trying to kill me; instead he killed that poor innocent child.

Then I helped my brothers and sisters from Africa with money for the African Union, did all I could to help people understand the concept of real democracy, where people’s committees ran our country.

But that was never enough, as some told me. Even people who had 10-room homes, new suits and furniture, were never satisfied. As selfish as they were they wanted more, and they told Americans and other visitors, they needed ‘democracy’, and ‘freedom’, never realising it was a cut-throat system, where the biggest dog eats the rest.

They were enchanted with those words, never realising that in America, there was no free medicine, no free hospitals, no free housing, no free education and no free food, except when people had to beg or go to long lines to get soup.

No, no matter what I did, it was never enough for some. But for others, they knew I was the son of Gamal Abdel Nasser, the only true Arab and muslim leader we’ve had since Salah ad-Din. When Nasser claimed the Suez Canal for his people, as I claimed Libya for my people, it was in his footsteps I tried to follow, to keep my people free from colonial domination - from thieves who would steal from us …

Now, I am under attack by the biggest force in military history. My little African son Obama wants to kill me, to take away the freedom of our country: to take away our free housing, our free medicine, our free education, our free food, and replace it with American-style thievery, called ‘capitalism’.

But all of us in the Third World know what that means. It means corporations run the countries, run the world, and the people suffer.

So there is no alternative for me; I must make my stand, and if Allah wishes, I shall die by following his path - the path that has made our country rich with farmland, with food and health, and even allowed us to help our African and Arab brothers and sisters to work here with us, in the Libyan Jamahiriya.

I do not wish to die, but if it comes to that, to save this land, my people, all the thousands who are all my children, then so be it.

Let this testament be my voice to the world: that I stood up to crusader attacks of Nato, stood up to cruelty, stood up to betrayal, stood up the West and its colonialist ambitions. And that I stood with my African brothers, my true Arab and muslim brothers, as a beacon of light.

When others were building castles, I lived in a modest house, and in a tent. I never forgot my youth in Sirte. I did not spend our national treasury foolishly, and like Salah ad-Din, our great muslim leader, who rescued Jerusalem for Islam, I took little for myself …

In the West, some have called me ‘mad’ or ‘crazy’. They know the truth but continue to lie. They know that our land is independent and free, not in the colonial grip; that my vision, my path, is and has been clear and for my people, and that I will fight to my last breath to keep us free. May Allah almighty help us to remain faithful and free."

Translated by Professor Sam Hamod.
5 April 2011

Dude, you Are plain stupid apparently.

He will give you a -ve rating for that like he has given me five -ve ratings for saying just that. :lol:
Dude, you ARE plain stupid apparently.

Did I say that you care about being called a Nazi?
If you are so eager to be called a Nazi, sure. It's not like anybody cares what you are or what you are called. You could be called a "fagg*t" or a pillow biter for all I care. I don't care much for name calling.

Regardless of whether you care about being called a Nazi or not, the Azov battalion does have Nazi tendencies and it is getting its *** kicked as we speak. Ukraine is never going to take back the territories that Russia has captured and no matter how much people pretend that it's winning the war, it is losing its vital infrastructure and is becoming landlocked. Ukraine is now smaller and is on the way of becoming Afghanistan 2.0 in terms of economy and human development. I'd love to see what these Nazis could do about that, besides surrendering like they eventually did in Mariupol.
You do know what happened to Soviet Union the first time they went to Afghanistan, right?

As an American, I don't really care about Ukrainian that much, they can fight and died, or they can survive, I was there to give them a better chance so they can kill some Ruskie Orc before they go down. I mean, as long as they did that, I am okay with it.

On the other hand, whether or not Ukrainian can recapture the land, well, sure, it's unlikely, but it's equally unlikely Russia can take over the entire Ukraine. Which mean what left of Ukraine is going to be extremely anti- Russian and most likely armed to the teeth like Israel, effectively we have created another Israel in the region (they are quite close to actual Israel) What's more? This little Russian adventure make 2 country in Nordic wanted to be more in our camp. I don't know how much you know about foregoing 140 years of neutrality for Sweden to join a military bloc, the last time it happens is back in Napoleon in charge back in 1820s. All these thanks to Russia and it's own little adventure.

And lol, those "Nazi" is now marching closer into Kherson, battle of Kherson is set to start in less than a week, and honestly, I don't care who win, as long as orcs get his days done by these Nazi, I am okay with that.

Yes I am a dreamer and I have the intellect, ambition and will to make it reality but I leave you to you accept that or leave.

Though yes, "Social credits" is not a right term and I will have to think up another but you haven't even gone through the thread to make a judgement about it because I have not only added new points but also answered other members' queries and noted their points and evolved the idea in the OP.

You have gone bezerk with your -ve rating "power" and your irrational posts. But I have already reported you and your chum, dbc.

If you thus defend Zelensky you should also defend the assassinated Muammar Gaddafi :

He will give you a -ve rating for that like he has given me five -ve ratings for saying just that. :lol:
You are as "intellect" as my dog is a horse.

You can report all you want, but do you really think you have sway on this forum?

I don't think I am better than you, I KNOW I am better than you, in term of status on this forum. You have to be naive to think you and I are at the same level, first of all, I have a title granted to me by the management, you don't, second of all, I have over 340 positive rating, and I wasn't even trying to get them. How many you have? 7?

That is the different.

Ohhh.... did I hurt your little classless -equality utopian believe? Aren't everyone the same? NOPE.
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You do know what happened to Soviet Union the first time they went to Afghanistan, right?

As an American, I don't really care about Ukrainian that much, they can fight and died, or they can survive, I was there to give them a better chance so they can kill some Ruskie Orc before they go down. I mean, as long as they did that, I am okay with it.

On the other hand, whether or not Ukrainian can recapture the land, well, sure, it's unlikely, but it's equally unlikely Russia can take over the entire Ukraine. Which mean what left of Ukraine is going to be extremely anti- Russian and most likely armed to the teeth like Israel, effectively we have created another Israel in the region (they are quite close to actual Israel) What's more? This little Russian adventure make 2 country in Nordic wanted to be more in our camp. I don't know how much you know about foregoing 140 years of neutrality for Sweden to join a military bloc, the last time it happens is back in Napoleon in charge back in 1820s. All these thanks to Russia and it's own little adventure.

And lol, those "Nazi" is now marching closer into Kherson, battle of Kherson is set to start in less than a week, and honestly, I don't care who win, as long as orcs get his days done by these Nazi, I am okay with that.
As an American, your English sounds grammatically incorrect. "They can fight and died" is just wrong.

Russia is preparing for the integration of the occupied territories of Ukraine as new federal districts. Afghanistan wasn't a Slavic nation. It wasn't the Afghan armed forces that defeated the Soviet Union, it was Islamic insurgency that made them go away. Ukraine is a Slavic country which practices not only the same religion as Russia, but the very same branch of Orthodox Christianity. Meanwhile, Ukraine does have a sizeable Russian population who won't mind joining Russia that much.

Russia does not have to capture the entire land in just one war. Russia is turning Ukraine so weak that eventually, it can never stand against Russia again. The US did the same to Iraq for 12 years through economic sanctions and limited military operations until Iraqis finally gave in. If Russia successfully turns Ukraine into a landlocked country, Ukraine as we know it today will be finished. It will turn into another Moldova.

Do you think Russia cares about a tiny state like Israel or an extremely weakened Ukraine when it has prepared for decades for MAD with the US? You do realize that Russia possesses the largest stockpile of strategic nukes. Right?

Yeah, they did wonders in Mariupol as portrayed by the Western media. I'm sure they will do wonders in Kherson too, before they get defeated again.
As an American, your English sounds grammatically incorrect. "They can fight and died" is just wrong.

Russia is preparing for the integration of the occupied territories of Ukraine as new federal districts. Afghanistan wasn't a Slavic nation. It wasn't the Afghan armed forces that defeated the Soviet Union, it was Islamic insurgency that made them go away.
Ukraine is a Slavic country which practices not only the same religion as Russia, but the very same branch of Orthodox Christianity.
Meanwhile, Ukraine does have a sizeable Russian population who won't mind joining Russia that much.

Russia does not have to capture the entire land in just one war. Russia is turning Ukraine so weak that eventually, it can never stand against Russia again. The US did the same to Iraq for 12 years through economic sanctions and limited military operations. If Russia successfully turns Ukraine into a landlocked country, Ukraine as we know it today will be finished. It will turn into another Moldova.

Do you think Russia cares about a tiny state like Israel or an extremely weakened Ukraine when it has prepared for decades for MAD with the US? You do realize that Russia possesses the largest stockpile of strategic nukes. Right?

Yeah, they did wonders in Mariupol as portrayed by the Western media. I'm sure they will do wonders in Kherson too, before they get defeated again.
Go back and check if English is the offical language in the US? It may shock you?

lol, that "sizable" Russian population won't join Russia simply becuase the Russian don't care about them and bomb them just the same. Have you ever been to Eastern Ukraine and talk to people there? Kharkiv is the most pro-Russian city to a point its mayor want to negotiate with Russia after 2014, do you know what that mayor do now? He boasted on telegram saying he killed 7 Russian soldier.

A friend of mine who was from Nova Karkaova (very Pro-Russian southern Region), who was born in Transnistria and live in Ukraine and married to a Russian , she is as Pro-Russian as you come, she once told me the war in 2014 is wrong, and they (Ukrainian) were in the wrong and they should just let Donbas join Russia, do you know what she said in the first day of war??


If you don't read Russian (Yes, she wrote in Russian)

This is what Facebook translate from Facebook

Kateryna English.jpg

you don't need to look far, even our resident pro-Russian Ukrainian Vostok, he himself is speechless after the beginning of this war.

Unless you are really naive and believe whatever Russian said, majority of Ukrianian, pro-Russian or not, is not going to welcome Russian in their live, it's one thing you are pro-Russian, another thing when they actually shoot at you and trying to take your home.

and lol in for a long haul, let's finish this war first, then we will talk, this war is 120 days old and right now with every phase, Russia occupy less Ukraine by each phase, by the end of the 5th phase, what do you have? Snake island??

And lol, sure, use nuke mate, let's end the world, do you think Putin did not gone thru Dictator 101? You cannot be a dictator when you are dead. You seems to forget US, UK, France and Israel all have nuke, you fire, I fire, end of the world, sayonara, is that what you want??

Man, I can't believe you people are this gullible and that naive, I used to think Iranian is evil but at least they are clever, man, you proof me wrong...
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Guys,stop fighting. Forget about them. There are other problems in the region:

Bulgaria's government fell,Turkey is openly claiming Greek islands now,Germany just said natural gas is a luxury for Germans and Sweden and Finland are not getting into NATO.
I honestly don't care if Pakistan have a Taliban battalion, as long as said battalion did not try to shoot me.

and I don't see Taliban as terrorist, I see them as adversary. And this is not about "Our" media, this is about Ukraine. In case you are wondering, "Our" media also say shit about Azov battalion, it's not hard to find one of those article warning about their "Extremist" idea. But then as I said, this is not about us, we are not fighting the Russian, the Ukrainian is.

U actually mean that u ppl are huge hypocrites and dont care abt it. Sums it up well
I know a lot of the Ukrainian military is just civilians being forced by the government to fight on the threat of long jail and torture but the West allowed Israel to hunt down German Nazis all over the world so why is Zelensky, his military command and their NATO handlers not hunting down UkroNazis even within Ukraine and instead fighting alongside them against the Russians and allies ?

Worry about your own 3rd world slum tearing itself apart daily, on its violent communal riots and religious fights.

And I very doubt Moscow gives a toss on your Indian struggles over there , unlike your daily obsessed with a faraway European state.

It Really has got nothing to do with you. Does it now!

Best you clean up your own house first. How on earth can you call kiev names when your country has elected a bunch of vile extremists. driven with policy of ethnic cleaning millions of Moslems!

Have you heard that phrase , The pot calling the kettle black'!
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