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Civil war in Ukraine: News & discussion

Now you are aguing just for argument's sake.
Yes different countries can be allies and can be on the same battlefield wearing their respective county's uniforms, thats not something new that has happened for a very long time.But thats not what we are discussing unless if you are indirectly implying that we have German soldiers in the Ukraine fighting the Novorussians.
What I am talking about (and what you are avoiding) is members of the same military in the same unit having different uniforms. That's something one expects from a militia but not for a professional military.
Still you didn't check the definition of the word unifrom, did you now?

Dude, so how is judging an army from one photo that they have a german jacket on and deduced that they are unprofessional make sense to you

That photo could have mean anything, it can even mean that dude was actually German soldier training Ukrainian Force, have you actually throught about that? That photo could be from anywhere too, may not even be from Ukraine , have you theought about that too? Maybe they are training in Germany?(They do by the way)

Its not a photo in a parade ground, and i would be really surprise if a photo had circulated A big Ukrainian Backdrop with a big Ukrainian flag and soldier wearing different kind of uniform, then i will be surprised

I am not discussing the purpose of uniform all along with you think that you know that could be other possibility, but obliviously, i am overestimating your ability to think and ability to process information.

What I am saying is laughtable that youbcan deduce ones country military capability by a single photo wearing different uniform, as i said, soldier wear different unoform for a lot of reason,and you know for what that photo actually mean?

Dude, you are really funny you know that?
Yes well equipped, wearing jungle camouflage in white snow enviroment.

are you serious?

please tell me one army that manages to equip its whole army for the standards you set up
even western armies struggle to completely properly equip its army to proper seasons
let alone a war torn country with collapsing economy

looking at their equipment , they have very decent body armor,helmets and etc.

Right = Russia
There's been an information that Donetsk aeroprt (new terminal) was sized in 95%.
oh then why are they still fighting there like allways RT shit news
These comanders of units have done it
you shure they not all dead? by now? not many news after this ...
one the other hand Ukraine says:
"22:00 - OSCE condemns insurgents for shelling from residential areas

OSCE officials have condemned insurgent forces in east Ukraine for using residential areas to launch artillery attacks on Donetsk International Airport. In a statement released 15 January, OSCE monitors slammed the use of residential areas for military operations and stated that it posed a direct threat to civilian lives and infrastructure.

Kremlin-backed insurgent forces have repeatedly been accused of so-called ‘human shield tactics' and the use of residential areas for artillery attacks by Ukrainian officials, human rights groups and international correspondents covering the conflict in east Ukraine. Insurgent leaders have admitted to isolated incidents ofartillery fire from residential zones, but have denied that this is a deliberate tacticdesigned to provoke civilian casualties.

21:00- Chechen fighters reportedly cornered in Donetsk Airport terminal basement

Ukrainian counterattack secures crucial second floor of terminal building

Ukrainian journalist Andriy Tsaplienko (TSN) has been close to the front lines in the battle for Donetsk International Airport for the past few days. He reports that as of 21:00 on 15 January the new terminal building is under the control of Ukrainian forces which command the strategically crucial second floor of the building.

According to reports received by Tsaplienko from Ukrainian soldiers fighting in the airport complex, a group of Chechen fighters remains holed up in the basement of the new terminal building. Up to a dozen Chechens, reportedly including a battalion commander, have been blocked off in the basement area by Ukrainian forces. It is not clear whether insurgent forces remain present elsewhere in the wreckage of the new terminal.

20:40 - Contrary to claims made throughout the day by Russian-backed insurgents, the new terminal building of Donetsk Airport is reportedly now under the control of the Ukrainian army. The airport is under attack from artillery and tanks. Unconfirmed reports claim that two Ukrainian soldiers have been killed in today's fighting, with a further seven wounded."

'Bars', Right Sector Company Commander: "15-20 Chechen fighters are trapped in the airport basement where they are blockaded by our soldiers. They are afraid to come out because they will be picked off by small-arms fire. There are also separatist fighters located on the floor above us, but they are pinned down by our soldiers. We have received information that the commander of the Vostok battalion in the cellar together with the Chechens."

'Chorniy', Right Sector Batallion Commander:"I told the attackers today: Guys, forget about the airport. We will never give up this citadel. It will end with the deaths of your soldiers, which is to our advantage. You can fight if you want to, but there are some positions which Ukraine and Ukrainians will never surrender.""

Terrorists deployed Aistenok counter battery radar

Aistenok - «Almaz – Antey» Corp.

oh nice somthing for russian trolls that still claim russia is not supporting terrorists and showing what liar is putin
RusArmy.com :: Комплексы РЛС обнаружения целей и управления стрельбой
Ukrainian soldiers have lost the airport
They are just expendable materials and nobody have care about them in corrupt society.
The leader of the Donetsk Republic showed captured flag of junta forces, located in the Donetsk airport. The head of the young Republic invited Poroshenko to come personally for this flag.
In Donetsk separatist killed a separatist . Killed man were born in Chechnya. From Krasnodon to Donetsk immediately rushed a few dozen men from the order of the Dikiy (Wild) and demanded that the killer.

- We are all brothers, even two hundred people. We agreed that our brother's murderer is no other punishment than the death penalty. We personally give her execution - says Dikiy (Wild), and said: - We are on our land, and 'creatures' you, you do nothing to us.

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wow 2 days off fighting and he got a flag(maby he stole if from somewhere;p)
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Terrorist leader with captured Ukrainian flag

Terrorist leader and Givi visit the new terminal

Motorola secured the new terminal

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Dude, so how is judging an army from one photo that they have a german jacket on and deduced that they are unprofessional make sense to you

That photo could have mean anything, it can even mean that dude was actually German soldier training Ukrainian Force, have you actually throught about that? That photo could be from anywhere too, may not even be from Ukraine , have you theought about that too? Maybe they are training in Germany?(They do by the way)

Its not a photo in a parade ground, and i would be really surprise if a photo had circulated A big Ukrainian Backdrop with a big Ukrainian flag and soldier wearing different kind of uniform, then i will be surprised

I am not discussing the purpose of uniform all along with you think that you know that could be other possibility, but obliviously, i am overestimating your ability to think and ability to process information.

What I am saying is laughtable that youbcan deduce ones country military capability by a single photo wearing different uniform, as i said, soldier wear different unoform for a lot of reason,and you know for what that photo actually mean?

Dude, you are really funny you know that?
And you are trying to put words in my mouth now. Where did I say that one picture is representative of the whole Ukraine military, I commented on that set of pictures, that they look like a bunch of rag-tag wannabes, which I stand by.
Since then you have been trying to spin it,and have lately resorted to putting words in my mouth. Which just makes you look stupid. Some professional you are dude, LOL
And you are trying to put words in my mouth now. Where did I say that one picture is representative of the whole Ukraine military, I commented on that set of pictures, that they look like a bunch of rag-tag wannabes, which I stand by.
Since then you have been trying to spin it,and have lately resorted to putting words in my mouth. Which just makes you look stupid. Some professional you are dude, LOL

dude, it was you who is dancing around, kindly look back to the first post i replied to you

My first replied is for you to say they are very well equip and wearing Woodland Camo in snow.

My replied was, whats the big deal, we use woodland in desert. So, we US soldiers, are not well equip?

Then you try ro troll me by asking if i wear german flag.

I dont know, may be i did put words in your mouth lol, when all I do is reply to your question...Well, as a soldier , i told you what i.saw with me own eyes and what i know, if you think you know or seen more than me from commanding thousands behind your computer and your armchair, then well, let it be :)

Fact is, you dont even know who that guys saw in the photo, where is the photo taken, then you gave a premature judgment that the people in the photo is rag-tag.

Dude, dont tell me if you ever work intel for any country...They will be "glad" to have you onboard lol
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dude, it was you who is dancing around, kindly look back to the first post i replied to you

My first replied is for you to say they are very well equip and wearing Woodland Camo in snow.

My replied was, whats the big deal, we use woodland in desert. So, we US soldiers, are not well equip?

Then you try ro troll me by asking if i wear german flag.

I dont know, may be i did put words in your mouth lol, when all I do is reply to your question...Well, as a soldier , i told you what i.saw with me own eyes and what i know, if you think you know or seen more than me from commanding thousands behind your computer and your armchair, then well, let it be :)

Fact is, you dont even know who that guys saw in the photo, where is the photo taken, then you gave a premature judgment that the people in the photo is rag-tag.

Dude, dont tell me if you ever work intel for any country...They will be "glad" to have you onboard lol
To start with yes you will be ill-equipped for desert if you are wearing Woodland Camo in desert of Woodland Camo in the Artic for that matter, it doesn't matter who you, be it the British, the US or Russian military. There is a reason there is desert camo and that is to be in the desert conditions. Now is it so difficult to understand, Mr Professional.

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