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Civil war in Ukraine: News & discussion

They are either dead or crippled by now, most likely.

That's so sad. :lol:

Ukrainian soldiers still defending the Donestk airport.
Long live to the Ukrainian soldiers,the volunteers of the Azov,Aydar,Donbass battalions and others. :)

That's so sad. :lol:

Ukrainian soldiers still defending the Donestk airport.
Long live to the Ukrainian soldiers,the volunteers of the Azov,Aydar,Donbass battalions and others. :)

As I heard since a couple of day ago, the Ukraine military said that they lost contact with the troops in the airport, so......... they are gone pal.
That's so sad. :lol:

Ukrainian soldiers still defending the Donestk airport.
Long live to the Ukrainian soldiers,the volunteers of the Azov,Aydar,Donbass battalions and others. :)

They'll soon be dead or crippled, especially when their tower collapses due to structural losses.


Kadyrov's men are coming for you, Ukrainians :-)

They'll soon be dead or crippled, especially when their tower collapses due to structural losses.

@vostok @Superboy Is there any good website in English to get good updates of what's going on in Ukraine? I only know the Saker blog, which is good, but sometimes don't update for a few days at a time.
Amigo Vostock, Any idea when Novorossia is going to start another offensive and start to liberate Mariupol, etc? Things have been too quiet.
Most likely in 2015. In 2015 Russia will stand before a choice - either to bow to the West, or holds an open rebellion in the spirit of the Soviet Union. Then Russia will have to openly support Novorossia. You see, Russia needs another 20 million people (preferably Russian, Slavic) to the economy was self-sufficient.
With the low prices of oil and the sanctions,Russia will collapse,it's just a question of time.
Putin has to obey and leave alone Ukraine. :)
Most likely in 2015. In 2015 Russia will stand before a choice - either to bow to the West, or holds an open rebellion in the spirit of the Soviet Union. Then Russia will have to openly support Novorossia. You see, Russia needs another 20 million people (preferably Russian, Slavic) to the economy was self-sufficient.

I agree, Russia needs as much slavic people as it can get. Eastern Ukraine, maybe Moldova.

That's the population in eastern ukraine, 20 million? That's pretty good, almost a 15% increase in population for Russia.

With the low prices of oil and the sanctions,Russia will collapse,it's just a question of time.
Putin has to obey and leave alone Ukraine. :)

Only in your dreams, if there is one thing that you can bet on it is that Putin never surrenders, he will lay europe to waste before surrendering. Western Europe is playing with fire.
Only in your dreams, if there is one thing that you can bet on it is that Putin never surrenders, he will lay europe to waste before surrendering. Western Europe is playing with fire.

This will be the reality :)
Putin is nothing.
That's so sad. :lol:

Ukrainian soldiers still defending the Donestk airport.
Long live to the Ukrainian soldiers,the volunteers of the Azov,Aydar,Donbass battalions and others. :)

I am horrified that you would support the Nazis such as Azov and Aydar Battalion. Where have we gone to? :eek::frown:

With the low prices of oil and the sanctions,Russia will collapse,it's just a question of time.
Putin has to obey and leave alone Ukraine. :)

And tell everyone who helped topple Ukraine originally and then installed a puppet government which purged all political opponents. Got to love the western elitists mentality, interfer in another countrie's internal affairs and then blame Russia for doing the same when the puppet government is committing war crimes in the staunchly anti EU/west east of Ukraine.
They defend their country.
"Nazis",Aliens,small,tall,it won't change something.

By "defend" do you mean committing war crimes? Because that is what they are famous for. Many of them do not even hid it, they post videos of them torturing people, sometimes civilians. Very much like the German SS did. Moreover, other none neo nazi Ukrainian battalions and Ukrainian soldiers also accuse battalions such as Azov of torture, war crimes, and looting.

Most people in eastern Ukraine also do not need battalions such as Azov to "defend" anything. It would be like yanukovich or "pro Russians" using heavy artillery and tanks on Maiden square and Kiev.
Is there any good website in English to get good updates of what's going on in Ukraine?
First site is 4-5 days late than original version in Russian language.Also there are couple of active Tweeter users(Novorossia side of course :-) )-if interested msg me to give you their names.Also there are many other sites with information i personally visiting but they are all in Russian language.

HRW,Amnestry,UN,OSCE already not enough for your kind eh?Why I`m not surprised at all.
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