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Christopher Hitchens Goes Nuclear On Pakistan

Nobody cares what that cancerous cesspool vile British piece of sh. has to say has this degenerate not seen the history of his country of origin Britain? Considering the barbarity perpetrated by his people he is in no position to give Pakistan a moral lecture.
sorry, it just means that for a self selecting audience(to say a Political rally), the speaker sounds well 'cause he reinforces their preconceived notions and opinions.

for science enthusiasts , an absolute astrophysics geek, however inarticulate he may be, sounds like a great speaker.

Galloway says things that go well with Muslim community, hence my comment.

i think irrespective of the content he speaks with a gusto, a tone and magnitude that makes him an effective public speaker - that was all i was saying.

the truth is they both play a game with their image, and intelligent people fall for both of them.
Even compared to the usual Hitchens craziness, this was petty over the top.

In general though, as an atheist, I wish people like Dawkins and Hitchens would stop with their hysterical one sided attacks on religion and instead mention both the good and the bad symptoms of organized religion.
Effective Public Speaker, huh? i don't want to add anything to that.

May i know what agenda Mr. Hitchens advances? say with regard to middle east and related Geopolitics. do you think he is a staunch neocon or works for Jewish lobby ?

um yes, one who can speak with clear and loud gusto would fit the ball of being an effective public speaker, its pretty simple to understand i hope.

as i said earlier, hitchens has been shilling for the neo cons for years, whatever they say he mirrors, when the taliban are the enemy he was there to prosecute that war, when iraq was the target he was there to tell us how saddam was responsible for 9/11, when its pakistans turn to be the target he is there to tell us that we were all wrong on the previous two and its pakistan where the war is at...you get the picture, and if you dont just reread my post until you do :)
correction , he did not quite say that. "Fight them everywhere" could sum up his position regarding wars.

thats true, i dont think he had enough of a soul left in him to show contrition for his repugnant prosecution of wars that killed tens of thousands of innocent people.
War is an ugly terrible business. People have to behave well to avoid them. But ironically you seem to have a Pacifist anti-war stance.(some people take that stance only when it suits them,. and for taking a moral high ground) But, as a Pakistani, Are you really anti-war? given that Pakistan is in an undeclared war with India for the last countless years which some people call low conflict war.

people have to behave well to avoid war - what a curious comment, i am not sure what you mean.

are you alleging that i do not understand the horrors of war, or as a "pakistani" are my views already assumed by you?

and only pakistan has been at war with india, not india at war with pakistan?

certainly almost all wars are wasteful to the extreme, but blatantly unjust and fasle wars are something to be opposed by all people, not just "pakistani's", dont you agree, or did the afghans, iraqi's and now the pakistanis "misbehave" and had it coming to them?

perhaps as an indian you think some of these muslims had it coming to the, for allegedly misbehaving?
lol Indians are always gona be Indians... narrow minded ppl
"People" includes people of America too, esp who represent them.(don't be too quick to judge)

And about the bold part in your comment. why would India fight Pak? for what exactly? (Pakistan has territorial and ideological ambitions not India)

This is off topic now but Pakistan was a country won from the point of view of pakistani's, and a territory lost from the point of view of Indians, that's your answer in a nutshell.
Don't know how I missed this article. It packs the frustration of the American public towards Pakistan after Osama raid.
RIP Hitchens.
Don't know how I missed this article. It packs the frustration of the American public towards Pakistan after Osama raid.
RIP Hitchens.

I saw "RIP" in your post and it caught my eye

i didnt know this sorry son-of-a-bıtch had expired :lol:

must have been the chronic heart-burn :laugh:
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