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Christopher Hitchens Goes Nuclear On Pakistan

Hitchens comments is a gross misrepresentation of pakistani society. The west loves to belittle the subcontinent by extrapolating backward areas to the rest of the countries. Some remote village in nwfp followed sharia hence they want the world to believe lahore and islamabad is run by taliban, this is one of the most ridiculous articles you can read.

It is worrisome when titles of failed state, terror state are floated in the west by writers and pseudo-intellectuals, because what it really implies is people of the subcontinent are incapable of managing their own affairs. Today the some of the western media is pro-india and anti pak, 40 years ago the case was exactly opposite when the west was anti-India and pak was the apple of thier eyes.

We as Indians should not be amused at western media's pak bashing but should stand against it for the very simple reasons that ties us to pakistan instead of separating us from them. We might have differences in political process, relegion and foriegn policy in governments, but if you closely look at the daily life of the people of both countries, it will be very difficult to differentiate between the two, we share same family and moral values. Declaring the state of pakistan as state that want to fight america without any reason or a state that aides fanatics is direct insult to the people of pakistan. We as neighbors might have outstanding disputes but should stand together when some foreign entity tries to malign the region.

Excellent post.
Hitchens comments is a gross misrepresentation of pakistani society. The west loves to belittle the subcontinent by extrapolating backward areas to the rest of the countries. Some remote village in nwfp followed sharia hence they want the world to believe lahore and islamabad is run by taliban, this is one of the most ridiculous articles you can read.

It is worrisome when titles of failed state, terror state are floated in the west by writers and pseudo-intellectuals, because what it really implies is people of the subcontinent are incapable of managing their own affairs. Today the some of the western media is pro-india and anti pak, 40 years ago the case was exactly opposite when the west was anti-India and pak was the apple of thier eyes.

We as Indians should not be amused at western media's pak bashing but should stand against it for the very simple reasons that ties us to pakistan instead of separating us from them. We might have differences in political process, relegion and foriegn policy in governments, but if you closely look at the daily life of the people of both countries, it will be very difficult to differentiate between the two, we share same family and moral values. Declaring the state of pakistan as state that want to fight america without any reason or a state that aides fanatics is direct insult to the people of pakistan. We as neighbors might have outstanding disputes but should stand together when some foreign entity tries to malign the region.

Hitchens' comments were not on Pakistani society in the first place, genius.
You, my friend , have no idea what you are talking about. You got some pattern in some western newspaper articles and then pasted Hitchens' article there to get some thanks. Well it does not fit!! If you read the article properly, i) he addresses the Americans and he basically says ii) Dont trust the Pakistanis with what you want(which is countering radicalism). He is right on both counts.
And if you read Hitchens' article carefully(if you read it at all) you can see that he blames the Pakistani military as the major danger for US efforts. Hitchens exposes, not Pakistanis but American naivete with regards to Pakistan. Read the damn article in full not just the first para. Is it not true that even the President's wife and some high profile ministers did not get justice in this country? Pakistan(it does not matter which part of Pakistan-military, ISI, civilian administration whatever) is duping USA and it is a fact. In the process, Pakistan is hurting itself. How else can you explain that there is no operation in North Waziristan till today unless they are waiting NATO out?

Pakistanis have every right to be pissed off if they are shown the mirror. Others here are picking a wrong fight accusing Hitchens of racism. Hitchens' article was rightly published in 'Vanity Fair'.

And please stop pandering to Pakistanis here. You are just patronising them. Call it when you see it. Pakistan is on a road to destruction and they fantasise(regardless of justifications) about hurting USA, their benefactor period.
People in the West have this weird reverence for Hitchens, like he was some kind of revolutionary. In truth, there was nothing original or innovative about his ideas - he's a very generic Jewish neocon.

RIP nonetheless.

BS do you read yourself?!!
You call Hitchens a neocon?!! Why not call Bush a dove then? And where the hell did you get the adjective 'Jewish' from? He is a self-proclaimed anti-Zionist atheist.
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