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Christian Conversions in India - A film by Pia Skov

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Yeah right. How much good it did for humanity is documented in this link here. Surprised you are so ignorant. The more a Christian loves God and his neighbors, the more sin he commits I suppose.

Killings for Christianity

Aghoras are a very tiny community, practitioners of tantra. They do not harm or kill anyone. They are what one can call spiritual scientists exploring a realm unknown to the main stream society. They aim to transcend the illusion of life to reach god and hence for them the distinction of pure and profane does not exist.
Aghori - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Yeah right. How much good it did for humanity is documented in this link here. Surprised you are so ignorant. The more a Christian loves God and his neighbors, the more sin he commits I suppose.
And I can find just as biased and tainted of views concerning the history of Hinduism, Islam, Bhuddism, etc., I am surprised you are so ignorant not to know that. All that proves is that people can be bigots in running down other's religions and that every religion has it's dark history, as all are populated by men who are sinful.
What kind of Christian are you that you do not know your Bible? Jesus drank wine and that is what is written and that is what is historically true. Other Christians have also backed me up on this.

Aare baba where did I say only Christians drink?
Why are you mixing alcoholism with religion??
Why are you mixing alcoholism with religion??

It is linked.

And I can find just as biased and tainted of views concerning the history of Hinduism, Islam, Bhuddism, etc., I am surprised you are so ignorant not to know that. All that proves is that people can be bigots in running down other's religions and that every religion has it's dark history, as all are populated by men who are sinful.

No you cannot. Also the church has been working very hard digging dirt on Hinduism for the last 500 years, except for caste it has not found much and even much of that was phony. By the way the link I gave you was not some Hindu conspiracy. Mostly put up by an atheist or ex-Christian of your country itself.

Sorry, the Church was the biggest proponent of bigotry and till date it has not gotten over much of it yet. All you are doing is what Muslims do, saying Muslims are to blame, not Islam. You are just another version of them.

Yup. I know. That is what I explained to you. They eat human flesh as well as feces and everything considered abominable by the society. Their world view is to go beyond the illusion of existence.
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What kind of Christian are you that you do not know your Bible? Jesus drank wine and that is what is written and that is what is historically true. Other Christians have also backed me up on this.

Aare baba where did I say only Christians drink?
I don't need to prove what I am. To the people like you.. You are over exaggerating one simple thing... Wine is not necessarily alcohol... http://www.pearsonranch.com/grape-juice.html

Wines from other fruits, such as apples and berries, are usually named after the fruit from which they are produced combined with the word "wine" (for example, apple wine and elderberry wine) and are generically called fruit wine or country wine (not to be confused with the French term vin de pays). Besides the grape varieties traditionally used for winemaking, most fruits naturally lack either a high amount of fermentable sugars, relatively low acidity, yeast nutrients needed to promote or maintain fermentation or a combination of these three characteristics. This is probably one of the main reasons why wine derived from grapes has historically been more prevalent by far than other types and why specific types of fruit wine have generally been confined to regions in which the fruits were native or introduced for other reasons.
No you cannot. Also the church has been working very hard digging dirt on Hinduism for the last 500 years, except for caste it has not found much and even much of that was phony. By the way the link I gave you was not some Hindu conspiracy. Mostly put up by an atheist or ex-Christian of your country itself.

Sorry, the Church was the biggest proponent of bigotry and till date it has not gotten over much of it yet. All you are doing is what Muslims do, saying Muslims are to blame, not Islam. You are just another version of the.
Oh, and so when Hindus have oppressed and violated the most basic human dignity of the Dalit caste, over centuries, all of which is well documented in history, you are saying that it is the fault of Hindu religion? Maybe it is, but if Muslims say what you say about Islam, I think in large part it is true as I have have known both goodly Muslims, and bad, goodly Hindus, and bad, goodly Christians, and bad. You accused me of ignorance but again, you must be an ignorant fellow to NOT know the truth of that. That is just a reality of life, no matter where in the world you are. I think what you really seem to be, is just an anti-Christian bigot.
I'm here in this Pdf from many years... Unlike you I never drag any God or argued like this....
another victim of "abc":p:. btw she also fought a mini CYBER War with Skull and Bones and other NRI members because she thinks that NRI don't love India. (all so called Indian-Hindus were after S&B because he is "Muslim" Indian ) :(
Jesus drank wine and that is what is written and that is what is historically true.
Who is stating otherwise??..yes,Jesus drank wine...
Its a part of Jewish tradition and they use to serve wine on all special occasions including marriages and also during prayers in Jewish synagogues(if i am not wrong)...
Oh, and so when Hindus have oppressed and violated the most basic human dignity of the Dalit caste, over centuries, all of which is well documented in history, you are saying that it is the fault of Hindu religion? Maybe it is, but if Muslims say what you say about Islam, I think in large part it is true as I have have known both goodly Muslims, and bad, goodly Hindus, and bad, goodly Christians, and bad. You accused me of ignorance but again, you must be an ignorant fellow to NOT know the truth of that. That is just a reality of life, no matter where in the world you are. I think what you really seem to be, is just an anti-Christian bigot.

Hindu society was corrupted when it came under stress of murder, rape, pillage under Islamic invasions. There were very few outcastes before that time. Dalit is a modern name given in 20th century to the outcastes.

Of course there are good Christians and good Muslims. That is because they are human. A human is born sinless and innocent. All human beings have humanistic values inbuilt in them. So even under the corrupting influence of religions, majority human beings always remain decent.

Who is stating otherwise??..yes,Jesus drank wine...
Its a part of Jewish tradition and they use to serve wine on all special occasions including marriages and also during prayers in Jewish synagogues(if i am not wrong)...

Argue with @danger007. Convince him of that.
Alcohol is sin... There are varieties of wine.. With alcohol and without...
another victim of "abc":p:. btw she also fought a mini CYBER War with Skull and Bones and other NRI members because she thinks that NRI don't love India. (all so called Indian-Hindus were after S&B because he is "Muslim" Indian ) :(

I never said NRIs do not love India. I posted the Modi, Madison.... thread to show the NRI love for Modi and India. Majority people I have on twitter is NRIs and they are very pro-India. So please do not go around spreading misinformation.
Hindu society was corrupted when it came under stress of murder, rape, pillage under Islamic invasions. There were very few outcastes before that time. Dalit is a modern name given in 20th century to the outcastes.

Dude stop blaming Muslims for philosophy of your religious leaders.
Who is stating otherwise??..yes,Jesus drank wine...
Its a part of Jewish tradition and they use to serve wine on all special occasions including marriages and also during prayers in Jewish synagogues(if i am not wrong)...

Why do you not argue with your Christian brother @danger007 and tell him to stop lying?

Dude stop blaming Muslims for philosophy of your religious leaders.

I am telling you things the way they are. I will cite you historical references if you want.
I never said NRIs do not love India. I posted the Modi, Madison.... thread to show the NRI love for Modi and India. Majority people I have on twitter is NRIs and they are very pro-India. So please do not go around spreading misinformation.
if u don't mind can i ask u a question ?
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