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Christian Conversions in India - A film by Pia Skov

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Yes I understand what you mean, that you're against the manipulation of poor.
Christian missionaries 're offering money to the poor because the poor would do a harmless conversion in return for money.But in that case I would say the rich temples that we have don't take care of these poor.I've not understood whats the use of stacking so much money in temples when it can be given as alms. Infact doesn't the charity money that we offer in temples meant to take care of the poor?
We should not be complaining if the poor of our religion 're taking shelter of other religions.

You talk as if Temples are free my dear levina ji. :what: Temples are under the control of govt, and temples need to pay govt for taking care of it, as if they management boards cannot take care of it, and they also cannot spend it freely as we think they can.
What can they do? Tirupathi sits alone atop thousands, perhaps lakhs of crores of wealth. If it can, it can give so much money freely to poor peoples. But can it?

Secularist will never allow temples allow out of govt control. It means a lots of money to politicians. Just before yu ask me how, let me quote a example.
A famous temple in Chennai, Parthasarathy temple, ancient one, has its land enroached by shop keepers , and lands given as rent, are as mean as possible. Now the shops for rent are given and decided by politicians here, and they get the commissions accordingly. Temples are under clutches, which needed to be freed. Then you will be hearing stories how western poors are converting to Hinduism for the sake of money.
Before blaming other folks come through her posts from the beginning... Pretty insane to accuse insult Christianity like this... My parents promised to donate 5 lac rupees in two instalment for church construction... But after floods in kashmir. My parents agreed to spend as much as we can in those amount.. We gave it without thinking are the beneficiaries are Christians or not etc... We felt it's our responsibility as we are Indians... But after reading her post.. I started thinking is this my country or not.. I'm started feeling like I'm outsider..
Dude, why are you taking everything upon yourself? There are good and bad people everywhere. There are bad Hindus and there could bad Christians who are indulging in practices that you would never agree with.

Don't take internet debate personally. Do you really think people behave the same way in real life like they comment here? Its a virtual world and we all live virtual lives here. This is just a fora to let out your frustration. Learn to ignore certain conversations.

I am proud of you and your family for having supported people of Kashmir in their bad times. You should be a proud Indian and don't ever say you are not just because of some stupid debates you had with someone over internet. Now cheer up and take it easy mate!!

Man one more thing, you stole my 007 and that's the reason I had to settle for 197. I have to find out whom I can complain to for this theft. Do you know any intelligence agency??
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Racist is a big word, but i agree, i have gone a bit over the edge. i did not know it was a her, explains a lot.

most of us are tolerant people towards other religions particularly towards Christians. you can leave her.
most of us are tolerant people towards other religions particularly towards Christians. you can leave her.

If you see most of Christians are far more peaceful in India... During years of experience in pdf... No body asked me. My religion or about my belief... Whenever pak members pointing fingers on India about dalits.. I proudly debated with them.. First time she asked me.. And the thread appears within few days...

Dude, why are you taking everything upon yourself? There are good and bad people everywhere. There are bad Hindus and there could bad Christians who are indulging in practices that you would never agree with.

Don't take internet debate personally. Do you really think people behave the same way in real life like they comment here? Its a virtual world and we all live virtual lives here. This is just a fora to let out your frustration. Learn to ignore certain conversations.

I am proud of you and your family for having supported people of Kashmir in their bad times. You should be a proud Indian and don't ever say you are not just because of some stupid debates you had with someone over internet. Now cheer up and take it easy mate!!

Man one more thing, you stole my 007 and that's the reason I had to settle for 197. I have to find out whom I can complain to for this theft. Do you know any intelligence agency??
Well I believe in Christianity... Pretty much obvious for to respond for her non sense.. She don't have Lil manners nor shame... Accusing every other as liars... Insulting and calling another member as he told about his ex gf death... Accusing Jesus....... These are very personal and sensitive matters.. But she is keep repeating these stuff... There are some exceptional things which others shouldn't involve.. She crossed the limits.... Well ya.. I have contacts with IB...
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You talk as if Temples are free my dear levina ji. :what: Temples are under the control of govt, and temples need to pay govt for taking care of it, as if they management boards cannot take care of it, and they also cannot spend it freely as we think they can.
What can they do? Tirupathi sits alone atop thousands, perhaps lakhs of crores of wealth. If it can, it can give so much money freely to poor peoples. But can it?

Secularist will never allow temples allow out of govt control. It means a lots of money to politicians. Just before yu ask me how, let me quote a example.
A famous temple in Chennai, Parthasarathy temple, ancient one, has its land enroached by shop keepers , and lands given as rent, are as mean as possible. Now the shops for rent are given and decided by politicians here, and they get the commissions accordingly. Temples are under clutches, which needed to be freed. Then you will be hearing stories how western poors are converting to Hinduism for the sake of money.
ask me and I'll say these temples 've long been centres of education and ergo we need a hindu renaissance to free 'em (like Subramanian swamy calls it).
And now that we have BJP at the helm of affairs can the laws not be mended?? why should only hindu temples be under the government??
But there's an issue ....
Under Article 31 of the Constitution the Government can take over any property which Supreme Court in other judgement interpreted to mean "including temples" and only for a "limited period".
But nowhere is this limited period explained in terms of years.
So in case of the Tirupati temple which was taken over since 1933 ,if today somebody goes to the Supreme Court with a petition then SC will allow the temple to be given back to the trustees, but who are the trustees.?? That’s been a matter of dispute.We don't have rightful owners for these temples.And also as I said article 31 should be amended.
I hope BJP govt comes up with a solution to all this.
ask me and I'll say these temples 've long been centres of education and ergo we need a hindu renaissance to free 'em (like Subramanian swamy calls it).

And I suppose you'd be Levina da Vinci painting frescos in this Renaissance ? :what:

Aaap seh eik Duck tou banaiii nahin jatiii tou frescos kahan seh aap nei bananeiii hain ? :unsure:
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