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Choudhary Nisar On Nirander Modi

It,s " Narendar modi should stop dreaming about threatening Pakistan by simply farting in the air"
Then tell your Internal fart man...oops i mean Internal Minister that when Modi didn't even say that dawood is in Pak then how come your internal minister came to conclusion that modi was threatening Pak. LOL this very well tells where dawood is.
barking dog (modi) seldom bites .. let the ugly pizzdrinker(modi) bark
...:D. who cares?:rolleyes:

That's the right spirit. Only you have to stop commenting on Modi to demonstrate that you really do not care, otherwise people get the wrong idea.

The more you talk about him, the more people start think that you really do care. A most common misunderstanding.
True Jinnah successfully executed creation of a terrorist sponsoring nation, that's really a huge achievement, I'd rather prefer achieving sh!t than achieving what Jinnah achieved.

Pakistan was peaceful country before 9/11. After 9/11 when USA attacked Afghanistan, Pakistan became frontline zone for this war. And we even helped USA to fight terrorists. 100% of the food and all the weapons of the NATO and USA comes from the Pakistan routes into Afghanistan. And secondly alqaeda was created by USA In order to destroy Soviet Union. They even invited alqaeda leaders in their White House.

And secondly we Pakistanis are not terrorists we are in hit list of terrorists. Terrorists are killing Pakistanis. In war against terrorism we have sacrificed a lot, 80000+ Pakistani civilians and 15000+ soldiers were killed. Our economy was destroyed. I never saw Indians ever killed by terrorists. And furthermore what india is doing in balochistan and in Karachi, have u ever thought. And why india is so interested in Afghanistan. This is because india is aiding Taliban to attack and destabilize pakistan further more.

And at last what has your leaders achieved?
In india millions of peoples are sleeping in footpaths. And majority of people don't even have assess to toilets and it's most poor country of the world. According to the world bank india has one third of the poor people of world. And india is second biggest country with most amount of rape crimes. And starvation in india is similar to starvation in Central African countries.
If India wants to interfere and perform actions inside Pakistani borders then India should declare herself as "Islamic republic of India", Once you do that then you can do anything inside Pakistan under the umbrella of Islamic brotherhood but until then Indian leader should stop having these wet dreams and Indian public should take chaska in chaat instead of these attack mongering statements.
If India wants to interfere and perform actions inside Pakistani borders then India should declare herself as "Islamic republic of India", Once you do that then you can do anything inside Pakistan under the umbrella of Islamic brotherhood but until then Indian leader should stop having these wet dreams and Indian public should take chaska in chaat instead of these attack mongering statements.
what difference does it make
if we do it under The Republic of India
of The Islamic Republic of India...............
what difference does it make
if we do it under The Republic of India
of The Islamic Republic of India...............

it does make a difference
if you do it as Republic of India, your get a punch back
if you do it as Islamic Republic on India, we wont do anything we will even facilitate you because we are sucker for Islamic brotherhood.
try to troll??? i wont understand....Iam new Recruit...what that means
nothing much just try to irritate few fellas.....and enjoy the show.....:D:D

barking dog (modi) seldom bites .. let the ugly pizzdrinker(modi) bark
...:D. who cares?:rolleyes:
u care ...that is the reason u hate him so much and ur people......:lol::lol:
u afraid bro......jao aaj se mommy ke pass sona nai to raat me modi aa jaye ga.......:lol::lol:
If two persons are being accused of same crime then there is no problem comparing them , one being father of nation isn't going to happen . You would have understood it if you had a brain .

Well it is only you who accuse him of this "crime" and we all know the reason for it. As for Modi even neutral western media accused him several times of being a hindu fundamentalist.
Yes ......Nirander nirander Modi modi..
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