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I don't understand.

Your comments were very stupid and very immature.

What is the point you are trying to make? Do you have a point to make?

Nope. He's just trying to make a point without a point. He seems to be a MP (Master of Pointlessness). :D
See what Indian See Power can do!

Strength wise no force can defeat USN,i agree.
USN can send IN to the ocean floor anytime of the day.
But we do have the potential to strike back and give them significant damage.
Still,they will beat us,no doubt. But by the time,we will be in full scale war,and we are too important for them.
Vehicle parts,text books,fruits,food items,cloths,tools,cell phones heck theres a listfull of items they use every day that is supplied by us.

Not to mention Yoga Teachers.
U guys dont have an independent military n foreign policy.

On the contrary, we have had an independent military and foreign policy since before you were born.

India stayed away from both factions during the Cold War; Pakistan was a lackey of one side. The popular saying then among Pakistanis was that Pakistan was ruled by the three 'A's; Allah, the Army and America.

India was a leading builder of the non-aligned movement. Pakistan was a member of CENTO and SEATO.

India bought her arms and ammunitions from wherever there was no pressure. Because she had bought some helicopters, and a unique VTOL plane, from the west, she was penalized for taking an independent line. As a result, India took up indigenous development, and now build her own design of aircraft, tanks and warships. Pakistan is not even close to that.

Your comment is so hugely the opposite of what happened that it is easy to make out that you are a schoolboy trying to make an impression by stringing words together. Perhaps after tn or fifteen years more, you might have picked up enough knowledge of actual events to be able to contribute to a serious discussion. Right now, you are unfit for that, and deserve only to be ignored.

As yr economy is also american sponger, So in that way the Americans also do things to influence yr foreign policy like in Afghanistan,China related issues.

Again, your childish ignorance shows.

India has had an independent Afghan policy from 1947 onwards. Pakistan was considered an Afghan enemy, holding on to its Pashtun population through the division of Pashtun lands due to the British imposed Durand Line. Then, as now, and except for the brief period of grotesque mediaeval barbarism under Taliban rule, under the sponsorship of the Pakistani ISI, Afghanistan has always been friendly to India. there is nothing about Indian policy towards Afghanistan that is influenced by the US, indeed, the US has sought India's help rpetdly and been turned down repeatedly.

India has also had a Chinese policy since long before Pakistan even realized there was a country called China. India was among thee strong backers of China for the UN Security Council permanent membership; Pakistan was not, and America opposed it for years. India and the US were at odds over Chinese policy, while Pakistan dutifully toed the American line, even helping the US to break the ice and meet China.

Lastly, we have an economy. Don't you wish you had one?

Also yr military policy is also not independent from Parliament. They can make or take decisions without their say. N yr military has suffered because of that.

If you ask your father and grandfather, and they allow you to talk about such grown up things, they will tell you how much harm came to Pakistan thanks to military rule. You have been under military dictatorship for half of your existence. As a result, none of your institutions work properly.

Our military cannot have suffered due to parliamentary control, because the country benefited from that. When the country benefits, the military also benefits. You will learn all this when you get to a senior class and stop wearing shorts to school.

The latest case was of that MV Suez where they were ready to rescue the sailors but kept on waiting for Gov approval in the mean time Pakistan rescued them.

Was this why you interrupted the discussion? To say this?

That had brought a very bad name in yr country n world against yr armed forces.

Right. Understood.

Now go back to your homework. Let us worry about our reputation, you worry about yours.
I have seen france experimentally detonating nuclear bombs in sea in 90s ..when it comes to life and death i dont think nations restrict their options ...there is very less chance of war between major powers in coming two decades ..it will be a huge risk with minimum profit ..but situation will change and with some defence technological revolution we can clearly see the picture and nation which is gonna dominate future ..
Nope. He's just trying to make a point without a point. He seems to be a MP (Master of Pointlessness). :D
See what Indian See Power can do!

Not to mention Yoga Teachers.

May be in the event of a war,we may call back our citizens and a large deal of working population-from scientists to doctors to yoga teachers to taxi drivers. I have worked in a call centre for some time,and it will be fun to watch some americans live without call centres.
Indians constitute a good deal of usa's work force.
May be in the event of a war,we may call back our citizens and a large deal of working population-from scientists to doctors to yoga teachers to taxi drivers. I have worked in a call centre for some time,and it will be fun to watch some americans live without call centres.
Indians constitute a good deal of usa's work force.

Will they want to come back? Esp. the Yoga Teachers? There is nothing worse than being an "out of work" Yoga Teacher. :)

Now seriously speaking, I think that you are giving that far more seriousness than it even deserves. India is not poised to go to any war with the USA, esp. one that will involve Yoga teachers or even spiritual Gurus.

Hell-of course; if it gets dead serious, then we'll call back Preet Bharara- then Wall Street will just collapse like a pack of cards!
Argues Zhao, four key geo-strategic factors have underwritten India’s rise. First, India and its surrounding
areas boast a wealth of natural resources. Second, India is by far the most powerful country in the Indian Ocean region. Third, the physical distance separating the United States from India affords New Delhi ample geopolitical space for maneuver. Fourth, India borders economically dynamic regions such as the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) states and China.

It is good to see Chinese experts making the same expert mistakes as others make.

Every one of these geo-political factors is a reality. Does it follow that either the Indian leadership has been aware of these, or that it has acted upon these? The answer is fairly obvious if one looks at the ranks of the Indian political class. Should we descend to the level of examples and to testing these examples against their possible appreciation of these geo-political factors? I suggest that we skip this step and move on with the tacit understanding that the Indian politicians are driven by the classic factors mentioned in a cynical Sanskrit text - the stomach and the penis.

if these factors work in favour of India, it is so in spite of the Indian leadership, not because of them.

However, in fairness, the experts have noted India's contradictory situation - her apparent appreciation of the vast geo-political value of her position, and her complete failure to do anything about it. He has an explanation:

...Zhao quotes Nehru and K. M. Panikkar to prove that Indian politicians and strategists have long recognized these geopolitical advantages and that they have consistently evinced the belief that India’s destiny is inextricably tied to the Indian Ocean. However, due to India’s insistence on taking a third way during the Cold War superpower competition, New Delhi was content to focus on its own subcontinental affairs.

An odd explanation: New Delhi chose to go its own way, and that cost it mastery of tthe ocean.
The opening note offers very rich lode. For me, the spirit is willing but the flesh would like to call it a day. Tomorrow, perhaps, when chuckleheaded young troublemakers are at school.
India or China alone can give USA a run for their money in the IOR right now,let alone in 3 decades.

Please tell me your joking right. The US 7th fleet ( i am not even including the entire US Navy) is strong enough to annihilate a combined armada of both Indian and Chinese naval fleet. The assets, training, quality officers, doctrine and operational readiness of the 7th Fleet is something only the world can only dream of emulating. India and China both are aware of US Naval Strength, that is why the 7th fleet rules the seas of both Pacific and Indian Ocean.
Please tell me your joking right. The US 7th fleet ( i am not even including the entire US Navy) is strong enough to annihilate a combined armada of both Indian and Chinese naval fleet. The assets, training, quality officers, doctrine and operational readiness of the 7th Fleet is something only the world can only dream of emulating. India and China both are aware of US Naval Strength, that is why the 7th fleet rules the seas of both Pacific and Indian Ocean.

Pretty sure it was a mistake he meant "can't" not ca.
I think there will be no clash between IN and Chinese Navy for decades to come.
U guys dont have an independent military n foreign policy.
As yr economy is also american sponger, So in that way the Americans also do things to influence yr foreign policy like in Afghanistan,China related issues.
Also yr military policy is also not independent from Parliament. They can make or take decisions without their say. N yr military has suffered because of that.
The latest case was of that MV Suez where they were ready to rescue the sailors but kept on waiting for Gov approval in the mean time Pakistan rescued them.
That had brought a very bad name in yr country n world against yr armed forces.

An Intelligent Pakistani and a true follower of Nageena-E-Pakistan (Zaid Hamid).
Please tell me your joking right. The US 7th fleet ( i am not even including the entire US Navy) is strong enough to annihilate a combined armada of both Indian and Chinese naval fleet. The assets, training, quality officers, doctrine and operational readiness of the 7th Fleet is something only the world can only dream of emulating. India and China both are aware of US Naval Strength, that is why the 7th fleet rules the seas of both Pacific and Indian Ocean.

I share your dismay and frustration. Some of these posts should be clinically notified as hazardous to health.
Please tell me your joking right. The US 7th fleet ( i am not even including the entire US Navy) is strong enough to annihilate a combined armada of both Indian and Chinese naval fleet. The assets, training, quality officers, doctrine and operational readiness of the 7th Fleet is something only the world can only dream of emulating. India and China both are aware of US Naval Strength, that is why the 7th fleet rules the seas of both Pacific and Indian Ocean.

Do you know the strength of US 7th fleet??
Indian ocean is India's back yard mate think of logistic supplies??
Do you even know the strength of India navy and its future accusations??

You people will cheer any body even that country exploits you. Only thing you want is to satisfy your ego by degrading India.
Do you know the strength of US 7th fleet??
Indian ocean is India's back yard mate think of logistic supplies??
Do you even know the strength of India navy and its future accusations??

You people will cheer any body even that country exploits you.

Actually he has a point.
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