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How so? .......

We will be fighting in our own ground,with shore based assets to our rescue. Imagine what happens when Chinese and Indian services and supplies to the Europe and US are cut? Daily life will be a standstill in their place.
Its something they can never afford.
We will be fighting in our own ground,with shore based assets to our rescue. Imagine what happens when Chinese and Indian services and supplies to the Europe and US are cut? Daily life will be a standstill in their place.
Its something they can never afford.

yes how will we ever survive without 1-800-DAIL-A-YOGI
We will be fighting in our own ground,with shore based assets to our rescue. Imagine what happens when Chinese and Indian services and supplies to the Europe and US are cut? Daily life will be a standstill in their place.
Its something they can never afford.

You think USN can't handle combined IN and PLAN.

Besides you overestimate importance of India and maybe also China to USA.
Gosh the Chinese are so scared!!They are shitting their pants!!
This thread can be more productive, if Captain.Popeye, ares and Joe Sheaher can comment

Syama; thanks for remembering me. I'll read the OP thoroughly, give it a thought and attempt to give a worth-while response.
Of course its interesting to read about a Chinese view on India's Maritime Doctrine; since perceptually they are the most likely to be impacted by its intent. USA and Western Interests at best will look for anything favorable contained in it and at worst, will find something nuetral in it. Unless the USA is determined to ensure that its "Mahan Doctrine" is maintainable in the IOR in perpetuity- not to forget that it was postulated for the Pacific Ocean. The Russians will find no reason to hold any unfavorable view.
i does Mr but its something to do with a Brain to understand:lol:

I don't understand.

Your comments were very stupid and very immature.

What is the point you are trying to make? Do you have a point to make?
When did Navy became a prelude for independent foreign policy?
Post 22 have perfectly echoed my words .. Answer that...

U guys dont have an independent military n foreign policy.
As yr economy is also american sponger, So in that way the Americans also do things to influence yr foreign policy like in Afghanistan,China related issues.
Also yr military policy is also not independent from Parliament. They can make or take decisions without their say. N yr military has suffered because of that.
The latest case was of that MV Suez where they were ready to rescue the sailors but kept on waiting for Gov approval in the mean time Pakistan rescued them.
That had brought a very bad name in yr country n world against yr armed forces.
U guys dont have an independent military n foreign policy.
As yr economy is also american sponger, So in that way the Americans also do things to influence yr foreign policy like in Afghanistan,China related issues.
Also yr military policy is also not independent from Parliament. They can make or take decisions without their say. N yr military has suffered because of that.
The latest case was of that MV Suez where they were ready to rescue the sailors but kept on waiting for Gov approval in the mean time Pakistan rescued them.
That had brought a very bad name in yr country n world against yr armed forces.

Thats the way An armed forces work.... Do u think armed forces will be independent, if they are able to coup, kill prime ministers or send them to exile like in ur country?
Govt give command, forces execute them, and thats how they work, but being under dictatorship for long, it will take time for you to understand this..
Even USN takes call from politicians before acting on international waters, the fact is their politicians are tough guys and there is no force yet born to challenge them, but in the case of india and sub continent, officials take time to respond to armed forces request....
Moreover independent foreign policy is taken by govt and it has nothing to do with Navy... Make ur mind clear...
You think USN can't handle combined IN and PLAN.

Besides you overestimate importance of India and maybe also China to USA.

Strength wise no force can defeat USN,i agree.
USN can send IN to the ocean floor anytime of the day.
But we do have the potential to strike back and give them significant damage.
Still,they will beat us,no doubt. But by the time,we will be in full scale war,and we are too important for them.
Vehicle parts,text books,fruits,food items,cloths,tools,cell phones heck theres a listfull of items they use every day that is supplied by us.
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