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Chinese Version of NMD(National Missile Defence)?

No, I compared 1991 PLA with 1991 Iraq. LOL :omghaha:

Since then, the US have refined our tactics and technologies while the PLA scrambled to modernize. In the real world, if there is a shooting fight between the USAF and PLA air defense, then and now, the PLA would lose -- badly.

I doubt that the PLAAF version is even comparable to our Red Flag or Top Gun or Weapons School. Put one of your 'Gold Shower' pilots with Top Gun and he would be bewildered the first time he takes to the air.
U just remind me in the Korea War ... how young Chinese pilots driving Migs shot down U.S fighters after WWII ... who knows the future ? just next time i will add PLAAF J-20 stealth fighters into my list ... the only thing i can sure in next 2x years. LOL :coffee:
'The real world' is U.S has ZERO experience with China HQ-9 + HQ-16 + HQ-7B missiles

At last China also holding 'Red Flag' Airforce combat exercise each 2x years inside China, each time over hundred PLAAF pilots & fighters flying from differernt PLA regions joint the game to compete for ACE 'Golden Helm' ... u knew what's that exercise =).

1) You KEEP saying that the US pilots have no experience with your HQ-9 and 16 and other missiles. Do you understand the science behind a missile's post launch activity? Unless your missile can remain after a plane forever, and even if the pilot lands, it'll go hit him in a parking lot, everything else is the same, only more advanced.

You may have one or dual seeker or a combo of advanced active or passive seeker with IR.....the missile still has to chase after the plane and that's when the jet's counter measures, electronics and pilots capability and tactics come in. I'd HIGHLY suggest you read up on a few things before you keep repeating like one of those feel good statements in a fortune cooky you get from a Chinese restaurant, saying "you'll have a great day today", and all 200 people get the SAME things. 80% of which, usually end up having a horrible day :omghaha:

2) The Golden Shower Ace of China, coming to Vegas for Red Flag would probably be betted against by the American pilots, "take off to lock in 60 seconds" :tup: and people won't put money on it because they'd know they'll lose!

The Golden Helm and the Red Flag are two VERY different activities. I will JUST leave it at that. I'd love to see a Chinese pilot or two come for a good will visit to the Red Flag.....it would be referred to as the "Red Flag Turkey Shoot" event for that year!!
1) You KEEP saying that the US pilots have no experience with your HQ-9 and 16 and other missiles. Do you understand the science behind a missile's post launch activity? Unless your missile can remain after a plane forever, and even if the pilot lands, it'll go hit him in a parking lot, everything else is the same, only more advanced.

You may have one or dual seeker or a combo of advanced active or passive seeker with IR.....the missile still has to chase after the plane and that's when the jet's counter measures, electronics and pilots capability and tactics come in. I'd HIGHLY suggest you read up on a few things before you keep repeating like one of those feel good statements in a fortune cooky you get from a Chinese restaurant, saying "you'll have a great day today", and all 200 people get the SAME things. 80% of which, usually end up having a horrible day :omghaha:
When F16C/D,F15C/E, F18E/F, F22 etc can fly faster than 4-Mach speed, remember call China BeiJing :coffee:
hq-9 anti-missile.jpg

When F16C/D,F15C/E, F18E/F, F22 etc fly higher than 1960s TaiWan's U-2 Spy, remember call China BeiJing :coffee:


2) The Golden Shower Ace of China, coming to Vegas for Red Flag would probably be betted against by the American pilots, "take off to lock in 60 seconds" :tup: and people won't put money on it because they'd know they'll lose!

The Golden Helm and the Red Flag are two VERY different activities. I will JUST leave it at that. I'd love to see a Chinese pilot or two come for a good will visit to the Red Flag.....it would be referred to as the "Red Flag Turkey Shoot" event for that year!!
If U.S can invite PLAAF join the 'Red Flag' in Vegas, China should go there and collect tactical information & link datas, win-win for us.
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When F16C/D,F15C/E, F18E/F, F22 etc can faster than 4-Mach, remember call BeiJing

If U.S can invite PLAAF join the 'Red Flag' in Vegas, China should go there and collect tactical information & link datas, win-win for us.

1) Every modern missile has speeds exceeding Mach 2.5 - 3 at the least. Some are at Mach 4 now. So what is SO special in this missile that we have to be concerned? You think the US military looks at the adversary's firepower and says "Nah, let's not go to war"??? In the Desert Storm, the initial prediction was that 40% of our troops may not come back from the ground assault......what happened? There was plenty of Chinese junks laying around going for scrap, in addition to stuff from the UK they sold to Iraq many years before all this started. So trust me, you won't hear from us "OOOH, I am SHO scared" lol. Our pilots train knowingly they have to overcome overwhelmingly challenging environments. Take this little missile talk to the Indians. They might get scared :enjoy:

2) Riiight, if we ever extend the invitation for the Red flag, you think we are JUST so nice that we just wanted to see a couple of Chinese pilots flying a jet. Its almost like a rare scene no one's seen in the US :rofl:
1) Every modern missile has speeds exceeding Mach 2.5 - 3 at the least. Some are at Mach 4 now. So what is SO special in this missile that we have to be concerned? You think the US military looks at the adversary's firepower and says "Nah, let's not go to war"??? In the Desert Storm, the initial prediction was that 40% of our troops may not come back from the ground assault......what happened? There was plenty of Chinese junks laying around going for scrap, in addition to stuff from the UK they sold to Iraq many years before all this started. So trust me, you won't hear from us "OOOH, I am SHO scared" lol. Our pilots train knowingly they have to overcome overwhelmingly challenging environments. Take this little missile talk to the Indians. They might get scared :enjoy:

2) Riiight, if we ever extend the invitation for the Red flag, you think we are JUST so nice that we just wanted to see a couple of Chinese pilots flying a jet. Its almost like a rare scene no one's seen in the US :rofl:
OH MY GOD ... i was thought only Vienamese members in PDF love talking the old time, now i found the American here also too ... the Great Desert Storm !!! Yes it is, 1991 Desert Storm as the example of Modern War also teach many for PLA, China focus the details of Desert Storm too ... the War boost China building a strong & modern military force.

Well when u still talking 20 years ago ... im just living in 2015, here's Morocco F-16 and Saudi F-15 shot down by Yemen Houthi force. How the American F-16 and F-15 come down by Middle-East rebel force ?! :coffee: Is that u said advanced fighter ??? :omghaha:





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Well when u still talking 20 years ago ... im just living in 2015,...
Good...Then what experience does the PLA have against advanced pilots ?

here's Morocco F-16 and Saudi F-15 shot down by Yemen Houthi force. How the American F-16 and F-15 come down by Middle-East rebel force ?! :coffee: Is that u said advanced fighter ???
That just goes to show how simple minded you really are. You think that the aircraft does everything, that the pilot does not matter ?
OH MY GOD ... i was thought only Vienamese members in PDF love talking the old time, now i found the American here also too ... the Great Desert Storm !!! Yes it is, 1991 Desert Storm as the example of Modern War also teach many for PLA, China focus the details of Desert Storm too ... the War boost China building a strong & modern military force.

Well when u still talking 20 years ago ... im just living in 2015, here's Morocco F-16 and Saudi F-15 shot down by Yemen Houthi force. How the American F-16 and F-15 come down by Middle-East rebel force ?! :coffee: Is that u said advanced fighter ??? :omghaha:
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OH my God where is captain america 55555555555555
Good...Then what experience does the PLA have against advanced pilots ?
I said all at #59 post.

That just goes to show how simple minded you really are. You think that the aircraft does everything, that the pilot does not matter ?
AWACS + Over-the-horizon air-to-air missile + Lazer/GPS bomb really can make the pilot more relaxed ... even attack-UAV can make pilot keep away from War Zone like playing game. The pilot just need know how to avoid long-range air-defence missiles from ground ... future modern SkyWar is before u watch the enemy fighter, the combat has finished.
Good...Then what experience does the PLA have against advanced pilots ?

That just goes to show how simple minded you really are. You think that the aircraft does everything, that the pilot does not matter ?

PAF who often train with western and American tell China everything. While US know nothing about PLAAF. I can bet US will have a rude shock if air war now started just like how Korean war is for the American. :D
PAF who often train with western and American tell China everything. While US know nothing about PLAAF.
Do you REALLY believe that ?

I can bet US will have a rude shock if air war now started just like how Korean war is for the American. :D
The Korean War again ? We have Russian pilots who admitted that they flew wearing Chinese uniforms.

But here is what you can bet on and it will be a rude shock to you...

You will lose, but why you will lose is because of the human factor, not of the technology involved, although technology will contribute to your defeat. China have a conscription policy. Yes, the PLA does have the picking, but essentially the PLA is a conscription service.

Overview of FY2011 and FY2012 Results

In FY2011 and FY2012, all of the Active Components achieved their recruit quantity goals and recruit quality was very strong. Virtually all new recruits had high school diplomas, and nearly three-quarters scored above average on the Armed Forces Qualification Test. The Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force experienced the highest recruit quality levels achieved since the beginning of the All-Volunteer Force in 1973. Retention also remained strong, with all of the Services close to or exceeding their goals.
What is the PLA's reenlistment rate ?

In the civilian world, a 'generation' can be classified in two ways: physical and cultural.

A physical generation is about 40 yrs, which includes the best period for child bearing, not child rearing, with post-30 yrs of age having the highest health risk.

A cultural generation is about 70 yrs, which includes the physical yrs and when the person can no longer have and raise children but can still contribute to the country in other ways, such as paying taxes, being active in politics, or running a business.

In the military, a generation is about 20-30 yrs, with serving beyond 25 yrs a rarity. Upon enlistment, and using the words 'enlistment' and 'recruit' broadly to include commissioned and non-commissioned ranks, a recruit is not a contributor for about one yr. There is at least a couple of months for boot camp and if there are any technical knowledge requirement, add a couple of more months. So if the service term is 2 yrs for a non-comm, a soldier/airman/sailor will not even begin to have any positive contribution to his/her branch until he/she is fully assimilated into the assigned unit, which means at the start of the second yr of service. If the person know his obligation will be done in one yr and he will be free to start a new career, have a family, travel, etc., why bother to reenlist ?

Have YOU or any of your fellow Chinese here completed your 2-yrs ? No ? Why not ? You were not selected ? Why not ? So what make you guys think you know anything about the military in general when you have not been a contributor at all ?

In a 4 yr service term in the American all-voluntary military, a person will be able to contribute for at least two yrs. If there is a reenlistment for another 4 yrs, the person's contribution rises exponentially because of increased experience and gained knowledge from the previous term. Eight yrs of service in any civilian organization and the person is considered a highly valuable employee. With today's increasing dynamic workforce, 8 yrs of employment make the person even more valuable. For the military where the work environment requires deployments to uncomfortable locations, dangerous conditions, or even death, a voluntary extension of contract make any soldier/airman/sailor a formidable opponent to any potential adversary. After my 10 yrs, I continued to contribute to the defense of the US as a civilian employee in the aviation defense sector for nearly another 9 yrs.

You guys who have never served a single day in the PLA will never understand what I am talking about. That is why you are so focused on the 'shiny new toy' aspect of weaponry and not the humans that are required to man and support them. You guys are very good at posting pictures and citing specs but not at explaining how they can be used to their maximum effectiveness. To explain how to use a squad automatic weapon (SAW) you need to at least have basic training of it -- post boot camp -- and to be the assigned bearer of it in a unit. To be a master of it, you need to carry it beyond 2 yrs.

Your PLA is corrupt and inefficient up and down the ranks, from the lowest one-striper all the way to the top generals and admirals, who sells assignments and ranks like snacks at sporting events.

China’s Antigraft Drive Exposes Military Risks - WSJ
...the rampant buying and selling of military ranks.

So widespread was the trade in ranks in the past decade that they came attached with unofficial price tags, with promotion to general costing at least 10 million yuan ($1.6 million) and to senior colonel more than half that, current and retired officers say. Even just enlisting as an ordinary soldier could cost 10,000 yuan in bribes, they say.

“It had become a vicious cycle,” said a retired Chinese officer, with officers who had paid for promotion looking to recoup their investment. The practice, he said, was “pervasive throughout the entire army in the past 10 years.”
It has been going more than 10 yrs, if anyone is willing to put mind to the issue. The pervasiveness is now noticeable but you can bet whatever paltry annual salary you have that such trade in ranks and assignment have been going on much longer. A family can cobble up enough bribe money for their son to have an office job for his 2 yrs when the man maybe smart enough to be the next Chinese version of 'Top Gun' or skilled enough as a sharp shooter for the troops. What a contributor to national defense this man could be ?

For the few Americans on this forum who have served for at least one 4 yr term, we do not underestimate the PLA at all. If anything, we take the PLA very seriously as an adversary. But precisely because we have served for more than one term of service, we do understand the significance of the human factor in any military. Each of us have been there, from when we were new recruits requiring a lot of hand holding to when we became independent contributors to our respective branch of service.

Your PLA will lose a fight against US.
For the umpteenth time....
India's Policy has, is and always will remain India first. India is not going to be anyone monkey to do thier bidding. Having good relations with US doesn't mean India has to be an extension of US's foriegn policy, That is called an Independent Foreign policy, if you are looking for a puppet state look elsewhere in the vicinity that will sell you their national policy for military aid and f16's... kapish...

let me guess, as you run out of mental space, you will respond with vedic rants, right....?

You won't see me write direct insulting silly posts towards you. You seem to be a bit educated

He just insulted you.
Do you REALLY believe that ?

The Korean War again ? We have Russian pilots who admitted that they flew wearing Chinese uniforms.

But here is what you can bet on and it will be a rude shock to you...

You will lose, but why you will lose is because of the human factor, not of the technology involved, although technology will contribute to your defeat. China have a conscription policy. Yes, the PLA does have the picking, but essentially the PLA is a conscription service.


What is the PLA's reenlistment rate ?

In the civilian world, a 'generation' can be classified in two ways: physical and cultural.

A physical generation is about 40 yrs, which includes the best period for child bearing, not child rearing, with post-30 yrs of age having the highest health risk.

A cultural generation is about 70 yrs, which includes the physical yrs and when the person can no longer have and raise children but can still contribute to the country in other ways, such as paying taxes, being active in politics, or running a business.

In the military, a generation is about 20-30 yrs, with serving beyond 25 yrs a rarity. Upon enlistment, and using the words 'enlistment' and 'recruit' broadly to include commissioned and non-commissioned ranks, a recruit is not a contributor for about one yr. There is at least a couple of months for boot camp and if there are any technical knowledge requirement, add a couple of more months. So if the service term is 2 yrs for a non-comm, a soldier/airman/sailor will not even begin to have any positive contribution to his/her branch until he/she is fully assimilated into the assigned unit, which means at the start of the second yr of service. If the person know his obligation will be done in one yr and he will be free to start a new career, have a family, travel, etc., why bother to reenlist ?

Have YOU or any of your fellow Chinese here completed your 2-yrs ? No ? Why not ? You were not selected ? Why not ? So what make you guys think you know anything about the military in general when you have not been a contributor at all ?

In a 4 yr service term in the American all-voluntary military, a person will be able to contribute for at least two yrs. If there is a reenlistment for another 4 yrs, the person's contribution rises exponentially because of increased experience and gained knowledge from the previous term. Eight yrs of service in any civilian organization and the person is considered a highly valuable employee. With today's increasing dynamic workforce, 8 yrs of employment make the person even more valuable. For the military where the work environment requires deployments to uncomfortable locations, dangerous conditions, or even death, a voluntary extension of contract make any soldier/airman/sailor a formidable opponent to any potential adversary. After my 10 yrs, I continued to contribute to the defense of the US as a civilian employee in the aviation defense sector for nearly another 9 yrs.

You guys who have never served a single day in the PLA will never understand what I am talking about. That is why you are so focused on the 'shiny new toy' aspect of weaponry and not the humans that are required to man and support them. You guys are very good at posting pictures and citing specs but not at explaining how they can be used to their maximum effectiveness. To explain how to use a squad automatic weapon (SAW) you need to at least have basic training of it -- post boot camp -- and to be the assigned bearer of it in a unit. To be a master of it, you need to carry it beyond 2 yrs.

Your PLA is corrupt and inefficient up and down the ranks, from the lowest one-striper all the way to the top generals and admirals, who sells assignments and ranks like snacks at sporting events.

China’s Antigraft Drive Exposes Military Risks - WSJ

It has been going more than 10 yrs, if anyone is willing to put mind to the issue. The pervasiveness is now noticeable but you can bet whatever paltry annual salary you have that such trade in ranks and assignment have been going on much longer. A family can cobble up enough bribe money for their son to have an office job for his 2 yrs when the man maybe smart enough to be the next Chinese version of 'Top Gun' or skilled enough as a sharp shooter for the troops. What a contributor to national defense this man could be ?

For the few Americans on this forum who have served for at least one 4 yr term, we do not underestimate the PLA at all. If anything, we take the PLA very seriously as an adversary. But precisely because we have served for more than one term of service, we do understand the significance of the human factor in any military. Each of us have been there, from when we were new recruits requiring a lot of hand holding to when we became independent contributors to our respective branch of service.

Your PLA will lose a fight against US.

Yea like the Korean war when the American military was utterly humiliated? :lol:

US couldn't beat a volunteer army in the 1950's with all the tech advantage and money advantage, and I can assure you the US military aint touching the PLA in the 21st century.

American military is all about hype. It's best stealth fighter was shot down by superpower Serbia :lol:

The only fight the US can win against the PLA is the war fought on paper. We already know what happened in the actual war :coffee:
The only fight the US can win against the PLA is the war fought on paper. We already know what happened in the actual war :coffee:
The last time your PLAAF fighter tried to engage a lumbering four engine USAF prop jobber, guess who died ? :lol:
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