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Chinese Troops Intrude Into India Again

No conflicting interests?! :omghaha:

It is sad to see all the Indians desperately trying to explain why China and India will not go to war. The Indians know that if both of these countries go to war - then India will lose, and lose badly. This then means that the Indians will no-longer be able to spam internet forums with their patriotic bullshit!!! Everyone knows India is a joke, except the Indians.

It is even sadder to see internet machos threatening invasion,nuclear war,occupation etc while they themselves does not have the freedom to chose the number of children they can have,let alone do jack s**t about foreign policies of CPC..

I'm talking about peace, something that the 2nd hand imperialist Indian should learn.

No you are not..You are just a third rate troll..Your posts and the ones you thanked clearly shows your true nature.
I'm talking about peace, something that the 2nd hand imperialist Indian should learn.

Really, than teach us peace, like your country of residence. Or may be India should be peaceful like China, Pakistan?
Should India peacefully kill millions of foreigners, or starve millions of own citizen to death, or kill own and foreign citizens indiscriminately? Threaten countries away from home, threaten every country next door and pick a fight with them, or just covertly create a guerilla army to fight proxy wars. Which version of peace are you talking about?
It is even sadder to see internet machos threatening invasion,nuclear war,occupation etc while they themselves does not have the freedom to chose the number of children they can have,let alone do jack s**t about foreign policies of CPC...

What, China's one child policy as opposed to 5,000 children under the age of 5 years old dying every day in India? (cannot post link, Google it). Lol, India is pathetic. Perhaps the Chinese conquest of India will be liberation for 600 million starving Indians. Oh, but you think its OK to starve as-long as your are "free". :cuckoo:

40% of the world's poor live in India! Yet India only represents 17% of world population. India is worse than 99% of Africa.
Really, than teach us peace, like your country of residence. Or may be India should be peaceful like China, Pakistan?
Should India peacefully kill millions of foreigners, or starve millions of own citizen to death, or kill own and foreign citizens indiscriminately? Threaten countries away from home, threaten every country next door and pick a fight with them, or just covertly create a guerilla army to fight proxy wars. Which version of peace are you talking about?

Before you criticized others, lean about operation polo, operation blue star, and operation Vijay. Then come back. You will learn about lack of peace by then.
China's one child policy as opposed to 5,000 children under the age of 5 years old dying every day in India? (cannot post link, Google it).

Lol, India is pathetic. Perhaps the Chinese conquest of India will be liberation for 600 million starving Indians. Oh, but you think its OK to starve as-long as your are "free". :cuckoo:

We dont think its okay to starve as long as we are free...The alleviation of poverty is as important to us as freedom.That is why poverty is vastly diminishing in India..And it is not just about the one child policy but the irony of warmongering monkeys talking about invading and annexing other nations while themselves denied of any role in national foreign policy and even many basic freedom..

And Mr.Alienware..Are you aware of the fact that about three fourth of disputed land between india and china is under indian control(Arunachal pradesh/South tibet)Can you warmongering monkeys influence the Chinese govt to take it back..?No...Then isn't it just a mental masturbation go gung ho over Invading other nations in internet forums..?You silly chinaman..
So, PLAGF troops walked 20 kms into Indian territory, set up camp for 3 weeks and India did NOTHING?! :rofl: This is an obvious display of cowardice on behalf of India. The Chinese know they can violate Indian territory because India is too weak to respond.

Buddy, it is inevitable a war will occur. There is not enough room in Asia for two rising powers. Both China and India are already at each-others throats over energy interests and regional hegemony. Either India or China will lose the game and China is leading by a significant margin.

Indians just hope a war wont happen, because they know they will lose. :china:

Pray so that a war doesn't happen. If it happens then you won't survive to comment in PDF anymore. So pray pray!!
Before you criticized others, lean about operation polo, operation blue star, and operation Vijay. Then come back. You will learn about lack of peace by then.

We were only replying..Neither a Chinaman nor an american have no right to lecture us on anything related to peace..Said that-you were thanking the posts advocating war,death and destruction of india while whining about peace..At least the other chine trolls have some spine in expressing what they wish..
Before you criticized others, lean about operation polo, operation blue star, and operation Vijay. Then come back. You will learn about lack of peace by then.

Instead of telling me, read about them yourself. None of them comes remotely close to attacking another country. Or is it that you support colonization and terrorism?

So, PLAGF troops walked 20 kms into Indian territory, set up camp for 3 weeks and India did NOTHING?! :rofl: This is an obvious display of cowardice on behalf of India. The Chinese know they can violate Indian territory because India is too weak to respond.

The same way India constructed permanent structures and mounted camera in Chinese territory. But that's just a medal of bravery for PLA, while weakness of India.
No conflicting interests?! :omghaha:

It is sad to see all the Indians desperately trying to explain why China and India will not go to war. The Indians know that if both of these countries go to war - then India will lose, and lose badly. This then means that the Indians will no-longer be able to spam internet forums with their patriotic bullshit!!! Everyone knows India is a joke, except the Indians.

Countries go to war for well defined objectives. You, the inherotors of Sun Tzu's philosophy should know that well. It is sad to see that some Chinese have forsaken their heritage and are behaving like western barbarians. And dont think India is a pushover. This is not 1962. You will suffer as much as we do. Beijing and Shanghai are not so far. And your missile shield is not perfect. Fortunately, the Chinese leadership is not crazy like you.
Countries go to war for well defined objectives. You, the inherotors of Sun Tzu's philosophy should know that well. It is sad to see that some Chinese have forsaken their heritage and are behaving like western barbarians. And dont think India is a pushover. This is not 1962. You will suffer as much as we do. Beijing and Shanghai are not so far. And your missile shield is not perfect. Fortunately, the Chinese leadership is not crazy like you.

Oh brother,you're the idiot who in another thread explained that russians are warm hearted and unlike western countries they "have a soul when they invade" ....With clowns like this who seem to have been drained of brain cells is it any wonder that the chinese are hurrying for an easy picking in India? :)))
If Indians are joke,why are you wasting your time replying in this thread.

Because they have fear and inferiority complex. That's why trying to show some superiority here, which we won't buy!! :D

Anyways China ( I am not speaking about the trolls here) knows that very well that if a war of that sort happens, it'll be disastrous for them. The development they did for years will go to ruins. In many aspects China is just behind US and Russia. They had tried very hard for years to achieve it and due to a war, they will lose everything and will go behind 100 countries. China will never take that risk. In case of a war, India will Suffer but China will suffer no less.

And regarding some trolls here, they just post rubbish, so people shouldn't encourage them much by prolong counters. Rather it's good to observe more and frustrate them with one or 2 posts.

I just enjoy these days seeing flocks of frustrated trolls quoting abuses in a post of mine. :P
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