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Chinese Troops Intrude Into India Again

Just like you were fair game for the British?

British never hunted down Indians (that includes BDians and Pakistanis as well). If you want to know how Anglo-Saxons treated natives in other colonies, look up for Australian aboriginal`s connection to flora and fauna ministry.

And while you are at it, look up the difference between LAC, LOC and IB. The BDians getting shot are crossing IB.

Its funny when everyone comments on Indians not shooting on Chinese intruders, but no one comments on how Indians had structures build up and camera set up on the Chinese territory. Does everyone thinks that Chinese have no balls!
I can't wait for 2030!! All Indians sing praise to the year they jump from a 3rd world turdhole to a superpower able to project power across the globe!

Or... wait... didn't we hear this before?

Indian superpower by 2010:

How will India become a superpower by 2010?


India is not even recognized as a Great Power.

The Great Powers are: France, United Kingdom, United States, China, Germany, Russia, and Japan.

No one recognizes the street defecators as even a Great Power.



Indians use water? No, they just sh!t themselves in the middle of the street: ********.com - Man defecates and urinates in public street

Where are the mods now ..??I have seen an Indian member getting banned for posting on the same banned topic.Why these double stantards @nuclearpak @Oscar @Zakii
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The Muslims installed their genes among Hindu Indians and built India's greatest monument (the Taj Mahal), the British civilized the Indians and gave them a country by uniting the little kingdoms, the British built the infrastructure in India and the British still prop up the Indian economy through aid.
Until the mid 19th century, the official language of India was Persian / Farsi.
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