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Chinese scholar says stop project to sort out differences with India

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Bharat Muslim

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Chinese scholar says stop project to sort out differences with India

Updated: Apr 29, 2017 14:53 IST
Sutirtho Patranobis
Hindustan Times, Beijing

Beijing should take into account regional concerns in implementing transnational projects such as the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), a top Communist party scholar has said, adding that such projects could be temporarily stopped to sort out differences.

The Kashgar to Gwadar CPEC is one of the flagship projects under President Xi Jinping’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). India has repeatedly raised concerns over the project with China as part of it are planned in Azad Kashmir (Azad Kashmir).

“Any transnational projects involve concerns of different countries. We need to coordinate that to strike a balance to be acceptable to all parties. If we can’t reach that balance, maybe we can stop it for some time,” said Zhang Yunling, an influential academic who is a member of the presidium of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), an official think-tank.

“Even in the case of navigation routes on Mekong river for example, many problems emerged. We have to discuss them one by one. We need to learn lessons. Sometimes, the lessons maybe too big; we may have to stop (the projects),” Zhang said when asked about the CPEC passing through Azad Kashmir.

“It cannot always be rosy. Any transnational project involves concerns of different countries. We need to coordinate and strike a balance to be acceptable to all parties,” he said.

“If we cannot reach that balance maybe (the project) can stop it for some time. Any transnational project involves that complexity,” he added.

Zhang was briefing the press on the upcoming Belt and Road Forum (BRF) to be held in the middle of May in Beijing, which is to be attended by nearly 30 heads of state.

China is unlikely to stop the multiple projects underway under the CPEC but the senior scholar’s comments indicate that the Chinese government was analysing concerns – including India’s – raised by countries on certain aspects of BRI.

Though China has sent multiple invitations to the Indian government and several of its ministers, New Delhi is unlikely to send any official representative to the BRF. Indian academics and businessmen are expected to attend the forum.

On India’s reluctance to join the BRI, Zhang said: “(The) Indian government has been quite prudent and cautious in expressing its attitude towards BRI but participates in the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB).”

Zhang suggested that it was not necessary to put the “BRI label” to everything.

“It only provides a platform. For China-India cooperation, we don’t need to look at the BRI alone. We already have a range of cooperation in a wide range of areas including infrastructure,” he said.

On the CPEC, he said it’s a misconception that China has committed $46 billion to the project.

“There is some misunderstanding about China-Pakistan cooperation. Yes, it’s tens of billions but it’s not one lump-sum investment; it is a gradual investment,” he said.

Earlier this month, China’s ministry of foreign affairs (MFA) told HT there is no “specific budget” for the project.

“There is no specific budget for the construction of the CPEC. Instead, it follows international practices, adopting a market driven model, encouraging enterprises to play an essential role to move it forward. It (the project) is based on scientific evaluation and it is being implemented under the principle ‘operating when mature,’” the MFA told Hindustan Times in a written response.

On the financial risks involved in the projects, Zhang said: “We need to share the risks so that we are jointly designing, jointly building and jointly discussing projects. Whenever there is any danger there should be immediate communication on the risks and dangers and should also involve dispute settlement mechanism.”

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a top Communist party scholar has said, adding that such projects could be temporarily stopped to sort out differences

which issue? the kashmir? kashmir is integral part of pak which couldn't be resolved in 70 years.. if china want to waste investment by stopping CPEC it's up to china.. pakistan will be with china always no matter how much india interfere.. pak will stand with china's decision

this thread is for trolling only... :lazy2:
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All i can say is india, can do anything
is that caz hindia is a shupa pawa and Chinese (and emericans) are so afraid of brahmos (the shuper shonic mijjile)???
Pakistan should rely on its own sources for economic growth.Nobody in this world is your permanent friend or enemy every country looks for its own interest
Well I'm am one who is in favour of regional cooperation and interconnectivity between countries bordering Pakistan. I believe economic integration leads to peace and is best for human development.

However, having said that, this article is wrong on a number of issues:
1. You can't stop a project already in implementation phase
2. You can't iron out differences with a country like India which has for its entire post independence been oppressing and occupying Kashmir
3. You can't deal in a civil manner with a government in India which actually believes that women from a certain minority group should be dug out of their Graves and raped for the pleasure of the ruling majority.
4. You can't logically deal with a religious government which actually promoted public lynching of anyone who thinks of consuming cow meat.

If China stops CPEC to appease those kinds of people mentioned above, you can technically kiss the project goodbye... because you can't appease people who have such uncivilized ideologies.
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India and China are showing mature leadership with this sort of measured pros and cons discussion. Chinese know that a transnational project with India included is far better than without India in camp. For example, if gawadder and chahbahar start competing, rates get slashed and there will economic loss. (view of Pakistanis about cpec is ofcourse lot different - thay have lot more at stake than the money, in their opinion - I think it is flawed thinking but that's how they think!)
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