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Chinese PM Visits Bangladesh

Any Chinese billionaires that you have discovered and we do not know?

My point was, the size of the economy of China is far beyond what India is currently.

It is shocking not to have Chinese in the list. Clearly, all economists agree the buying power in China is currently the best one.

Considering, all the other aspects; recession going on.
We do not depend on them. We have great or beyond great relations with several other countries.

Hmm intresting who would that be.
It is a fact that we have signed FTA with China, Malaysia and several other countries including SAARC

Mate every country worth its salt signs trade agreement with others, who knows we might even have a trade agreement with Tahiti . I find it surprising that you point out these things. people sign trade agreements with countries in oder to improve trade , why shouldnt Pakistan sign trade agreement with SL , are you at war with SL, whats the big deal , or you are xcited because you are new to the party.

(except India)
Because we are tecnically enemies and ahave tangible disputes among us , you dont sign trade ageements with your enemies dont you? Also FTA with India will hurt Pakistans Industries who will be overwhelmed by Indian exports available cheap.
My point was, the size of the economy of China is far beyond what India is currently.

It is shocking not to have Chinese in the list. Clearly, all economists agree the buying power in China is currently the best one.

Considering, all the other aspects; recession going on.

That is because Chinese did not groom their internal economy or industries as they groomed or encouraged exported oriented economic zones . In India you have strong entrprenuerial spirit and a conducive atmosphere to grow.
I find it most embarrassing when I see Pakistanis hanging on to China's coat tails to find their place in the sun.

Pakistan may not be the most progressive country in the world, but given Neo's statistics, it does show that inspite of all odds, Musharraf put Pakistan on the world map!

That is what is Pakistan's strength and not hanging on to someone's coattails to prove anything.

I would be the first one to object if some Indian hangs on to the US' coattails to say how great she is.

India is great in its own rights!

If she is not, she better pull up her socks and not hang on to someone else!!


I think Pakistanis are insulting themselves!

Hon Mr Salim,

Donot judge Pakistan based on opinion of a single member, Pakistan is a souvreign country and yes we're very proud of our strong ties with China and Saudi Arabia but I can assure you that even those going lyric here on China would never want to anyone's coattails, not even China.

The thing is that we're very emotional people, we cherish our friends, specially those who've proven to be our true friends.
The thing is that we're very emotional people, we cherish our friends, specially those who've proven to be our true friends.

Hmm interesting , some one who does not support you in any of your wars, someone who does not interfere on Kashmir issue on your behalf, interesting I say.
Thats one way to look at it Sir. The other way would be that a true friend doesn't meddle in your internal affairs and assists you where its needed most.

China did fill in the gap whenever we were hit by US sanctions, supported us with various weapon packages, supported us after the Oct 8th earthquake, supporting us with budgetary relief packages now.

Pakistan has enough weight of her own to defend herself on International level, China, KSA or even USA doesn't need to support us in our conflicts with India.
By no means I was implying the reliance of Pakistan on China and it's economic power or resources.

We are proud of our friends.

All my arguments are based on ground realities to cover the emerging India theory based on fictitious grounds.

They are decadesssss away from achieving that.
Energy rich countries.

Good for you, most of them are busy exporting their energy to west and the US , the ery reason why us and the Chinese are scouting for energy with Africa, Russia and Latin America.

well whats the point in having friendship when you cannot exert your influece in the very first place. Have you been able to inflence those energy rich friends of yours to cut off trade and economic relations with India , have you been able to make them condem India over Kashmir the way they have condemed Israel..Well then I think its a damp squib
All my arguments are based on ground realities to cover the emerging India theory based on fictitious grounds.

They are decadesssss away from achieving that.

Nope your argument is based on only hot air. So the world is a fool and you are the only one sane I guess.

Not decades but a good single decade, we were always behind a decade because we came in a decade late.
Thats one way to look at it Sir. The other way would be that a true friend doesn't meddle in your internal affairs and assists you where its needed most.

Nope mate it shows that it is a symbiotic relatinship or to put it succinctly a mutually benificial relaionship. A good friend will stand by you and when the need arises shall fight for you, history is full of such examples. Heck even US stood by you in 1971 when they sent their CBG to Indian ocean in support of Pakistan.
All that I'm implying is that the world accepts China's economic power.

India has yet to achieve that.
All that I'm implying is that the world accepts China's economic power.

India has yet to achieve that.

Mate why should one accept your interpretations when those are emerging from your whims and fancies.

Yes, the world accepts China is an emerging power and the same world accepts that India is an emering power, when was the last time you did not see them clubbed together.
Nope mate it shows that it is a symbiotic relatinship or to put it succinctly a mutually benificial relaionship. A good friend will stand by you and when the need arises shall fight for you, history is full of such examples. Heck even US stood by you in 1971 when they sent their CBG to Indian ocean in support of Pakistan.

Good choice of words I'd say, the friendship is indeed symbiotic and has proven to be benefecial to both sides in many fields. Who do you think helped Nixon to open bridge with China? How has Pakistan been able to pump $22 billion in her nuclear programme despite being hit severly by on and off US imposed embargoes? China requires as less support from us on Tibet as we do in Kashmir, both are there to stay its waste of time and energy.

Your definition of friendship based on military and political support whereas what I'm trying to say is what China and Pakistan have is unparalleled, it goes way beyond political support.

And US didn't not support us in 1971, yes the 6th fleet was somewhere in the Indian Ocean and no way it would have docked in Karachi or headed for Bay of Bengal, SEATO and CENTO were both signed to curb Russian influence in Asia, neither supported Pakistan's case incase threat came from any other country but Russia.
So US was not obliged to help us, neither did they try to prevent war from escalating.

But thats off topic.
Hon Mr Salim,

Donot judge Pakistan based on opinion of a single member, Pakistan is a souvreign country and yes we're very proud of our strong ties with China and Saudi Arabia but I can assure you that even those going lyric here on China would never want to anyone's coattails, not even China.

The thing is that we're very emotional people, we cherish our friends, specially those who've proven to be our true friends.

I am totally with you!

Yet I would like to wonder as to why China was of no use to Pakistan when she needed her most - when Pakistan was in a war with India!!

I sure think that a friend in need is a friend in indeed!

Sick and stones may break my bones, but words cannot harm me!!

It broke no bones of India, bit it did nothing to help Pakistan!
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