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Chinese navy to actively maintain peace and stability of Indian Ocean

:lol: Now Indian navy should release a notification: Indian navy to actively maintain peace and stability of South China Sea.

On a serious note, Indian Ocean is India's backyard. No foreign powers will be tolerated. It affects our security directly.

too bad,nor can do
We must accept China in our backyard: Khurshid
New Delhi, December 11, 2012

Union foreign minister Salman Khurshid has said India must accept China's growing presence in its own backyard as Beijing steps up its investments and diplomatic efforts in South Asia.
India has been wary of growing Chinese influence around the Indian Ocean, where
Beijing has forged ties with Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, the Maldives and military-ruled Myanmar, often through funding and building infrastructure.

Speaking at a conference in New Delhi on Monday, Salman Khurshid said: "We will have to accept the new reality of China's presence in many areas that we consider an exclusive playground for India and its friends.

"China for instance would give a right arm to be in the Indian Ocean as comfortably as India is placed in the Indian Ocean... this is an important critical factor for what we will see as the emerging Asian century," he said.

Khurshid, 59, was appointed foreign minister just over six weeks ago amid expectations that he would bring a fresh approach to a decades-old diplomatic strategy that has favoured caution over ambition.

The minister said that India needed to develop its relationship with China into a meaningful partnership in the coming years.

"China is aggressive. China is a partner for us. China is a neighbour for us... the real creativity in India's foreign policy will come in being able to combine the strengths of China with the strengths of India," he said.
Your choke point is useless against China, if hostility happend and if India use these island as military fortress to carry blockage operation, then its will first to get bombarded and annexe by PLAN invasion units, every tactician or strategist will do that.

Once we secure theses islands, we will use as our outposts to fight Indian navy, no need to mention that we will raid from Tibet plateau...unless Indian assume that it navy is egual to U.S navy :rolleyes:

Not so fast brain farts. PLAN is not so powerfull enough in IOR.
Keep dreaming........ Ur navy is no match for IN in IOR.
Now troller, i am keeping this discussion as civil as i can... Dont make me spoil it like how u have done, Troller.

What I said before? :rofl: you Indians like to piss on the pants when face China alone, so need hide behind other nation's shadow...what a bunch of useless:lol:

Then y dont u try taking Tibet big mouth? Afraid ur soldiers might piss on their own pants Instead?
This is not 1962 mad troller

If India is trying to halt shipping in Malacca straight, than US could stop this act if needs to. Why stop shipping lanes if India should try to deal with its adversary by other methods.

I accept US can stop it. But then do u doubt it will stop, if the adversary is China? (Again my comment is based on arguement alone) . Not that war will happen .
1. China is already in the so-called "Indian" ocean (which could be renamed to the east African ocean, or the south Asian ocean, the word "Indian" designated to it is arbitrary).

2. China is a responsible Asian power which does not interfere in other countries internal affairs.

I can safely say that the 4th and 5th biggest countries in Asia, Bangladesh and Pakistan with a combined population of over 0.3 billion will be happy to see Asia's most powerful and important state play a key role in maintaining peace and stability in south Asia and the south Asian ocean.

Friend. India was a significant nation in the past till the start of 18th century in terms of economy. Not to forget that ur anchestors were called Indians too, which is though none of ur mistake.
A responsible power doesnt bully its surrounding nations. If ur nation was near China , u wouldnt be talking like this.
As u can see, the world largest economy and 4th largest economy, US and Japan, want India in Pacific Ocean.
SO how will u answer that?
I am sorry to say again. India may not be as powerfull as China (for now), but whateva happens, India China will never fight a war again, nor the words of BD or Pakistan will be taken seriously in this world :)
1. My nation is near China, not adjacent to it but near it.

2. Apart from noting the fact that the South Asian ocean is called the "Indian" ocean (thus implying some sort of exclusive relationship with one of the tens of countries that are part of it), I have made no mention of India or said it was an "insignificant nation" or said that India is not "powerful".

It is you who - due to your inferiority complex, hatred and jealousy of China - who are trying to say how important and great India supposedly is.

nor the words of BD or Pakistan will be taken seriously in this world

Which is why Indian trolls infest the Bangladeshi sub-forum day and night interfering in every thread and stalking Bangladeshis 24-7 on this forum...lolz.
Chinese say a lot of things, but when it comes to doing, we all know whats good with them.

A question to Chinese Members: Do you guys have aseperate department in your Govt that gives out warnings ? Like a Department of Warnings?
Friend. India was a significant nation in the past till the start of 18th century in terms of economy. Not to forget that ur anchestors were called Indians too, which is though none of ur mistake.
A responsible power doesnt bully its surrounding nations. If ur nation was near China , u wouldnt be talking like this.
As u can see, the world largest economy and 4th largest economy, US and Japan, want India in Pacific Ocean.
SO how will u answer that?
I am sorry to say again. India may not be as powerfull as China (for now), but whateva happens, India China will never fight a war again, nor the words of BD or Pakistan will be taken seriously in this world :)

There was no such thing as 'India' before the British conquered a bunch of little Hindu kingdoms and glued them together and called it India. India has never beaten China at anything and will not beat China in the future. Yes India does have a population similar to China, but India will remain a poor man's China. India lives in future pipe dreams, we live in the present. India has grandiose plans but never archives them. We talk less and achieve more (one of the reasons we won in 1962). That's why as much as you grow, India barely gets a mention compared with China.

The only time India is important is when big powers use India as a swing state to achieve the geopolitical goals of those big powers. India never becomes important because of its own geopolitical power.
There was no such thing as 'India' before the British conquered a bunch of little Hindu kingdoms and glued them together and called it India. India has never beaten China at anything and will not beat China in the future. Yes India does have a population similar to China, but India will remain a poor man's China. India lives in future pipe dreams, we live in the present. India has grandiose plans but never archives them. We talk less and achieve more (one of the reasons we won in 1962). That's why as much as you grow, India barely gets a mention compared with China.

The only time India is important is when big powers use India as a swing state to achieve the geopolitical goals of those big powers. India never becomes important because of its own geopolitical power.

Guess u should read what Greeks wrote about the land and how they called its people about some 2300 years ago.
And China was patched up by Foreign Mongols.
Now newbie learn to be diplomatic. :)

1. My nation is near China, not adjacent to it but near it.

2. Apart from noting the fact that the South Asian ocean is called the "Indian" ocean (thus implying some sort of exclusive relationship with one of the tens of countries that are part of it), I have made no mention of India or said it was an "insignificant nation" or said that India is not "powerful".

It is you who - due to your inferiority complex, hatred and jealousy of China - who are trying to say how important and great India supposedly is.

Which is why Indian trolls infest the Bangladeshi sub-forum day and night interfering in every thread and stalking Bangladeshis 24-7 on this forum...lolz.

How great India was, note that "was" means during 18th century, the region of Pakistan and BD included. Now its in ur post i find that inferiorty complex my friend.

I never denied China was great. She was great in past and will be in future. And so will India.
And whatever u say, i must talk about the truth. The world lend more ears to What India says, comparing to BD and Pakistan, which is of course a truth, u or me cannot deny.

And if u were a Chinese neighbour, u would have felt its bullying.
Yes, India cannot maintain good relationships with its neighbours and so is China. Have u ever seen us bullying in recent past?
Guess u should read what Greeks wrote about the land and how they called its people about some 2300 years ago.
And China was patched up by Foreign Mongols.
Now newbie learn to be diplomatic. :)

India was a massive continent that was glued together by the British made up of many different ethnicities. Pakistan broke away. Bangladesh broke away. Sikhs, Tamils and others want break away too. I guarantee you the India you see in 50 years will be alot smaller in land area than it is today. There are 200 million Muslims in India that don't get along with the Hindus. The friction is only going to get worse as the years go by. When they do gain independence, big chunks of India will be gone. You know what, I bet most of those independent countries will seek closer relations with China to get away from Indian influence just like you are seeing with Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan and Maldives.
India was a massive continent that was glued together by the British made up of many different ethnicities. Pakistan broke away. Bangladesh broke away. Sikhs, Tamils and others want break away too. I guarantee you the India you see in 50 years will be alot smaller in land area than it is today. There are 200 million Muslims in India that don't get along with the Hindus. The friction is only going to get worse as the years go by. When they do gain independence, big chunks of India will be gone. You know what, I bet most of those independent countries will seek closer relations with China to get away from Indian influence just like you are seeing with Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan and Maldives.

A perfect newbie. This what Americans, British and Pakistanis thought in 1947. We have celebrated more than 65 independence years quite successfully.
If u take the ratio of Indian army, majority are Sikhs, my friends. Its a custom in Punjab to send atleast one son for the army.
And who do u think u r talking to? I am a Tamil, and there is no movement in India wanting Independent Tamil nation.
If u really want to help Tamil, pls help for them in SL, we would be very happy for ur crocodile tears.
And Muslims, have already got Pakistan and BD, and Muslims in India are perfectly Indians in every breaths and core .
Even if some have any problems, the western border is always open (though migration havent happened in 65 years.).

And u can change ur diapers and sleep. Dreams are good.
Guess u should read what Greeks wrote about the land and how they called its people about some 2300 years ago.
And China was patched up by Foreign Mongols.
Now newbie learn to be diplomatic. :)

How great India was, note that "was" means during 18th century, the region of Pakistan and BD included. Now its in ur post i find that inferiorty complex my friend.

I never denied China was great. She was great in past and will be in future. And so will India.
And whatever u say, i must talk about the truth. The world lend more ears to What India says, comparing to BD and Pakistan, which is of course a truth, u or me cannot deny.

And if u were a Chinese neighbour, u would have felt its bullying.
Yes, India cannot maintain good relationships with its neighbours and so is China. Have u ever seen us bullying in recent past?

1. Have I said India is "insignificant" here?

Have I said India is "not powerful"?

This thread is about China.

2. Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, the Maldives and others are all part of the south Asia sea.

We are all happy to see China increasing its presence in the South Asia sea as this contributes to improving regional stability and peace.

China is respected by many countries the world over for its non-interference in other countries domestic affairs and standing up to the white west (the same white west that certain other nations/races suck up to).



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There was no such thing as 'India' before the British conquered a bunch of little Hindu kingdoms and glued them together and called it India. India has never beaten China at anything and will not beat China in the future. Yes India does have a population similar to China, but India will remain a poor man's China. India lives in future pipe dreams, we live in the present. India has grandiose plans but never archives them. We talk less and achieve more (one of the reasons we won in 1962). That's why as much as you grow, India barely gets a mention compared with China.

The only time India is important is when big powers use India as a swing state to achieve the geopolitical goals of those big powers. India never becomes important because of its own geopolitical power.

It's not true that India is not mentioned in the same breath as China. Just look up the main Indian papers or magazines and Indian vs China comparisons happen daily. It's an obsession that is no different than what you see from Indian members here.
It's not true that India is not mentioned in the same breath as China. Just look up the main Indian paper or magazine and Indian vs China comparison happens daily. It's an obsession that is no different than what you see from Indian members here.

Wrong again. Indian media play up the China threat. But its western magazines and Papers who play up the India vs China game.
I have rarely seen an Indian paper claiming India will be a super power too soon, but western papers do that analysis, once a week.
1. Have I said India is "insignificant" here?

Have I said India is "not powerful"?

This thread is about China.

2. Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, the Maldives and others are all part of the south Asia sea.

We are all happy to see China increasing its presence in the South Asia sea as this contributes to improving regional stability and peace.

China is respected by many countries the world over for its non-interference in other countries domestic affairs and standing up to the white west (the same white west that certain other nations/races suck up to).




There u have said it. Not only BD, PAk, maldives, Sl are part of SA, India is too. I believe there should be a very integrated South Asia. Now in SA, India is the country with maximum says, i mean 1.2 Billion people. So India have a major say regarding what it considers threat and dangers. India is not from Mars.

China is already present in IOR by fighting piracy. And India is also regarded highly by many nations of the world, though my neighbours dont think so.
So is China's neighbours, who think they are bully.
I can post various images like those praising India, but thats off topic, my friend.

Btw. If a war broke between, Myanmar and BD, do u think China will come to ur AID? for any country, Including China and India, their national interest are more than their 'so called friends'. China's main interest is Myanmar. So how will u define China in that way? :azn:
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1. What does any of what you have said above have to do with the topic?

The topic is China in the South Asia sea.

2. The eastern half of Africa borders the south Asia sea and I am sure these states will also be happy to see China in the south Asia sea/east Africa sea (whatever you wish to call it).

3. Asian states too are happy to see China there.

These include:

Bangladesh - 150 million
Pakistan - 180 million
Sri Lanka - don't know, maybe 40-50 million (not going to Google just for that).
The Maldives

As you can see I have not even typed the name of a certain country here, because this topic is about China and not that particular country.
Chinese say a lot of things, but when it comes to doing, we all know whats good with them.

A question to Chinese Members: Do you guys have aseperate department in your Govt that gives out warnings ? Like a Department of Warnings?

yes we do the same warning department that Nehru in 1962 didnt take it seriously:woot:

Wrong again. Indian media play up the China threat. But its western magazines and Papers who play up the India vs China game.
I have rarely seen an Indian paper claiming India will be a super power too soon, but western papers do that analysis, once a week.

Wrong western media hardly talk about india at all may be once every 5 month
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