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Chinese liquor company gets licence in Pakistan

No harm in private drinking at all folks. Let's please avoid drunkenness and disorderliness in public and in front of children. We don't need Pakistani streets embracing the filth of clubbing/bar culture.

Even if alcohol is not served, there should be an underground club by private invitation or secret code name that plays electronic music like house and trance
its very simple thoese whom have to drink they will drink anyway this ban is stupid . i have never sleep a night without drinking when i want to be . you just need to call once twice or third guy maximum . there is no short of alcohol in pakistan .

Consumption of Alcohol is connected to our colonial past, Pakistani founding father drank, our Generals, our Mullah's and Politicians drink to, Alcohol is fancy compared to pork, that is why its easily accessible compared to pork. What you do in your personal life is none of anyone's business nor you should mention it here if you are a daily drinker, what is that you are trying hard to prove?
Chinese liquor company gets license in Pakistan

March 29, 2021


ISLAMABAD: A Chinese company has got a licence in Pakistan to manufacture liquor here, according to sources. The company, Hui Coastal Brewery and Distillery Limited, was registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) on April 30, 2020, with the Hub (Balochistan) address.

The licence was issued by Excise, Taxation and Anti-Narcotics Department Balochistan. The company has been launched as a joint venture with Balochistan at the Lasbela Industrial Estate Development Authority.

With vast experience of manufacturing liquor in China, this will be the first Chinese company to establish its plant in Pakistan. The company is famous for producing world’s famous brands and it would introduce its two famous brands in Pakistan. The entire process, from manufacturing to packaging, would be carried out at its plant in Lasbela.

only a fool would drink liqur

there Zero benefit for alcohol consumption
Yes, I’m aware that Jews and Muslims do not eat pork in general.

Thank you for your in-depth answer. I feel that it is good to learn new things and get past assumptions.

No problem mate, we all learn new things every day :) When i came to America i also realized how little to no knowledge people has about Pakistan, and even those who do they mixed it either with Afghanistan, Iran or put Pakistan right next to Israel :D
Consumption of Alcohol is connected to our colonial past, Pakistani founding father drank, our Generals, our Mullah's and Politicians drink to, Alcohol is fancy compared to pork, that is why its easily accessible compared to pork. What you do in your personal life is none of anyone's business nor you should mention it here if you are a daily drinker, what is that you are trying hard to prove?
more then that i see alcohol as its calm your life . noise pollution stress politics and daily life mess people need to set and relax be it anyone . pakistanis was to show as tariq jameel from outside and playboy from inside
more then that i see alcohol as its calm your life . noise pollution stress politics and daily life mess people need to set and relax be it anyone . pakistanis was to show as tariq jameel from outside and playboy from inside

Not necessarily, it douse your senses and many times make you do vile things, there are more cons for drinking then it has pro's, as for relaxing there are many other things which can relax anyone, yoga , exercise , walking , hobbies , art , music , worship .
next step make weed cheap! comon Khan sabh hum gareebun ka kch socho!

I don’t smoke weed, but have nothing against weed smokers.

I do however on occasion take a nice dose of anti-anxiety medication and listen to some electronic music with my Denon headphones to chill out.
alhamdulliah i am muslim as any other pakistani . poora mulk sharab peeta hai sab kaffir hain kya ? profit per mulk chal raha hai sood ke sath kon kaffir hai ? you guys need to admit only .

When you will go to your grave. Will you be held responsible for your acts or that of every one around you?
Poora mulk pee raha tha to mene bhi pee li, will that be a valid excuse to protect you from burning in ever lasting hell fire?
Aisey to kal if some one eyes a female from your house, and if you stop them. then will you accept the excuse, poora mulk taarta hai larkiyon ko to mene bhi taarr liya?

This is exactly what we call hypocrisy. Bahar niklo iss se uncle.

You cannot be a Muslim and do acts that a Muslim is "REQUIRED" to stay away from. Either accept you are not one, or bring yourself to the standard where you can call yourself a Muslim.

This is the same stupid logic which some times my own family members come up with.

Poora mulk kachra road pe phenkta hai to hum kyu nhi?
1. Social sciences are a thing. Intrinsicty is a thing.
Did you just assume my gender? We have our own social science, no need to import the BS from UCLA and Berkley. Did you know that cheating on your spouse can acutally help you to have a better marital life?

2. ISIS showed that.

3. Oh, right, ISIS was the pure Sharia state. Saudi Arabia and Iran are only half way through.
ISIS is a degeneration. KSA and Iran are Mullah states controlled by the royal family. Royal family (including the Iranian Mullah royal family) orders, Mullahs invent rulings and sheeple follow. No need to drag Islam into it. But for this you should use some of your scientific principles and question things and not assume the current state is the best of all states.

4. Dictators and hardline communists. As bad as hardline Islamists.
Yes, but they are consequent in their worship of mortals. No religion = worship another earthly power, name it Hitler, the state, Mao or whatever. And all these dictators were against religion and embracing "science". Funny right?

5. Islam is here because of their struggle, not because of prayers.
Islam is not bound to a specific person. People die, Islam is here to stay forever.

6. Firstly, it is Quaid e Azam.
This is an exaggeration. The Quaid e Azam of Pakistan is the Prophet (PBUH) not a random mortal (again, we are all random mortals!).

Secondly, it is not about worshiping but about respecting their vision for the country, and their struggle that they spent their life on.
Define his legacy first. Some say he wanted a brown England, others say that he wanted an Islamic state. Either way, the idea behind Pakistan is also not bound to one person alone. The idea was to have a country for MUSLIMS (Islam = what Muslims believe). As @AUz said correctly, subtract Islam from the Pakistan equation and we are just another random state with too many ethnic tensions.

7. Afghanistan is a shithole. Now you're gonna ask who said that.
Fix Pakistan first, then you can bitch about Afghanistan.
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I don’t smoke weed, but have nothing against weed smokers.

I do however on occasion take a nice dose of anti-anxiety medication and listen to some electronic music with my Denon headphones to chill out.
try electronics music after weed! thats what i want to do on mars stoned some good music by dj kolarova star gazing on pollution free mars night sky!

a man can dream!
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