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Chinese liquor company gets licence in Pakistan

I have been to Malaysia twice. Beautiful country and they have the right balance between culture and tourism. Everyone has the space to have fun and its makes people respect their customs even more. I remember being in Penang in a korean bar playing electronic darts with a cocktail and there were people outside going to the mosque. It was so nice to see, lots of tourists everywhere, just a big win win for all.
Can this model be replicated in Pakistan?
Imran Khan is an awesome person and may take your country to new heights.
Liberal societies are attractive to wealthy people.
Reduce freedoms, and they will flee.
Can this model be replicated in Pakistan?

Fate loves irony, ofcourse it can. Society needs to mature and become self confident, then ideals plateau to a level of mutual understanding. It just this bogeyman image Pakistan has it needs to shake off and stop playing to the gallery every time. If it fixes this then living standards rise, dreams get bigger, all can happen but its a process, these things take decades.
Imran Khan is an awesome person and may take your country to new heights.
Liberal societies are attractive to wealthy people.
Reduce freedoms, and they will flee.

talking about bull shit freedoms, how bout talking bout freedom from usury of bankers who create money out of thin air and enslave mankind.
talking about bull shit freedoms, how bout talking bout freedom from usury of bankers who create money out of thin air and enslave mankind.
This system is inflationary, and hence better than a deflationary gold based system. Hoarding is an issue, but new wealth is always being created.
A lot of people have wealth, not just bankers. MNC founders, hedge fund managers, owners of leading innovative companies, corrupt leaders, criminals....
This system is inflationary, and hence better than a deflationary gold based system. Hoarding is an issue, but new wealth is always being created.
A lot of people have wealth, not just bankers. MNC founders, hedge fund managers, owners of leading innovative companies, corrupt leaders, criminals....

Ever heard of German economic miracle by Gottfried feder and gaddafi gold for oil. bankers destroyed them because they couldn't profit. why borrow when you can print your own like andrew jackson of usa.
Good, Islamist are a cancer to pakistan which have not done 1 good thing for the country. More people need booze to treat this cancer.
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