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Chinese Leader Arrives In Pakistan To Unveil $45B In Investments

I think it's not abt China not doing enough to provide education for them. Most of the uyghur choose to go Islamic school and isolate from main stream Chinese education. In fact, in university quota, special number are allocated for minoirity to enter U even they score lower than Hans student. But if China push too hard to force most of them go conventional school then you again have the issue of suppressing minority,right? Yes, CCP do realize the problem are doing more now to combat extremism and what impact some of the unqualify Islamic school Will do to uyghur society in China.

This is the main problem even though the Chinese government has provided a platform for the Uighur community to join mainstream education, they have decided to isolate themselves by only focusing on Islamic studies and there own language. Some how the government must convince and attract the youth to mix with all ethnic groups and at the same time introduce correct teachers to educate issues on Islam. Unfortunately the Uighur communities knowledge on Islam is non-existent and when you have limited expertise on any philosophy the plague of extremism tends to occur. The government needs to create a framework of balance between the two. I mentioned previously that the government has introduced a quota where the allocation of minorities to enter a university with lower marks is applied across China, however this has not translated into jobs for the Uighur community, which creates a new problem of frustrated youths. If the government does push minorities into conventional schools, then in my opinion this is not considered suppressing minority rights, although you can compromise by having both being taught in mainstream schools. In Xinjiang students can then have the choice to learn Islam as a module as well as national curriculum modules. However basic idea is using force will not solve the problem as Operation strike hard is a prime example, therefore use Islamic philosophy against them. One example is that Muslim are never allowed to rise against the rulers of a State, unless the government stops them from practicing Islam and even then you should migrate instead of picking arms.
The Chinese and Pakistani officials are talking about Beijing's generosity in providing assistance exceeding $46 billion to Pakistan. But 80% of the funds flowing into Pakistan are meant for building power stations, which will be owned and operated by Chinese companies, sources said.

Pakistani media reported that the country's planning and development minister Ahsan Iqbal said at a seminar in Islamabad that a major chunk of $35-37 billion would go into independent power projects run by Chinese companies. Only $8-9 billion will be given as concessional loans for infrastructure projects, he said.

So the money will flow back into the Chinese companies because the Pakistani government is contract bound to buyback all the electricity produced.
The Chinese and Pakistani officials are talking about Beijing's generosity in providing assistance exceeding $46 billion to Pakistan. But 80% of the funds flowing into Pakistan are meant for building power stations, which will be owned and operated by Chinese companies, sources said.

Pakistani media reported that the country's planning and development minister Ahsan Iqbal said at a seminar in Islamabad that a major chunk of $35-37 billion would go into independent power projects run by Chinese companies. Only $8-9 billion will be given as concessional loans for infrastructure projects, he said.

So the money will flow back into the Chinese companies because the Pakistani government is contract bound to buyback all the electricity produced.

If that is the case then pakistani local industry will be out of the pakistani market neither they will grow.As a proverb saying 'Devil always will be in the details'
The Chinese and Pakistani officials are talking about Beijing's generosity in providing assistance exceeding $46 billion to Pakistan. But 80% of the funds flowing into Pakistan are meant for building power stations, which will be owned and operated by Chinese companies, sources said.

Pakistani media reported that the country's planning and development minister Ahsan Iqbal said at a seminar in Islamabad that a major chunk of $35-37 billion would go into independent power projects run by Chinese companies. Only $8-9 billion will be given as concessional loans for infrastructure projects, he said.

So the money will flow back into the Chinese companies because the Pakistani government is contract bound to buyback all the electricity produced.

So? The problem of loadshedding will be resolved which is crux of the matter. The people will have electricity. Like as if Pakistanis care whether Chinese or Pakistani companies own power stations. LMAO
The people will have electricity. Like as if Pakistanis care whether Chinese or Pakistani companies own power stations.

All power projects in Pakistan are based on build, operate and transfer after period of time which is stipulated in the contract. So these Indians are having an orgasm for no damn reason, when the biggest problem in Pakistan is a shortage of electricity.
So? The problem of loadshedding will be resolved which is crux of the matter. The people will have electricity. Like as if Pakistanis care whether Chinese or Pakistani companies own power stations. LMAO
The issue is that your country's leadership is looking for short term solutions to major problems. Pakistan is basically outsourcing its Power generation capabilities to another country. These are going to be funded,built,operated by the Chinese. The profits are going to go in their pockets. Remember The Chinese companies are taking loans from Chinese Banks which they will have to repay with interest and make a profit as well. The electricity wont be cheap and you will have no control over it. Any attempts by future governments to change these clauses will create diplomatic tension .
The same thing applies to Roads and other infrastructure projects.

The Chinese are not investing in any manufacturing projects which would employ skilled labour in your country and improve your employment and economic conditions.
All power projects in Pakistan are based on build, operate and transfer after period of time which is stipulated in the contract. So these Indians are having an orgasm for no damn reason, when the biggest problem in Pakistan is a shortage of electricity.

Agreed. Even if it didn't Pakistanis wouldn't care. All they care about is receiving electricity. Heck, Pakistanis are praying to hand it over to the Chinese. They will do a good job of providing electricity to the masses. We can be rest assured.

We all know the real reasons behind Indian concerns... Indians cannot convince us. LMAO

He is saying that china going to rid coal power plants by 2030 and now selling to pakistan, so that they can also sell components.Now china is a buyer and also a seller, chinese are smart

Actually it is china that will benefit the most---. Pakistan will indeed breath a sigh of relief----but it is china that has a load off its shoulders---.

It is trapped in the south china sea----what pakistan has done is to risk itself to cover chinas flank--- 36 hours is the time it will take for the goods to reach from port to Chinese border and vice versa.

The pressure from the south china seas will be relieved---as those nations won't be able to corner china---and also Gwadar will give Chinese vessels to neuter our other neighbors plans.

Do explain the last part
All power projects in Pakistan are based on build, operate and transfer after period of time which is stipulated in the contract. So these Indians are having an orgasm for no damn reason, when the biggest problem in Pakistan is a shortage of electricity.
we give you 5 Nuclear power units
I jus kown in the tv news
ACP1000 this is The third generation
each of them is Million kilowatt
Agreed. Even if it didn't Pakistanis wouldn't care. All they care about is receiving electricity. Heck, Pakistanis are praying to give it to the Chinese. They will do a good job of providing electricity to the masses.

When Pakistan has overcome the shortage of electricity, then these Indians will see how fast our industries will grow across the different sector, because Pakistani's from abroad will reinvest back into the country and we can compete with rival firms in the international market.
All power projects in Pakistan are based on build, operate and transfer after period of time which is stipulated in the contract. So these Indians are having an orgasm for no damn reason, when the biggest problem in Pakistan is a shortage of electricity.
there is no Power outages

there is no Power outages
PLZ google The third generation Nuclear power
you will find this is a Energy revolution
He is saying that china going to rid coal power plants by 2030 and now selling to pakistan, so that they can also sell components.Now china is a buyer and also a seller, chinese are smart
You have to be smart to be a businessman! China is where it is today because it is smart, hard working and knows how and when to exploit the right country. Pakistan is happy today to be just another cog in the wheel of China's development. What they dont realise today in their desparation for improvement and investments, they will realise later when they lose their sovereignty over their own highways,power plants etc.

I would be more happy for Pakistan if China decided to manufacture consumer products and set up Factories to make use of cheaper labour or even if Pakistan relaxed its Automobile laws and allowed Chinese auto-manufacturers to assemble and market chinese cars in Pakistan.
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