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Chinese Leader Arrives In Pakistan To Unveil $45B In Investments

When Pakistan has overcome the shortage of electricity, then these Indians will see how fast our industries will grow across the different sector, because Pakistani's from abroad will reinvest back into the country and we can compete with rival firms in the international market.

Shake hands :) Once the electricity to produce products and the convenient transportation to ship products and/or materials are ready, more investments will come in to fulfill other fields, it could be Pakistanis abroad, it could also be any other countries, including China.
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Obviously Chinese people are never against Muslims, however for China to overcome the Uighur dilemma it needs to understand the Islamic doctrine. The Hui Muslims come from the Naqshbandi order which promotes the idea of peace and harmony, hence why they have played a significant role in Chinese history for the last 800 years. The Uighur Muslims specifically in the last 40 years have been influenced by salafists ideology which has been imported from Saudi Arabia. Uighur miscreants will only be defeated in the long term by using Islamic philosophy to counter extremism. The problem with the Uighur community is that most of them are poor and the level of education is appalling. For example I was in Chengdu and I wanted to eat halal meet, so my Chinese brothers took me to a local Uighur restaurant and the waiter could not even speak basic mandarin. I understand that China has given several positive social initiatives to minorities such as lower entry marks to universities, two child policy, financial incentives however this has not translated into jobs. I regard China as my second home and only want to see a positive outcome.

One thing, lets be clear here, Hui Muslims are not genetically distinct compared to Hans. The only difference is religion. Hui have been at the fore front in making the modern Chinese state.
Shake hands :) Once the electricity to produce products and the convenient transportation to ship products and/or materials are ready, more investments will come in to fulfill other fields, it could be Pakistanis abroad, it could also be any other countries, including China.

Your assumption is correct that the right climate combined with infrastructure development will increase investment from all over the globe. However, I specifically mentioned Pakistani's because a large chunk of industrialists have migrated to elsewhere, due to electricity shortages and they should now return to the country.
I read this thread. I was surprised that People, even Pakistanis, can bash a project that is perhaps the single greatest thing that has happened to Pakistani Economy ever!

Now, let me clarify here, I am not claiming that China will not benefit from these projects, but that doesn't imply that Pakistan will not benefit as well. This is not a zero sum game.

Benefits to China:

1. Access to Gwadar and Indian Ocean for Xinjiang.
The biggest advantage, yet hugely overstated. This is more of a strategic advantage, to get an alternative route, and also to repopulate China by shifting a bit of the population to the west.
But, what you must understand is that THIS ROUTE IS NOT ECONOMIC! That is not for goods transferred from say Shanghai to Europe, simply because sea is very cheap. Very Very Cheap.

The only benefit of the whole Silk Road is to create opportunities in the west, to shift some population there.

2. Usage of excess Capacity in industries like Power Equipment, Solar etc.

3. Diversification and better returns on FX Reserves.

Benefits to Pakistan:

1. Setting up of a brand new Port, to act as a buffer and have a certain degree of redundancy.

2. Open a new trade link to China, Central Asia, and Iran, and also be a regional logistic and trade hub

3. Create Infrastructure that is a economic multiplier
From a previous post

Also, you are ignoring the secondary benefits of better infrastructure and energy!

Frankly, if China demands Pakistan that no Pakistani material or worker be used for the energy projects, it will be still very useful because the presence of reliable energy itself will be a force multiplier.

For eg. China's wages are as much as 6 times higher than Pakistan, and 4 times higher than India's.
Yet, China exports 35% of ALL TEXTILE in the world! And for now the share is only going up. That is due to better infrastructure, better training, and hence the productivity dividend.​
funny how you play stupid. but on previous threads you talk and talk and talk about all. but when it come to a 46 billion dollars investment that is pennies to India but you are so butt hurt loool. and the only thing you say is How? hhhhOW? loool

Firstly it was not meant for you and the person it was meant for has not yet replied- that speaks for itself.

next, the subject being questioned was not finances but the option of Chinese vessels ' neutering' another nation to which I wanted to know ' How' ?

Is there a problem somewhere ?
Firstly it was not meant for you and the person it was meant for has not yet replied- that speaks for itself.

next, the subject being questioned was not finances but the option of Chinese vessels ' neutering' another nation to which I wanted to know ' How' ?

Is there a problem somewhere ?
hooOWW is there a problem? i stated you're problem in the previous post. you know the answer to ur question. you might aswell just go do your research then just sit there crying on how the man did not reply to ur post but typical Indian character.
hooOWW is there a problem? i stated you're problem in the previous post. you know the answer to ur question. you might aswell just go do your research then just sit there crying on how the man did not reply to ur post but typical Indian character.

Would you care to mind your own business ?

No, I do not know how Chinese vessels in a Pak port can ' neuter' other nations. Therefore I want to know .
Would you care to mind your own business ?

No, I do not know how Chinese vessels in a Pak port can ' neuter' other nations. Therefore I want to know .

as i can see you do not have no common sense. Indians keep bragging about a blue water navy control of the Indian ocean bla bla bla bla. if you bring gawadar and then put a Chinese presence then you have leverage. like how japan and USA or south Korea and USA, USA gives them leverage that deters foes. but as i can see you needed help because another member said neuter and because of that you want a explanation lol typical Indian mindset.
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