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Chinese Inner Mongolia per capita GDP reached $13,470, surpasses World Bank's high-income threshhold in 2021

You may not know that Genghis Khan's descendants (the golden family) live in Inner Mongolia, and they retain a complete Mongolian culture.
The Mongols in Mongolia are only the descendants of the slaves of 24 noble tribes in Mongolia, they are not pure blood Mongols.
People in Inner Mongolia have a strong sense of aristocratic superiority, and they call Mongolia "wild boar skin".

The Borjigin Clan (Golden Family) believes they descended from the Shiwei people; an ancient nomadic people from Northeast China and were closely related to the Khitans.

Those non-Borjigin Mongols were just Turkic converts.

Genetically speaking, the eastern Mongols like Borjigin/Korchin are very closely related to the Daur people AKA the modern descendants of the Khitans.

Those western Mongols like Oirats were more closely related to the Turkic people like Tuvans.
Leveraging by modernizing and industrialization of the dairy pastoralism of the mongolian steppe, Inner Mongolia is most well known for its two dairy industry giants, that has no doubt contribute much to the province economy.
Nomads are tribal civilizations, if a tribal is defeated and the end is miserable
The nomads on the prairie killed each other, raped each other, and when one tribe conquered another, they killed all the men and old women, leaving only the women
How Inner Mongolian herders get their delivery after shopping online? sadly, you have to drive for an hour or so to the nearest town to pick up your delivery yourself...

Where to go to the bathroom in Inner Mongolia grassland for girls? Find a tree and do it behind it...

第七次人口普查数据显示,内蒙古自治区常住人口约为2404.9万人,比第六次人口普查时减少了66万人。 以最新的常住人口数量为基数计算,内蒙古自治区2021年人均GDP约为8.53万元。

Chinese Inner Mongolia per capita GDP reached ¥85,300 (USD13,470$), World Bank definition of a high-income country ($12,695), Inner Mongolia's per capita GDP surpassed high-income threshhold.

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Inner Mongolia is the true home of Mongol people, outer Mongolia is just an outlier with far few population.
Inner Mongolia

It's a life example of how the same people fare under different governments, the west accuses China of "persecuting" people in Xinjiang, Tibet and Inner Mongolia, we can see how this " persecution" turns out to be.
Some PDF users and "analyst" believe Xinjiang and Tibet would have been more developed and wealthy without China's "exploitation".
You can say the same about Singapore and China. Or Chinese Americans and Chinese in mainland China. Or Yanbian compared to South Korea. That's just cheap boasting.
You can say the same about Singapore and China. Or Chinese Americans and Chinese in mainland China. Or Yanbian compared to South Korea. That's just cheap boasting.
There can be no comparison between China and SG, Chinese and Chinese Americans ,and Yanbian and South Korea. The circumstances and environments are totally different. You can't compare apples to oranges.
You can say the same about Singapore and China. Or Chinese Americans and Chinese in mainland China. Or Yanbian compared to South Korea. That's just cheap boasting.
Check out this map, and would you offer a Singapore's map? Do you know why those high speed railways, bridges, highways all across China are truly engineering miracles comparing with the rest of the world? They have to cut through the world biggest deserts and tallest mountains, what about Singapore?
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All languages have their strengths and weaknesses, but history and cultures are carried by your traditional written language, isn't it a pity if you can't understand your own historic chronicles? China has thousands years of written history, if China lost Chinese charaters, which many argue for not being the most efficient, China would lose her soul and the very essence of being China and Chinese.
Then why discard the fantiji () for the bastardized jiantiji ( ) ?

Where root radicals are discarded into the dustbin or transmogrified to parody of the root radical

China lost her soul when jiantiji ( ) was forced onto the people
And lost the essence of being China and Chinese
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