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Chinese Inner Mongolia per capita GDP reached $13,470, surpasses World Bank's high-income threshhold in 2021

Yes, Inner mongolia is rich.

Because it has lots of mineral resource and little people.

But obviously there is more than that to the story of their success.

Because going up north in the Republic of Mongolia has even more resource and less people, and yet they are a lot poorer than Inner mongolian.
Republic of Mongolia has more natural resources and much less people, is still very poor.
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Yes, Inner mongolia is rich.

Because it has lots of mineral resource and little people.

But obviously there is more than that to the story of their success.

Because going up north in the Republic of Mongolia has even more resource and less people, and yet they are a lot poorer than Inner mongolian.

Republic of Mongolia has more natural recources and much less people, is still very poor.

Unless you're selling energy, natural resources are getting less and less relevant in today's economy which increasingly relies on human resources. Being able to consistently attract foreign talent (human resource) is a far greater and sustainable competitive advantage.


$6bil worth of exports, almost all made up of natural resources. Frankly, Singapore's investment returns from our SWFs is already $30bil per year. What's more it's compounding and we don't have to sacrifice the environment.
You should see the losers from Mongolia on Reddit constantly talking shit about how Inner Mongolians are oppressed.

They live in a literal shit hole and they think their cousins need rescuing.
You're talking about r/Mongolia right? Delusional idiots genuinely believe the moment they open immigration to Mongols in Russia and China, many would immediately flock to there. For what? To live in abject poverty? It's one of the many reasons why Tibetans in India return back to China for a better life.
poor in what sense ? cultural and tradition ?

then you have no idea about Mongolia
I have some ethnic Mongol childhood friends growing up together and I learned a lot about Mongols by spending so much time with them, how much do you know Mongols and how many Mongol friends do you have? What about Mongols that you think you know but I don't know? Since when PDF think tank analyst becomes a Mongol expert?
I have some ethnic Mongol childhood friends growing up together and I learned a lot about Mongols by spending so much time with them, how much do you know Mongols and how many Mongol friends do you have? What about Mongols that you think you know but I don't know? Since when PDF think tank analyst becomes a Mongol expert?

you said "Republic of Mongolia has more natural resources and much less people, is still very poor."

I said what is definition of poor

Mongol has very strong cultural and tradition they are not poor
you said "Republic of Mongolia has more natural resources and much less people, is still very poor."

I said what is definition of poor

Mongol has very strong cultural and tradition they are not poor
Poor means poor, you are the only person doesn't know this word in this context in PDF, check out what this thread is talking about, would you?
Mongol has very strong cultural and tradition
Do you know that Mongol in China and Mongols in Mongolia use different written languages and even different names? Do you know why? Speaking of Mongols, I m pretty qualified to be your teacher.

This is the written language Mongols use in Mongolia

调整大小 The-sign-reads-‘Children-should-be-proud-of-their-fathers-not-scared-of-them’.jpg

This is the written language Mongols in China use

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Do you know that Mongol in China and Mongols in Mongolia use different written languages and even different names? Do you know why?

This is the written language Mongols use in Mongolia

View attachment 812180

This is the written language Mongols in China use
View attachment 812175
View attachment 812176
The Mongolian cyrillic language is more cleaner because they removed extra alphabets that create extra sounds. So it will sound and written shorter and fluently. Traditional Mongolian language includes a lot of extra alphabets and sounds, which makes it sound very confusing and difficult. So you can understand that the language used in Mongolia is kind of a Modern Mongolian language.
The Mongolian cyrillic language is more cleaner because they removed extra alphabets that create extra sounds. So it will sound and written shorter and fluently. Traditional Mongolian language includes a lot of extra alphabets and sounds, which makes it sound very confusing and difficult. So you can understand that the language used in Mongolia is kind of a Modern Mongolian language.
All languages have their strengths and weaknesses, but history and cultures are carried by your traditional written language, isn't it a pity if you can't understand your own historic chronicles? China has thousands years of written history, if China lost Chinese charaters, which many argue for not being the most efficient, China would lose her soul and the very essence of being China and Chinese.
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Actual Mongolia is Inner Mongolia. Outer Mongolia tribes were Genghis Khan slaves and vassals.

Genetically, they are more closely related to the Oirat Mongols, but they were ruled by the Borjigin Clan.

The Oirat Mongols were the former ruler of Xinjiang, and they were ultimately defeated and eliminated by the Qing Dynasty.
The Mongolian cyrillic language is more cleaner because they removed extra alphabets that create extra sounds. So it will sound and written shorter and fluently. Traditional Mongolian language includes a lot of extra alphabets and sounds, which makes it sound very confusing and difficult. So you can understand that the language used in Mongolia is kind of a Modern Mongolian language.
How do you compare Ottoman Turkish and modern Turkish? Just curious.
you said "Republic of Mongolia has more natural resources and much less people, is still very poor."

I said what is definition of poor

Mongol has very strong cultural and tradition they are not poor

You may not know that Genghis Khan's descendants (the golden family) live in Inner Mongolia, and they retain a complete Mongolian culture.
The Mongols in Mongolia are only the descendants of the slaves of 24 noble tribes in Mongolia, they are not pure blood Mongols.
People in Inner Mongolia have a strong sense of aristocratic superiority, and they call Mongolia "wild boar skin".
The Mongols in Mongolia are only the descendants of the slaves of 24 noble tribes in Mongolia, they are not pure blood Mongols.
Even worse, they were further 'impured' by the Soviets.
Real Mongol tradition, language & people mostly exist only in China now.

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