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Chinese Dissident Awarded Nobel Peace Prize

nigga what?...:undecided: freedom of speech is freedom of speech.....:usflag:

Go find a White Supremacist who will win the Nobel Prize for writing a thousand page essay on how the Caucasians are responsible for our "superior" civilization.
Go find a White Supremacist who will win the Nobel Prize for writing a thousand page essay on how the Caucasians are responsible for our "superior" civilization.
nigga please....:rolleyes: at least you wont see him in jail....:azn:
He basically said that the Chinese people invented the concept of the clash between Western and Eastern civilization. The Eastern Civilization is inferior and has to start over and relearn everything from the West. The Chinese are arrogant for even proposing such a thing.

Does he even know the stuff he is talking about?
I hope he stays around for another 40 years. Things will look different in 2050.
Who the hell are you calling nigga?

its a ******** figure of speach figure of speech....:rolleyes:

try using the Urban dictionary next time you see something that dont make sense.....:wave:

edit: since when the word Frigg.in (without the dot) its a bad word? it was meant to replace the real bad word *******...
Yeah Mr.Liu is quite typical of those Chinese dissidents, who has no original thought of their own and best advice they can give to China is to copy the West.

China started building its industry in the 1980s by copying and adopting foreign technologies, so it's to a degree understandable intellectuals of that era only has the mental capacity to worship the West. But just as the old copycat industry had lost its usefulness in today's China, so are those intellectuals of the same era.

It's rather ironic the West is crying foul of China's 'copy-cat' mentality and practice in industrial and commercial realms and at the same time doing its best to encourage the same thing in cultural and political spheres. Mr.Liu is nothing more than a fake watch maker who think the best thing can ever happen to China is for every Chinese to wear a counterfeit Rolex.
its a ******** figure of speach figure of speech....:rolleyes:

try using the Urban dictionary next time you see something that dont make sense.....:wave:

Just shut your hole, i can smell your kind from miles away, don't consume too much c..., it will eventually exposed that you are a proud citizen of hell ....
The award signals a clear and loud expression of "thinking" and intent, about the rise of China in influential sections of the West - don't be too surprised for the West to discover "human rights" with regard to diplomatic and commercial relations with China -- but my take is that such a signal, will fail and in fact reflects "last gasps" for a section of political opinion in the West - I say "last gasps" but in historic terms, 20 -30 years of clutching at straws is more like it.

But of course much depends on China's ability to calibrate it's responses to such provocations - and there will be many many more of them, in varied arenas, from Tibet, to Xinziang, to the growing numbers of Chinese with disposable income and those without, to pinpricks on oceans and landmass -- Steady, sure, economic and political development is something the entire world needs from China as she establishes herself as the measure of stability and justice in the world.
The award signals a clear and loud expression of "thinking" and intent, about the rise of China in influential sections of the West - don't be too surprised for the West to discover "human rights" with regard to diplomatic and commercial relations with China -- but my take is that such a signal, will fail and in fact reflects "last gasps" for a section of political opinion in the West - I say "last gasps" but in historic terms, 20 -30 years of clutching at straws is more like it.

But of course much depends on China's ability to calibrate it's responses to such provocations - and there will be many many more of them, in varied arenas, from Tibet, to Xinziang, to the growing numbers of Chinese with disposable income and those without, to pinpricks on oceans and landmass -- Steady, sure, economic and political development is something the entire world needs from China as she establishes herself as the measure of stability and justice in the world.

we are not prefect, there are many many issues back at home. including human rights issues. however, we are determined to overcome them eventually and we are working on that.

I am using an analogy. There are people within China who have rose colored glass about Western countries and Western democracy. They think the grass is greener on the otherside. They think the West have the answer, so they are susceptible to Western suggestions, but fail to realize the motive of the West. Why are they advocating democracy? Why are they so passionate about democracy in China? Are they doing because they love the Chinese and want to Chinese to live a better life? Why didn't they push for democracy when they were the colonizer, despite they have democracy at domestically?

People like Liu are people who always see faults and negatives about one's own environment, but never do anything to change it. It is like Chinese dissident who deflect to the arms of other country and then go on and on about how bad it is in China. People like Liu look to other for answer, but never themselve. They would rather lose their independence to get bread, than to be proudly independent toil in the field. They are like Uncle Toms , House Slave. I would bet Liu would rather China be like Japan, a lackey for the West and be develop.

The problem is China is proudly independent and the development path is long term modernization and independence, rather quick modernization (using Western transfer of technology) and be a lapdog of Western country.

Independence from foreign bullying and coersion is a hallmark of a great nation. Democracy is all bullshit. The most basic human right is the right to live a dignified life. I don't think living under colonialism with a foreign ruler on a full stomach is a dignified life.

Democracy doesn't work for every nation.

Look at Pakistan. Pakistan was doing much much better under the dictatorship of Musharraf than the democratic Zardari.

Relations and cooperation with the United States, China, and even India were in an all-time high under the dictatorship of Musharraf.
Democracy doesn't work for every nation.

Look at Pakistan. Pakistan was doing much much better under the dictatorship of Musharraf than the democratic Zardari.

Relations and cooperation with the United States, China, and even India were in an all-time high under the dictatorship of Musharraf.
It's your own opinion, I don't think most of the other people will agree with that.If it was true then why his supporting political party failed in the elections?
Musharraf's Indian visit was a failure.
I agree with your one Part "Democracy doesn't work for every nation"
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