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Chinese Dissident Awarded Nobel Peace Prize

Could you please give me the Chinese view on what he did.

I am using an analogy. There are people within China who have rose colored glass about Western countries and Western democracy. They think the grass is greener on the otherside. They think the West have the answer, so they are susceptible to Western suggestions, but fail to realize the motive of the West. Why are they advocating democracy? Why are they so passionate about democracy in China? Are they doing because they love the Chinese and want to Chinese to live a better life? Why didn't they push for democracy when they were the colonizer, despite they have democracy at domestically?

People like Liu are people who always see faults and negatives about one's own environment, but never do anything to change it. It is like Chinese dissident who deflect to the arms of other country and then go on and on about how bad it is in China. People like Liu look to other for answer, but never themselve. They would rather lose their independence to get bread, than to be proudly independent toil in the field. They are like Uncle Toms , House Slave. I would bet Liu would rather China be like Japan, a lackey for the West and be develop.

The problem is China is proudly independent and the development path is long term modernization and independence, rather quick modernization (using Western transfer of technology) and be a lapdog of Western country.

Independence from foreign bullying and coersion is a hallmark of a great nation. Democracy is all bullshit. The most basic human right is the right to live a dignified life. I don't think living under colonialism with a foreign ruler on a full stomach is a dignified life.
The Chinese government is doing the right thing. Limited diplomatic protest and not making a big fuss about it. If you fight fire with fire it will only make it bigger and make China look bad. Ignoring it is the strategy that Sun Zi would have recommended. Kudo to the Chinese leadership on their maturity. They have outmanuevered the west at every turn for the last 10 years, and I am confident that they will do it again.
China used a low-key approach with Google and that didn't turn out too well. China need to go on offense at least domestically. We can't leave wildfires burning by itself.
China used a low-key approach with Google and that didn't turn out too well. China need to go on offense at least domestically. We can't leave wildfires burning by itself.

I think China's need a media infrastructure in order to push it message. Currently, China is no match. They can go on the offensive, but what kind of offensive can it be without any weapons? China tarnish the image of the West in China, but the Chinese people will be subject to an onslaught of people touting the Western's narrative. I think China is on the right track in building a media environment in non-Western countries first.

They should push their narrative in non-Western countries and developing country. Sooner of later, once developing countries becomes more develop, the tide will turn and Western narrative will part of the minority.

I think China should focus more on historical actions as well as the current war in Iraq (lies) and Afganistan of the West and never let the whole "Democracy and Human Right" narrative overshadow their racist imperialist, war monger actions in the past and current. China should paints the **** of Iraqi women by US servicemen as government sanctions. Since the West paints China with broadstrokes, China should do the same.
I am using an analogy. There are people within China who have rose colored glass about Western countries and Western democracy. They think the grass is greener on the otherside. They think the West have the answer, so they are susceptible to Western suggestions, but fail to realize the motive of the West. Why are they advocating democracy? Why are they so passionate about democracy in China? Are they doing because they love the Chinese and want to Chinese to live a better life? Why didn't they push for democracy when they were the colonizer, despite they have democracy at domestically?

People like Liu are people who always see faults and negatives about one's own environment, but never do anything to change it. It is like Chinese dissident who deflect to the arms of other country and then go on and on about how bad it is in China. People like Liu look to other for answer, but never themselve. They would rather lose their independence to get bread, than to be proudly independent toil in the field. They are like Uncle Toms , House Slave. I would bet Liu would rather China be like Japan, a lackey for the West and be develop.

The problem is China is proudly independent and the development path is long term modernization and independence, rather quick modernization (using Western transfer of technology) and be a lapdog of Western country.

Independence from foreign bullying and coersion is a hallmark of a great nation. Democracy is all bullshit. The most basic human right is the right to live a dignified life. I don't think living under colonialism with a foreign ruler on a full stomach is a dignified life.

Well said brother! I totally agree with you, everybody should listen to your wise words.
The intention to award Mr Liu was to draw attention to the matter of political dissidents in China.

The Americans you mention are in no danger of being prosecuted by the American Government. Treatment of political dissidents in America is not an issue.

Norman Finkelstein, an excellent scholar was expelled from university, and some nasty things happened to him. I believe he was also threatened. I know very well how things work in the west, I know the double standards and hypocrisy. I suggest reading some books by William Blum, Noam Chomsky and Norman Finkelstein.
I think China's need a media infrastructure in order to push it message. Currently, China is no match. They can go on the offensive, but what kind of offensive can it be without any weapons? China tarnish the image of the West in China, but the Chinese people will be subject to an onslaught of people touting the Western's narrative. I think China is on the right track in building a media environment in non-Western countries first.

They should push their narrative in non-Western countries and developing country. Sooner of later, once developing countries becomes more develop, the tide will turn and Western narrative will part of the minority.

I think China should focus more on historical actions as well as the current war in Iraq (lies) and Afganistan of the West and never let the whole "Democracy and Human Right" narrative overshadow their racist imperialist, war monger actions in the past and current. China should paints the **** of Iraqi women by US servicemen as government sanctions. Since the West paints China with broadstrokes, China should do the same.

Western narrative about China and its human rights had already lost most of its creditability among the Chinese public during running up to the Beijing Olympics and the two ethnic riots during 2008 and 2009. This is the perfect opportunity to drive the final nail in the coffin.

Right now Mr.Liu is being marketed by the Western media as a moderate, I think even in the international PR arena, China can dig up anti-Chinese remarks made by Mr.Liu and call him by what he is, an anti-Chinese racist. Make him controversial, and play up his racist and pro-colonial remarks to gain sympathy from the developing world.

As for the Western world, after the Beijing Olympics torch relay debacle Chinese are caring less and less about how the West think of China. Yes we're not going to win over the Western media on their home turf, but we don't have to.
China, the Arab world and other developing regions in the world should cooperate in order to counter western media domination and mind control. Unfortunately, the mind control and influence of western media is unlimited.
Right now Mr.Liu is being marketed by the Western media as a moderate, I think even in the international PR arena, China can dig up anti-Chinese remarks made by Mr.Liu and call him by what he is, an anti-Chinese racist. Make him controversial, and play up his racist and pro-colonial remarks to gain sympathy from the developing world.

I think the key point here is that Mr. Liu isn't just anti-Communist, he is anti-Chinese. I wouldn't so much say that he loves democracy - he loves the West and western ideology. Instead of criticizing the Communist party he is critizing the Chinese people and villifying the accomplishments of our civilization. Read what he has to say about the Chinese civilization:

我认为东西方文明并示构成冲突和对抗,那也是中国人虚构出来的,中国文明就落伍了,并不存在与 西方文明对抗的问题,需要的是从头学起,承认落伍和失败,老老实实向别人学习,只有强度相等而方向不同的两 个东西才会形成对抗,如西方的经验主义与理性主义哲学,生命哲学与科学哲学等等。中国有什么东可以与西方文 明对抗?这种对抗概念证明了中国民族根深蒂固的虚荣心。
我认为东西方文明并示构成冲突和对抗,那也是中国人虚构出来的,中国文明就落伍了,并不存在与 西方文明对抗的问题,需要的是从头学起,承认落伍和失败,老老实实向别人学习,只有强度相等而方向不同的两 个东西才会形成对抗,如西方的经验主义与理性主义哲学,生命哲学与科学哲学等等。中国有什么东可以与西方文 明对抗?这种对抗概念证明了中国民族根深蒂固的虚荣心。

Could you translate or summarize if it's no bother?
Could you translate or summarize if it's no bother?

He basically said that the Chinese people invented the concept of the clash between Western and Eastern civilization. The Eastern Civilization is inferior and has to start over and relearn everything from the West. The Chinese are arrogant for even proposing such a thing.
Freedom of Speech...:usflag:

You technically also have the freedom to go to Harlem and tell the African Americans that they are inferior to the Whites. However you'd better prepare for the beating that you'll receive.
You technically also have the freedom to go to Harlem and tell the African Americans that they are inferior to the Whites. However you'd better prepare for the beating that you'll receive.
nigga what?...:undecided: freedom of speech is freedom of speech.....:usflag:
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