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Chinese Dissident Awarded Nobel Peace Prize

Beijing's propagandists need to find a tree and hang themselves. Now they finally have an article on domestic press commenting on Nobel Peace Prize and it's a translation of something written by a Russian columnist.

Then somehow there's a lot of reports about Wen Jiabao on the this week's TIME cover. I mean come on, China is the second largest economy now and our press are still going crazy over some Western magazine cover?

I mean those old guards in power now still have this huge inferiority complex. They can't wait to quote some foreign media. Only when younger generations of Chinese take power can China finally 'stand up'.

Funny thing is all of this is happening during the National Day weekend...
没错. 但政府现在就这鸟德行. 上个月日本扣船还好歹硬了一次.
这次道好... 干脆学鸵鸟了. 和谐社会好啊!



为天地立心,为生民立命, 为往圣继绝学,为万世开太平



为天地立心,为生民立命, 为往圣继绝学,为万世开太平


民运这帮东西除了靠恶心TG来骗些狗粮有多大能耐? TG要提防的是狗主人.
The propaganda department is finally striking back

They should have done this last week, now it's too little, too late. I wonder if it's because propaganda department was caught unprepared (they shouldn't be) or there was major disagreement within the leadership on how to respond.

Is it me or does the response sound exactly like a mishmash of the various counterarguments used by Chinese members on PDF?
^^^ Lol time for your 15 mins of fame.:lol:

We already had enough after the F-4 vs. Su-27 thread. Every one on Chinese forums are saying that the rumor started in PDF when we sourced a Chinese forum lol.
doesn't matter to most people. the track we're on is not the best, far from it, but it is acceptable - it's at least better than 19th century britain or early 20th century US which went through disease, major wars, colonization, financial crisis and imperialism. in our progress, we've avoided:

cholera and other infectious disease, thanks to developing after sanitation and modern drugs were invented.

major wars, thanks to the leadership realizing that the age of aggressive conquest is over.

colonization, see above.

financial crisis, for good economic planning

and imperialism, see above.

The ends do not justify the means. If you have a noble end, then the means to achieve that end should also be noble.
The ends do not justify the means. If you have a noble end, then the means to achieve that end should also be noble.

i completely agree! the first ones you should tell is the US and Britain, as they have gotten to where they are through endless slaughter of INDIANS, slavery of INDIA, colonial exploitation of INDIA, disease exports to INDIA, destruction of INDIAN industry and oppression of INDIA.

we have not done those, so our means are on the right track.
i completely agree! the first ones you should tell is the US and Britain, as they have gotten to where they are through endless slaughter of INDIANS, slavery of INDIA, colonial exploitation of INDIA, disease exports to INDIA, destruction of INDIAN industry and oppression of INDIA.

we have not done those, so our means are on the right track.

Britain - yes; USA - no. I can't think of a more perverse nation than the UK. All the problems around the world can be traced at their mishandling and mischief. Durand Line between Afg and Pak. Kashmir between India and Pakistan. Israel-Palestine conflict. Unresolved borders between India and China. Everytime I visit the UK I wonder how these buf%oons managed to rule the world.
can't agree more with your assessment. you forgot malaysia and singapore here as well.

If US is so confident, why it needs to shutdown internet or filer internet? Senators propose granting president emergency Internet power | Politics and Law - CNET News

The internet filter coming to the US — with barely any dissent | Crikey

If Australia is so confident, why it also needs to filter internet? US concern over Australian internet filter - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

BTW, a confident India is also pretty apt in suppress dissident/internet.

LOL, you do know that the censorship problem in Australia is mainly due to privacy issues :tongue:
Britain - yes; USA - no. I can't think of a more perverse nation than the UK. All the problems around the world can be traced at their mishandling and mischief. Durand Line between Afg and Pak. Kashmir between India and Pakistan. Israel-Palestine conflict. Unresolved borders between India and China. Everytime I visit the UK I wonder how these buf%oons managed to rule the world.

O right. So you are blaming everything on the fact that britain once rule India. Are you telling people to blame their parents for their low IQ?

Conquest has been part of humanity for ages. One of the main reason for the Neanderthal to become extinct was that the Homo sapiens (modern human) was too violent. I am pretty sure if it was the other way round (as in India smash Britain), British will be colonized as well
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