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Chinese Dissident Awarded Nobel Peace Prize

You have no idea of conflicting interests in the Middle East. International game.

I am Iranian but as you say i have no idea
We paid high price of Western manipulations and supports
But about this nobel price : this is made to support peace and democracy, rights for people.

We are enough grown up, i hope
that we consider this world inter depency and respect each other

the fact is this nobel price is not anti chinese at all
but based on the fact people care about China being a great democracy
like they did it when they choosed Shirin Ebadi
Let's me tell the story of Shirin Ebadi who was among the revolutionnaries. Like most of us, we respect the ideas of the revolution (except a few grown up in US or Europe disconnected to the Iranian reality)
but we look for improvment and our rights
they understood that Shirin Ebadi was doing a hard long job for women conditions.
it is nothing to do with politics and governements here

it is the same for this nobel price
so don't take it as offense. i believe so.
I am Iranian but as you say i have no idea
We paid high price of Western manipulations and supports
But about this nobel price : this is made to support peace and democracy, rights for people.

We are enough grown up, i hope
that we consider this world inter depency and respect each other

the fact is this nobel price is not anti chinese at all
but based on the fact people care about China being a great democracy
like they did it when they choosed Shirin Ebadi
Let's me tell the story of Shirin Ebadi who was among the revolutionnaries. Like most of us, we respect the ideas of the revolution (except a few grown up in US or Europe disconnected to the Iranian reality)
but we look for improvment and our rights
they understood that Shirin Ebadi was doing a hard long job for women conditions.
it is nothing to do with politics and governements here

it is the same for this nobel price
so don't take it as offense. i believe so.

Because you still did not grow up, this is a simple answer. We also have fanatical believe about the West, in 80s-90s , then, we have experienced enough, we have sufficient knowledge of the West, objective and rational, we know what we need. If no more basis, then your rhetoric without any effect.
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@ Hussein

The West never respects China, Iran, Turkey or anyone else. Western governments only understand the language of power and domination; they don't believe in mutually beneficial cooperation like Turkey, China and Iran. And if they can't dominate they get angry and aggressive...

I strongly urge everyone to read these excellent books;

Rogue state: a guide to the world's only superpower (William Blum)

Killing Hope: US Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II (William Blum)
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I may not agree with all of Mr. Liu's opinion, but I have to say he is a brave person. This has nothing to do with if he wins the Nobel prize or not. I don't like the western country's evil intention, but at the same time I admit it is really difficult for so many Chinese people to understand our problems, because our education gave us a different view of the world.

I once talked with a Chinese Phd student of an american univeristy. Even as highly educated as him, his view of democracy frustrated me so much. We have a long long way to go.
I may not agree with all of Mr. Liu's opinion, but I have to say he is a brave person. This has nothing to do with if he wins the Nobel prize or not. I don't like the western country's evil intention, but at the same time I admit it is really difficult for so many Chinese people to understand our problems, because our education gave us a different view of the world.

I once talked with a Chinese Phd student of an american univeristy. Even as highly educated as him, his view of democracy frustrated me so much. We have a long long way to go.

You do not need so big, people are smart enough than you think. Just do not agree with your idea, this is normal, you are not the truth.
I may not agree with all of Mr. Liu's opinion, but I have to say he is a brave person. This has nothing to do with if he wins the Nobel prize or not. I don't like the western country's evil intention, but at the same time I admit it is really difficult for so many Chinese people to understand our problems, because our education gave us a different view of the world.

I once talked with a Chinese Phd student of an american univeristy. Even as highly educated as him, his view of democracy frustrated me so much. We have a long long way to go.

no one has monopoly on truth and you are not the only smart person in the world. why should you be frustrated that a chinese phd student has a different view than you? you should be frustrated that some american phd students (mostly humanities ones) think that china is a backwards banana republic.
I may not agree with all of Mr. Liu's opinion, but I have to say he is a brave person. This has nothing to do with if he wins the Nobel prize or not. I don't like the western country's evil intention, but at the same time I admit it is really difficult for so many Chinese people to understand our problems, because our education gave us a different view of the world.

I once talked with a Chinese Phd student of an american univeristy. His view of democracy frustrated me so much. We have a long long way to go.

Nothing is permanent. Everything changes, everybody evolves.

Do you think China will look what it is today after 30 years? How did China look thirty years back?

With rapid industrialization, urbanization and commercialization, the Chinese society will transform into an advanced one. Chinese life style will be totally high tech life style. rural backward areas will totally disappear.

But, a China, ruled by white Anglos as it was after the Opium wars, is not welcome. In Shanghai, an Anglo signboard used to say, 'dogs and Chinese are not allowed', have you forgotten, sir? Can't you remember all the racist slurs the Anglos used towards the Chinese, I am not mentioning them here, but I hope you know.

Mao had enough reason to go for the Cultural Revolution. It was the need of the time to sanctify a nation that had been bastardized by the Anglos. See, what the Anglos have done to Philippines people after invading it. See, how still today flesh trade is feeding Anglo masculine imperialism. Some South East Asian countries have been made as $ex slaves.

Being colonized is a national shame.
Nothing is permanent. Everything changes, everybody evolves.

Do you think China will look what it is today after 30 years? How did China look thirty years back?

With rapid industrialization, urbanization and commercialization, the Chinese society will transform into an advanced one. Chinese life style will be totally high tech life style. rural backward areas will totally disappear.

But, a China, ruled by white Anglos as it was after the Opium wars, is not welcome. In Shanghai, an Anglo signboard used to say, 'dogs and Chinese are not allowed', have you forgotten, sir? Can't you remember all the racist slurs the Anglos used towards the Chinese, I am not mentioning them here, but I hope you know.

Mao had enough reason to go for the Cultural Revolution. It was the need of the time to sanctify a nation that had been bastardized by the Anglos. See, what the Anglos have done to Philippines people after invading it. See, how still today flesh trade is feeding Anglo masculine imperialism. Some South East Asian countries have been made as $ex slaves.

Being colonized is a national shame.

so agreed~ look at filipinos now, 75% of asian *** slaves in the US are filipinos and they're reduced to a broken, begging nation of maid-slaves. compare vietnam to thailand. vietnam used to be a huge *** slave market for the US but now, even though alot of vietnamese women want to get married to chinese or korean men it no longer has that bad reputation. compare to thailand across the border, now it's a *** haven for the world, thai women are the real international bus, pay 2 dollars and get on! compare to vietnamese in the US, they're too busy licking the white man's *** to have pride.

in this respect, we're no worse than south korea and japan, thailand, phillipines and vietnam pre-1975 was on a whole different level.
so agreed~ look at filipinos now, 75% of asian *** slaves in the US are filipinos and they're reduced to a broken, begging nation of maid-slaves. compare vietnam to thailand. vietnam used to be a huge *** slave market for the US but now, even though alot of vietnamese women want to get married to chinese or korean men it no longer has that bad reputation. compare to thailand across the border, now it's a *** haven for the world, thai women are the real international bus, pay 2 dollars and get on! compare to vietnamese in the US, they're too busy licking the white man's *** to have pride.

This is what I wanted to avoid. But he compelled me to discuss.

White anglo sexual imperialism is related to Geo-Politics. Anglos have the agenda to bastardize the Asian nations, particularly their desire to bastardize China. Not only sexually bastardize, but also culturally, ideologically, psychologically and politically bastardize the nation. They want the Chinese to be brainwashed to the extent that the Chinese will believe Angloids are superior to them, so that the Angloids can rule China without any question asked. Their Jesus Christ should be every Chinese man's god. They want to see this.

The angloids captured America and after bastardizing the Native Americans and wiping them off, they want to swallow the Chinese people and their land. This is their old strategic game. See, how they are repositioning themselves on the planet. The epicenter of Anglo sexual power was Britain, not its North America.
This is what I wanted to avoid. But he compelled me to discuss.

White anglo sexual imperialism is related to Geo-Politics. Anglos have the agenda to bastardize the Asian nations, particularly their desire to bastardize China. Not only sexually bastardize, but also culturally, ideologically, psychologically and politically bastardize the nation. They want the Chinese to be brainwashed to the extent that the Chinese will believe Angloids are superior to them, so that the Angloids can rule China without any question asked. Their Jesus Christ should be every Chinese man's god. They want to see this.

The angloids captured America and after bastardizing the Native Americans and wiping them off, they want to swallow the Chinese people and their land. This is their old strategic game. See, how they are repositioning themselves on the planet. The epicenter of Anglo sexual power was Britain, not its North America.

Britain even feels the pressure from the US now. the Queen is nothing more than the private slave of uncle sam now. How things change in 80 years, from the empire on which the sun never sets, to this.

We are the one of the last remaining free societies in asia. Countries like that resort to "tourist services" and human export are shameful. Our freedom did not come free. It was built by all those who sacrificed for China as we know it today.
I may not agree with all of Mr. Liu's opinion, but I have to say he is a brave person. This has nothing to do with if he wins the Nobel prize or not. I don't like the western country's evil intention, but at the same time I admit it is really difficult for so many Chinese people to understand our problems, because our education gave us a different view of the world.

I once talked with a Chinese Phd student of an american univeristy. Even as highly educated as him, his view of democracy frustrated me so much. We have a long long way to go.

People naturally have different opinions, I don't see why 'we have a long long way to go' just because we have a different view of the world than Westerners.

Also people overstates the influence of education, the fact remains a lot of opponents of democratization in China have long experiences living or studying in the West.

As a personal note, I have been living in the West since I was a high school student and actually came to the West with a very pro-Western pro-democracy mindset -- the first book I checked out from my high school library was a book on Tiananmen protest and I did my first class presentation on 'Athens, the birthplace of democracy'. The result? After more than ten years of education in the West and interacting almost exclusively with Westerners and Western society, I went from a steadfast democracy supporter to what many may classify as neo-Authoritarian.

And I'm definitely not alone in this, you can watch this discussion on Chinese politics
China's Politics - C-SPAN Video Library
When the panel was asked if having so many Chinese students in the West would help democratization in China, all panelists said no and suggested the experience of living and studying in the West actually make people less impressed with democracy than when they first came.

If anything I dare say the Chinese education system is making many people holding an over-romantic view of both the West and democracy than they otherwise may be.
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Can't really comment on politicians but western people have their share of good folks. Do any of you guys actually lived among europeans or their descendants? NZ kiwis I've met in general are good people, if insufficiently knowledgeable about chinese society.
Can't really comment on politicians but western people have their share of good folks. Do any of you guys actually lived among europeans or their descendants? NZ kiwis I've met in general are good people, if insufficiently knowledgeable about chinese society.

Oh that's absolutely true. I was really shocked to see the amount of hostility some (mostly non-Chinese I dare say) members hold against Aussies and Kiwis. Most of Aussies and Kiwis I know (and I know a lot of them) are absolutely fabulous people.

Although as you said some of them do hold certain funny ideas about China. I went to diner with a friend recently, and during the course of our conversations she suddenly asked if the Chinese government gives every Chinese overseas a list of permissible China-related topics to talk about. :what:
I am not too convinced about this theory. If the government was so confident about support from its citizens, it wouldn't have resorted to things like censorship, prosecuting political dissidents, etc.


If US is so confident, why it needs to shutdown internet or filer internet? Senators propose granting president emergency Internet power | Politics and Law - CNET News

The internet filter coming to the US — with barely any dissent | Crikey

If Australia is so confident, why it also needs to filter internet? US concern over Australian internet filter - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

BTW, a confident India is also pretty apt in suppress dissident/internet.
Beijing's propagandists need to find a tree and hang themselves. Now they finally have an article on domestic press commenting on Nobel Peace Prize and it's a translation of something written by a Russian columnist.

Then somehow there's a lot of reports about Wen Jiabao on the this week's TIME cover. I mean come on, China is the second largest economy now and our press are still going crazy over some Western magazine cover?

I mean those old guards in power now still have this huge inferiority complex. They can't wait to quote some foreign media. Only when younger generations of Chinese take power can China finally 'stand up'.
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