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Chinese Dissident Awarded Nobel Peace Prize

Chinese Dissident Awarded Nobel Peace Prize


“If not for the work of Liu and the others to broker a peaceful withdrawal from the square, Tiananmen Square would have been a field of blood on June 4,” said Gao Yu, a veteran journalist who was arrested in the hours before the tanks began moving through the city.


So, Tiananmen Square was actually NOT a field of blood!

So the freeking western world media lied to us, lied to the whole world! :taz:
Because he want westerners to colonize China for 300 years, or perhaps more. This certainly delights the westerners. :devil:

That was a very stupid and irresponsible statement by him. The "light" of European colonialism also shined upon places like Africa, which remain poor even to this day.
While admire his personal tenacity and knowing some amount of China, I don’t agree with Mr. Liu in many aspects, including his wish for 300 years colonialism on China by Westerners and his Chapter 08.

I admire his personal tenacity, because his peers, such as Cai Lin, Wuer Kaixi, at al. mostly run away to foreign countries to seek personal pleasures but he stays. Frankly, not many Chinese these days have the guts to be like Mr. Liu. Not even renowned physics professor Fang Lizhi, who ended up defecting to US embassy.

But I certainly don’t agree many of his points in his Chapter 08 that caused his recent jail term (which I also disagree with CPC government). If it is indeed doing according to Chapter 08, his western democracy can only turn China into a chaos and resulted in a worse situation than that in India or the Philippines,…

His wish of China to embrace 300 years of western colony is certainly a delight for desperate westerners, represented partially by Norway Nobel committee; but is of course resentment from the Chinese in general.

I see Mr. Liu is now a tragic victim of conflicts between Chinese tradition and Western culture.

All those bloody traitors who created trouble in 1989 wanted China to be re-colonized, first ideologically and practically. They wanted to spread Christianity so that Americans can come to China and again put racist signboards which abuse the Chinese people, again a white colony, again military occupation. They wanted to bastardize China the way Americans bastardized Philippines after invasion. This was their game. Though many of them did not have any idea about what they were doing and for what. They were mere pawns used by CIA. This is how CIA destabilizes a country before invasion.

But I think, the leadership was stupid to show honesty by allowing American journalists when those traitors were to be evacuated. American journalists never mentioned how those traitors started pillaging public properties and even setting fire on public and govt vehicles. They show the photo 'Tank man'. What a fooking propaganda and obviously China's enemies will digest anything that is anti China. The video footage indicates that it was a staged drama, CIA cameraman must have asked the guy to stand in front of the tank so that he can video-graph. He might have thought something bad would happen. But the tank stopped, because it was China. Tanks don't stop in US.
As a result of this prize, one of my estimations is that the process of China's democratization and political reform will therefore be inevitably slowed down...

Westerners, can’t you just leave China alone?! :bounce:
As a result of this prize, one of my estimations is that the process of China's democratization and political reform will therefore be inevitably slowed down...

Westerners, can’t you just leave China alone?! :bounce:

If the Chinese still lived in small cramped shacks and had nothing more than a bowl of rice to stave off our hunger, they would.
Because he want westerners to colonize China for 300 years, or perhaps more ...

As much as I regret the forfeiture of all "nuances" in harping on his (alleged) statements on "colonization" of HK or elsewhere, I agree that such statements (if he indeed made them) will now serve as the most salient charge the CCP propaganda machine can "make hay" against him.

Just as they say, the truth is always the first casualty - in any war.

But I agree with Mr. Pit. The man should win the Nobel "guts" award.
It said the decision would damage bilateral relations between China and Norway. It did not give any details.

If true then Siegecrossbow is entirely prescient (on another thread).

The CCP propaganda machine would then seem to be plunging headlong into Forest Gump mode already (I am sorry to insult Mr. Gump).
If true then Siegecrossbow is entirely prescient (on another thread).

The CCP propaganda machine would then seem to be plunging headlong into Forest Gump mode already (I am sorry to insult Mr. Gump).

I sincerely hope that we don't get another "solemn condemnation" of Nobel's decision but ......oops, that already happened.

Sometimes I really wish that the 50 cents army was actually funded by the CCP propaganda machine.
If true then Siegecrossbow is entirely prescient (on another thread).

The CCP propaganda machine would then seem to be plunging headlong into Forest Gump mode already (I am sorry to insult Mr. Gump).

The problem is that CCP does not have any propaganda machine. That is why I always say China's PR is the worst kind that I have ever seen. The way, US military establishment and Pentagon have involvements in US media is what one needs to learn. US military establishment knows the art of spreading propaganda and it is US military establishment that is behind everything.

China's media should remain pro-active. Indian media is a good example to follow. Indian media is highly patriotic nationalist. Chinese media should always bash enemy countries, that is actually engaging the enemy. Chinese media should always make stories about how the native Americans have been deprived by the whites who once invaded and occupied the Americas. Just make your enemy always busy attacks... engagement.
Liu is from an era that most Chinese have forgotten, and it is best just let it be forgotten.

He can not represent the wishes of billions of ordinary Chinese citizens living todaywho are happy with their improved living standards.

There exist only very tiny group of Chinese who want to have drastic changes to western style democracy, which if materialised, at best will cause a chaos result similar that experienced by Russia after collapse of Soviet Union, at worst it will cause large scale civil unrest or even civil war.

I can not see any logic of giving a price to a man who who is trying to champion a way that might put China into unrest, that is certainly not a "Peace".

I do agree that human rights should be improved, but one has to understand the Chinese way, the Chinese society and the Chinese minds. Nothing should be rushed and changed overnight. Wen Jia Bao is trying, but if he rush too hastily, the hardliners may gang up against him and China may again lost another decades or two.
Liu is from an era that most Chinese have forgotten, and it is best just let it be forgotten.

He can not represent the wishes of billions of ordinary Chinese citizens living todaywho are happy with their improved living standards.

There exist only very tiny group of Chinese who want to have drastic changes to western style democracy, which if materialised, at best will cause a chaos result similar that experienced by Russia after collapse of Soviet Union, at worst it will cause large scale civil unrest or even civil war.

I can not see any logic of giving a price to a man who who is trying to champion a way that might put China into unrest, that is certainly not a "Peace".

I do agree that human rights should be improved, but one has to understand the Chinese way, the Chinese society and the Chinese minds. Nothing should be rushed and changed overnight. Wen Jia Bao is trying, but if he rush too hastily, the hardliners may gang up against him and China may again lost another decades or two.

China has the benefit of two great examples teaching her what NOT to do in the face of external pressure: the Soviet Union and Japan.
The Nobel Peace 2009 was awarded to a President of a country who continues the massive killings and assasination of thousand of innocent lives in Afganistan and Pakistan,by in fact following the previoush War monger administration. In 2010 it is awarded to the Chinese dissident who has called for Western colonization of China in view of instauring democracy.
This is western hypocrisy, according to western media and particularly to CNN the award is given to the dissident in view of raising awareness of human rights in China, that China is violating human rights. But the basic human rights are the right for a job, for food, shelter then the right for freedom of speech and opinion. Human rights conditions in China are sometimes better compared to many Western nations. How about the basic rights of black and latino minorities, the inhumane treatment of latinos immigrants in Texas, what about the deportation of Romans immigrants from France etc. If the West is caring so much for human rights in China, Where are the US and EU when there were the Sichuan earthquake which had killed thousand of children, why the US had imposed an embargo on helicopters engines which were much needed during earthquakes, where was the western aid for the massive flooding and earthquakes which had claimed thousand of lives in 2010 in CHina.
This nobel prize is simply hypocrisy, the Nobel committee and the West do not care about human rights situation in CHina, the objective is to put a discredit on China, to tarnish it reputation and to counter balance the growing influence of China and its soft power. In 2010 China has become the main target of the West, the nobel prize is just adding to the list. But all these will not prevent China from becoming the major economic power in the world.
hmmm the quality of Nobel Prize is getting low day by day.How does a political person desiring change of system in country relates to global peace.

Seriously first they give it to Obama and now this.The Nobel committee should show that at least they have a tiny bit of brain.
From what I read here, Mr Liu was imprisoned because he co-authored a paper which criticised CCP under the charges of "inciting subversion of state power".

What is the Chinese view about these charges? Was he actually imprisoned because he did not agree with the views of the CCP?
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