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China's 'shove and push' tactic did not work with India, we got international support: CDS Gen Bipin Rawat


Without the mukhti bahini.. Despite all that support.. IA was caught dead inwater. Everyone knows about Indian Military capabilities in South Asia
I see this the angle now anything but IA everyone knows apart from people in pdf put any spin you like on it the outcome was the same and it part of history. We are weak vegi eating Hindus everyone knows it but that not real is it outside here it is different you say things about India like they facts . Whatever makes you feel better about it . Both countries have professional armies with brave men if either was weak maps would be a lot different. We know what we did against china after that sneaky ambush they took months to admit anything while their propaganda department was hard at work. We never hid our deaths they been salami-slicing our land while the politicians watched. We know what was the end result was many here thought it be a two front war. Now i see people thinking they can take on the US navy some posters even show US location while dreaming of their demise. I can go on an Indian-dominated discussion forum where it's the same thing in reverse. Fact is both countries can hold their own with brave soldiers and respect to the forum members that live in the real world while some twist facts change history make excuses . Jobless jack i hope you get a job maybe become a writer now i will wait for the all kinds of things ill be called
I see this the angle now anything but IA everyone knows apart from people in pdf put any spin you like on it the outcome was the same and it part of history. We are weak vegi eating Hindus everyone knows it but that not real is it outside here it is different you say things about India like they facts . Whatever makes you feel better about it . Both countries have professional armies with brave men if either was weak maps would be a lot different. We know what we did against china after that sneaky ambush they took months to admit anything while their propaganda department was hard at work. We never hid our deaths they been salami-slicing our land while the politicians watched. We know what was the end result was many here thought it be a two front war. Now i see people thinking they can take on the US navy some posters even show US location while dreaming of their demise. I can go on an Indian-dominated discussion forum where it's the same thing in reverse. Fact is both countries can hold their own with brave soldiers and respect to the forum members that live in the real world while some twist facts change history make excuses . Jobless jack i hope you get a job maybe become a writer now i will wait for the all kinds of things ill be called

Indian military tried to hide the number of dead Indian soldiers by saying there was only 3 dead soldiers in the first Ministry of Defence statement. Indian military lied about no missing soldiers in action.

Indian military tried to hide the number of dead Indian soldiers by saying there was only 3 dead soldiers in the first Ministry of Defence statement. Indian military lied about no missing soldiers in action.

By the next day all 20 heroes were known and the press were not silenced china did not and still not reveal all their casualties how many months . People will believe the narrative that suits them we not perfect but those soilders got the respect that was due . I am going to sleep soon and i dont normally get in these arguments here because i know hardly anything about these thing . But that jobless jack been winding me up about him making his assumptions facts . I am going to believe my countries narrative but I wont think we the best and Pakistans army is bad because that not true both are professional armies . China deserves massive respect for what they done they a superpower but india not what you think in the Himalayas we both been fighting there for how long and know how to fight in the heights and many outlets reported how the standoff went im done with this discussion because it late and i cant be bothered more to life then this and many indians know this inside out and can be better at it
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China's "shove and push" tactics to compel nations to give in to their demands did not deter India in Ladakh, Chief of Defence Staff General Bipin Rawat said on Thursday.

Addressing a virtual discussion at the ongoing Raisina Dialogue, Gen Bipin Rawat said, "They [China] feel just by doing a little bit of shove and push they will be able to compel nations to give in to their demands. But India stood firm on the northern borders, and we have proven that we will not get pushed."

He said that India, by standing firm, prevented a change in status quo. "We have been able to gather world support and I think the international community has to come to our support to say yes there is an international rule-based order which every nation must follow. This is what we have been able to achieve."

"China attempted to say that it is my way or no other way. Such nature of undeclared war will place dilemma in minds of decision-makers, whether to resort to kinetic force and thus be labelled as aggressor," Gen Rawat added.

India-China military tussle
India and China have been involved in a military tussle for the last one year in Ladakh. Despite the initial disengagement, tensions prevail as there is no final resolution.

Gen Rawat said China tried to change the status quo by use of "disruptive technology without using force".

"As of now, they have not used force and they thought India as a nation will succumb to the pressures. They are putting pressure on us because of the technological advantage they have," he added.

Stressing that nations like China are looking to use alternative means of technology in warfare to put pressure and impose their will on other nations, Gen Rawat said, "I think unconventional means of conflict employed by clever use of disruptive technologies could actually paralyse networks causing breakdowns of systems, banking, power grids, transportation, communication."

Answering a question on China's aggressive moves and galvanisation, Gen Rawat said, "They feel they have arrived, they have a superior armed force because of technological advantage. They have created disruptive technologies which can paralyse systems of the adversary."

He said that while militaries around the world are seeking innovative systems to enhance their combat capabilities, disruptive technologies on the other hand will compel nations to rethink techniques and doctrines of warfighting. "That is what China is evolving to do. It is trying to get into limited conflict."

Gen Rawat pointed out how China used information warfare, sending a message of superiority, thinking the "adversary will not be able to stand up against them and succumb to these threats".

"Through the weaponisation of social media, internet is changing war and politics. Technology will indeed play an important role in the manner in which nations perform in the future."

To a question about withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan, Gen Rawat said the vacuum left behind could be exploited by others.

"We would like to see peace and tranquillity returning to the region. Our concern is that the vacuum that is going to be created with the withdrawal of US and NATO should not create space for other disruptors and, therefore, the violence continues in Afghanistan."

"We would be very happy to provide whatever support we can in development of Afghanistan and making sure peace returns to that nation. People have got tired and are looking at peace," he added.

When asked whether it was Iran and Pakistan that could exploit the situation, he said there are many nations that would like to step into Afghanistan. "Many people are looking at the opportunity to exploit the vacuum that is being created. Afghanistan is a nation that is rich in resources. There are nations that tend to exploit resources for their own benefit without the benefit going to the community of that nation. International community must step in to ensure Afghanistan is for the Afghans," get said.

Speaking on the condition of Uyghurs in China's Xinjiang, Gen Rawat said, "In our nation, we have always believed that every community, irrespective of religion, creed, colour, have equal rights. The world must stand together in ensuring that people get their human rights."

This Douche bag thinks that others will fight his wars for him. What an idiot. :lol:
He is right though, even if they got caught "with your pants down and shoved to the muddy ground".
  1. They came back, took the peaks, killed 60 of the Chinese
  2. Embarrassed China to a point they refused to acknowledge their dead
  3. Even when they did finally acknowledge their dead, the Indians forced China to lie about the number of their dead.
  4. Lastly, when Chinese citizenry questioned the fake death count by the CCP, China was forced to make it illegal (created a brand new law), to question the CCP /military :sarcastic:
Are you writing a script for a Bollywood movie?
20+ soldiers killed in Ladhak,
Heavy casualties on China side too.

Anucharpredesh lost 10% of territory
No such thing ever happened.
US punishes India in EEZ territory by holding military exercises deep inside India waters by USN 7th fleet warships last week
US carries out operations against excessive maritime claims of almost every Asian country including Japan, South Korea, Pakistan, India and Saudi Arabia.
Oh the two front warrior once again, now with international support for just one front...ch ch the rise and fall of a "not super power". But at least they are able to raam IK for peace.
Aren't you the ones following a script? who are born into servitude and told what to say/watch/ believe/act/behave/read by the CCP propaganda machine from sun up to sundown?
None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.
None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.

Again, the irony is _ this coming from a person (you/chinese) who is born into servitude and told what to say/watch/read/believe/act/behave by the CCP from your cradle to the grave. Like the mad patient is trying to be the psychiatrist!
He is right though, even if they got caught "with your pants down and shoved to the muddy ground".
  1. They came back, took the peaks, killed 60 of the Chinese
  2. Embarrassed China to a point they refused to acknowledge their dead
  3. Even when they did finally acknowledge their dead, the Indians forced China to lie about the number of their dead.
  4. Lastly, when Chinese citizenry questioned the fake death count by the CCP, China was forced to make it illegal (created a brand new law), to question the CCP /military :sarcastic:

Yes Yes.

We are all eagerly waiting for the next Yash Raj production

But you have ruined the Film's chance of becoming a blockbuster by leaking the script..
Again, the irony is _ this coming from a person (you/chinese) who is born into servitude and told what to say/watch/read/believe/act/behave by the CCP from your cradle to the grave. Like the mad patient is trying to be the psychiatrist!
You assume and imagine a lot for a person with so few brain cells.
You assume and imagine a lot for a person with so few brain cells.

No, no assumptions made, period...your CCP told us. The CCP tells us that openly. They tell us what they think of you as citizens. They tell us that they control what you watch/say/behave/believe/read/act from sun up to sundown, have you under their propaganda machines because you are incapable of thinking for yourself.
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