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China’s MCC to invest €1.8b in Iran’s steel sector

ناراحت نشیا . ولی جمهموری اسلامی توی این 35 سال نه تنها هیچ گوهی در زمینه ی کشاورزی نخورده بلکه کشاورزی و دامپروری به همراه روستاها رو هم همون سال های اول انقلاب نابود کرد چون اون زمان ریش بود که مهم بود و حرف اول و اخر رو میزد نه ریشه و تخصص .

سال 58 تمام زمین های بایر حکومتی اطراف کلان شهرها رو داد به روستایی ها و در عرض چند سال تمام روستاها تبدیل به ویرانه شد و به جای اینکه سیاست حمایت از روستاییان و زندگی روستایی رو در پیش بگیره با واردات بی رویه و آزاد گذاشتن دلال ها و واسطه ها پدر اون روستایی و شهرستانی بیچاره رو در آورد .

شما حرف منو باور نداری یه نگاه به کشورهای همسایه بنداز . بنده خودم با چشمهای خودم روستاهای ترکیه و آذرباییجان رو که لب مرز و در نقاط مرزی بود دیدم و با روستاهایی تو ایران که کمتر از 10 - 20 کیلومتر باهاشون فاصله داشت مقایسه کردم . اونجا پیر و جوون داشتن زندگی می کردن و از تبه های تیز هم برای کشاورزی نمی گذشتن و زمینی نبود که شخم نزده باشن و اینور تو خاک خودمون یه مشت پیر مرد و پیر زن در به داغون بودن که تابلو بود با مرگشون اون روستا ها هم نابود میشه .

خدا میدونه که جواب حماقت های این نظام رو کی میخواد بده .
in 1979 our villages were already destroyed, Pahlavi delivered a ruined country to us and Iraq just added to this mess. villagers were already in those lands which you mentioned and it was called HalabiAbad, it was post revolution and immediately we entered to a war with Iraq, reconstruction of all of these damages need huge investments which we didn't have, our governors had no choice but to give those lands to villagers. what? you were expecting to bring a bulldozer and destroy their last remaining things? my grandfather and some of my current families are still farmers so I have seen their situation closely, there was no road, no water, no phone, no close hospital, no... the thing which I can be sure about is the fact that today's villages are much better places compared to 1 or 2 decade ago,
in 1979 our villages were already destroyed, Pahlavi delivered a ruined country to us and Iraq just added to this mess. villagers were already in those lands which you mentioned and it was called HalabiAbad, it was post revolution and immediately we entered to a war with Iraq, reconstruction of all of these damages need huge investments which we didn't have, our governors had no choice but to give those lands to villagers. what? you were expecting to bring a bulldozer and destroy their last remaining things? my grandfather and some of my current families are still farmers so I have seen their situation closely, there was no road, no water, no phone, no close hospital, no... the thing which I can be sure about is the fact that today's villages are much better places compared to 1 or 2 decade ago,

شما برو بخون . ببین سال 58 این قانون اجرا شد یا نه بعد بیا بگو قبل انقلاب .

قبل انقلاب تهرانی نبود که بخواد دور و برش حلبی اباد باشه چهار تا میدون و محله بود .

چه فایده که آب و برق و تلفن و هزار کوفت و زهر مار دیگه تو روستا باشه وقتی کار نیست . درآمد نیست . دولت از کشاورزان حمایت نمی کنه . حق کشاورزا رو دلال ها مفت و بدون هیچ زحمتی میخورن ؟ چه فایده که جوون ها هیچ کاری ندارن و برای دوزار درآمد میرن کلان شهرها ؟

چه فایده که بیمارستان های در پیت بسازیم که ملت از شهرستان بیان تهران برای درمان ؟

بی خودی تقصیر پهلوی ننداز . مشکل از این نظامه و اشتباهات توی این نظام انجام شد .
if you want to write Persian, write it in the Iranian chill thread and put your link here. also you misunderstood what I wrote, I said those lands were already occupied by these poor people.
رییس اتحادیه املاک:قبل از انقلاب خانه دار شدن رویا بود/حلبی آباد و کپر نشینی فراموش شده
رییس اتحادیه کشوری مشاوران املاک با بیان این‌که قبل از انقلاب به جایی رسیدیم که مسکن را در بلیت بخت‌آزمایی گذاشتند، گفت: راه اشتباه رفته را با سیاست‌گذاری‌های درست دیگر تکرار نمی‌کنیم.

مصطفی‌قلی خسروی افزود: هم‌اکنون در کشورهای پیشرفته مسکن تبدیل به یک کالای مصرفی شده و زمانی کالا می‌شود، می‌توان روی آن قیمت گذاشت.

وی عنوان کرد: امروز یکی از کالاهایی که نمی‌توانیم روی آن قیمت بگذاریم و دخالتی داشته باشیم، مسکن است که این موضوع باید از سوی مسوولان بررسی شود.

رییس اتحادیه کشوری مشاوران املاک تصریح کرد: تا زمانی که مسکن کالای سرمایه‌ای باشد، مالکیت آن محترم است، اما وقتی به کالای مصرفی تبدیل شود، دیگر نمی‌گوییم آن کالا محترم است.

خسروی در پاسخ به این پرسش که کدام راه راه اشتباه رفته‌ایم که امروز کنترل بازار مسکن از اختیار برنامه‌ریزان هم خارج شده است، خاطرنشان کرد: ما اشتباه نکردیم، اشتباهی بوده که از دوران گذشته به ما رسیده است.

وی ادامه داد: قبل از انقلاب به جایی رسیدیم که مسکن را در بلیت بخت‌آزمایی گذاشتند و در واقع مسکن به رویا تبدیل شده بود

رییس اتحادیه کشوری مشاوران املاک یادآور شد: در آن زمان در جنوب تهران منطقه‌ای به نام حلبی‌آباد به‌دلیل همان سیاست‌های نادرست وجود داشت، اما در حال حاضر با وجود اجرای برخی برنامه‌ها در کشور نه حلبی‌آبادی دیده می‌شود و نه کپرنشین.

خسروی تاکید کرد: با روندی که در نوسازی و بهسازی بافت‌های فرسوده و اجرای طرح مسکن‌مهر در پیش گرفته‌ایم، تصور نمی‌کنم باز هم به این نقطه برسیم.

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No one needs your investment or technology here as we're tired of them . It would be better if you pay our money instead .

Iran is being fu.cked up and scammed by China and India in these years because of the sanctions . China is giving us 80s technology and has made millions of our youth especially educated ones unemployed and got dozens killed , These are just a few pictures of your technology :
China has made maybe millions of Americans unemployed, because they buy lot of our product.
Don't know we sell many things to Iran
No one needs your investment or technology here as we're tired of them . It would be better if you pay our money instead .

Iran is being fu.cked up and scammed by China and India in these years because of the sanctions . China is giving us 80s technology and has made millions of our youth especially educated ones unemployed and got dozens killed , These are just a few pictures of your technology :

http://watan.ir/fa/index.php?Page=definition&UID=674484 - Howo








and India on the other side gives us it's trashes instead of oil money .

To be honest , Your country is not as guilty as our bastard governors who have the highest salaries and their children enjoy the best facilities while opening their big mouths and talk about Islam , Country , resistance and such bulsh!t while most people are fucked and have to pay for every single thing such as education , treatment etc .

The railway technology, China's carmakers suck badly, even i do admit the truth.

China could pay Iran back with cash, but they are fulfilling your government's request.

Yes, the steel industry is very poluted, but this is a double-edge sword business, you want to become industrialized, then you have to pay the environmental price.
Looks like someone is not happy about this :). Anyways, I think any investment is worth considering especially for Iran since they have been restricted for many years due to sanctions.

At the end of the day, Iran gets to decide to proceed or not. The liberty is on them.
The railway technology, China's carmakers suck badly, even i do admit the truth.

China could pay Iran back with cash, but they are fulfilling your government's request.

Yes, the steel industry is very poluted, but this is a double-edge sword business, you want to become industrialized, then you have to pay the environmental price.

What the hell I thought atleast we were inTheir good books
The opinion from few Iranian members doesn't really represent their nation.

Don't get me wrong my friend , I have no problem with you or your people and respect both India and china and I did mention the fact that our governors were guiltier than your countries here as they cared about everything except their people and youth .

But believe me , the Iranian members in this thread who don't want to tell the truth and keep silence want to save their faces and act like good guys which is embarrassing cos most of them will be fu.cked like those 1 million educated Iranians who are unemployed .
Save us from your investments and crappy products. Iran has been kept hostage by China and India due to all sanctions, so they flood Iran with their crappy C-products. They buy oil, usually cheaper, only to give us worthless investments in return. China is not popular over here. You guys have missed your opportunity. Chinese are unreliable business partners.
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