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China's Ghost Cities

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he dont feel anything but being a fanboy ... do anyone of them feel otherwise. do you ever see them ever saying anything against their govt here? while same poster they whine about don't shy away from attacking their home base(s) . Ten pages and they have all avoided saying what their govt even says is ridicluous ...
I know but going your style does not help the cause either... does it? If we discuss sanely, maybe we can get some answers in the positive sense. They are as much proud of their country as we are... we need to know and respect that.
It no personal score, it is what it is. I came in posted my opnion and teh chiense jumped and hug=ffed and puffed at me. I stated facts.. and they , well . he dont feel anything but being a fanboy ... do anyone of them feel otherwise. do you ever see them ever saying anything against their govt here? while same poster they whine about don't shy away from attacking their home base(s) . Ten pages and they have all avoided saying what their govt even says is ridicluous ...

I should also note, that this idiot sets an example for all Chinese members of what not to do. He is frankly an embarrassment to whatever nation he represents, if we wish to support China we should try to reflect well on the nation, and a good start is to avoid emulating him.

Loutish behaviour will hurt China more than it hurts India.
do you ever see them ever saying anything against their govt here?

LOL at this stereotype... and lol again, for Stingroy saying "I know". :P

Quick search:

I think that Wen Jiabao is the 2nd worst China premier, and Li Peng is the 1st worst China premier, and Hu Jintao is the worst China president!
Fu*k house prices, fu*k Wen Jiabao, fu*k Hu Jintao!

That is from this site. Chinese forums are full of such comments as well. But don't let the facts get in the way of stereotyping. :D
I know but going your style does not help the cause either... does it? If we discuss sanely, maybe we can get some answers in the positive sense. They are as much proud of their country as we are... we need to know and respect that.

proud ? this is not pride. Pakistani and Indians also have pride - but both of them light into their govt when they see wrong.

On the other hand these Chinese guys , will not only worship everything and I mean you tell me- do they not worship everything about their govt ( paid consultants ?)- that's not pride... so yeah my style is calling their bs ... I mean look at his thread. 10 pages they have sat and bs'ed about how smart they are for creating these Ghost cities- when the darn article(s) cited even says it is something their govt is trying to get a handle of and other articles have said they are no longer for such expansions. It's getting out of hand essentially...
LOL at this stereotype... and lol again, for Stingroy saying "I know". :P
Oh you ... sneaky you... :lol: ...
"I know" was referring to the Chinese posters avoiding to discuss this topic. I haven't seen a sensible discussion on topic from Chinese members also.
Oh you ... sneaky you... :lol: ...
"I know" was referring to the Chinese posters avoiding to discuss this topic. I haven't seen a sensible discussion on topic from Chinese members also.

Yep all our fault.
LOL at this stereotype... and lol again, for Stingroy saying "I know". :P

Quick search:

That is from this site. Chinese forums are full of such comments as well. But don't let the facts get in the way of stereotyping. :D

No I'm pretty sure Jiang is the worst president by 100000x and Wen is bad only because he is being held to high standards. I'd say he is 2nd best even, by pure results!
10 pages , not like they did not have a chance to post one time. " Yup this is getting and has gotten so out of hand that even the govt acknowledges putting brakes on this and that it is not smart economics "

Not one of them- instead I read 10 pages of them trying to say " its freaking so smart of them to do so".. ROFL! height of being fan boys..
Oh you ... sneaky you... :lol: ...
"I know" was referring to the Chinese posters avoiding to discuss this topic. I haven't seen a sensible discussion on topic from Chinese members also.

Relax Stingroy, I was joking.

It is just too funny when people put so much trust in stereotypes.
郑州新区CBD it is last year old news by china media


those indians just google china news and jealous of it
all day long :lol:

mind your own people


Is that the construction for the Commonwealth Games?
Lets look at it this way.

1. The demand for housing will be there and always be there given the population of China, when lower income earners become middle income they will soon move to city areas for modern lifestyle etc. The main Beijing and Shanghai can only handle so much coupled with smaller cities like Guangzhou etc
2. Commerce is controlled by the CPC, if the CPC decides one day to pass huge benefits for companies to locate to certain areas the property and relocation of migrants will move there because of jobs etc
3. The houses in the ghost cities are commanding a price too high for the low - middle income earner, bearing in mind these are inflated prices and not that actual cost of putting up the building. Say if the property market starts worsening and prices come down to a more realistic level the CPC can introduce a scheme for first time buyers who stay in the property to borrow funds from the government bank at low rates to be repaid over a long time period.
4. introduce HSR from the main cities (Beijing, Shanghai) to these small cities which will create a ride to work culture in the Europe.

coupling policies of no 2 & 3 will already start to make these cities livable and usable, besides its a lot faster to build a city without having to worry about human or vehicular traffic flow. Currently the demand is there but the dynamics are not, it probably is a bubble but I doubt its anything that is out of control by the CPC. Thats my thoughts anyway
Can you rewind to post #1 and make a start? Ignore post #2 onwards :lol:

I present exhibit B :D

You can accuse me and other chinese members of not approaching the debate in good faith all you want but think a little.

This is all of articles the original poster posted on China. What is the common thread here?






If you don't have the honesty to see who approached the subject in bad faith, I don't know what more I can say to you.
Lets look at it this way.
1. The demand for housing will be there and always be there given the population of China, when lower income earners become middle income they will soon move to city areas for modern lifestyle etc. The main Beijing and Shanghai can only handle so much coupled with smaller cities like Guangzhou etc
It is a good idea to start trying to move people away from the crowded east coast, but instead of building the whole city at breakneck speed, why not do it in steps. Make a master plan for a city and develop a few residential blocks, encourage few business houses to move into the new planned city and only then move on to the next phase.

2. Commerce is controlled by the CPC, if the CPC decides one day to pass huge benefits for companies to locate to certain areas the property and relocation of migrants will move there because of jobs etc
You have a point there, but why hasn't been it done in the past 5 years since this city was built?

3. The houses in the ghost cities are commanding a price too high for the low - middle income earner, bearing in mind these are inflated prices and not that actual cost of putting up the building. Say if the property market starts worsening and prices come down to a more realistic level the CPC can introduce a scheme for first time buyers who stay in the property to borrow funds from the government bank at low rates to be repaid over a long time period.
The only reason the prices are high is probably because few people are willing to pay, even if they are not ready to stay there... I know that the property developers also demand upto 40-50% payment upfront and rest on loan. This will keep a majority of the buyers off the market. Can someone explain why is this so, whereas in other countries usually it is 10-20% down payment.
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