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China's Ford class supercarrier

most credible source so far, photo taken from jiangnan shipyard.


This is interesting. The AC in the poster behind the navy officials are most likely the closest thing to resemble to real future AC of PLAN. but I think this may be the second batch with nuclear power plants, the first batch is likely to be conventional powered ships.
This is interesting. The AC in the poster behind the navy officials are most likely the closest thing to resemble to real future AC of PLAN. but I think this may be the second batch with nuclear power plants, the first batch is likely to be conventional powered ships.

The island of the AC in the background looks similar to the CGI pictures i've posted.

And i have the impression that Dalian shipyard would build the Nimitz class carrier.

And the Jiangnan would make their best effort to replicate something similar to the Gerald Ford class carrier.
Insecurity, you say?

More than 80 years of experience operating super carriers is insecurity? As against zero, zilch experience of even training experience on an aircraft carrier?

The Amercians invented the modern motor car in 1908 and the internet in the 1960s.

Yet 100 years later , China trumps the American in the motor car industry, producing millions of cars a year , while Detroit is an abandoned city ....LOL

China reigns in Internet infrastructure against the USA...there is no comparision .

Add to that the USN floating one more aircraft carrier than the rest of the world navies' combined (in some instances a single CBG is bigger than many countries' entire armed forces, combined!) and couple that with almost all those 100k tonnage carriers being technologically far advanced than the majority of the navies combined.

So bigger means it is more technolgically advanced ? How does a USN CVN compare with the Charles De Gaulle Nuclear Aircraft Carrier ? Can you conclusively prove that the USN is more adavanced ?

Stop watching so much Hollywood movies...maybe Bollywood is ok..LOL

And people talk of threatening USN with one puny 60K tonnage 'training vessel'?

If there is a war , the US CVN will need to contend with ASBMs, Submarines SSM etc.
Yep that money could be better spent on 1000s of ASBMs and ASCMs instead.
That is a very limited way of thinking. A missile is not an 'at will' weapon. Am not talking about you being able to fire the missile any time you like. Am talking about fielding a weapon that you can fire at will, recall it at will, and fire it off again at will. A ship, a tank, a platoon of soldiers, or an aircraft are all 'at will' weapon. You can fire them off, issue them new orders, hold them in a pattern, and eventually recall them home to make them better. You cannot do that with a missile, which is essentially a throwaway weapon.

An aircraft carrier give you the most flexibility in terms of having an immediate offense and/or a threat in holding. In any area where the carrier's primary weapon, its air wings, can reach, you have an area of influence that will compel others to adjust their positions to accommodate your presence, and if they are in the inferior, their readjustments will make you the superior without you doing anything other than to be in the area. You cannot have that kind of influence with an arsenal of throwaway weapons back in the homeland.

Your line of thinking is nothing new. They predicted the demise of navies, not just of large ships but about entire navies, after Mitchell demonstrated ships can be bombed from aircrafts. Yet for today, navies are just as relevant to warfare and diplomacy as ever. Objectively speaking, if China does not make this effort even with a 'training' carrier, it will go down in military history as one of China's greatest mistakes.
so will china build this 100,000 ton AC..?
If yes,when will it start building??
The thing with the Chinese navy is the requirement for ship speed is not as pressing as the USN, since USN needs to be globally deployed. The PLAN found it more economical to use CODAG propulsion. Four GT25000 plus diesel engines could satisfy the needs of Varyag.

Absolutely, at least initially, Chinese carriers will have very different roles to play than an American carrier.
US has over 80yrs of experience of building and operating aircraft carriers. Ford class supercarrier is a culmination of that experience.
Whereas China has zero experience with aircraft carriers. 0 to 100,000T is a mighty leap.

China its different, China its in a whole new palying level....China will do whatever it takes to be the World's Super SuperPower...:china:
If there is a war , the US CVN will need to contend with ASBMs, Submarines SSM etc.

Yeah, but all ASBM and SSN are defensive against the Supercarriers within the distance of the coastline, but no one can duel with the USN in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, PLAN can't, Russian Navy can't, neither the Cold War Soviet Red Navy can do that.
That is a very limited way of thinking. A missile is not an 'at will' weapon. Am not talking about you being able to fire the missile any time you like. Am talking about fielding a weapon that you can fire at will, recall it at will, and fire it off again at will. A ship, a tank, a platoon of soldiers, or an aircraft are all 'at will' weapon. You can fire them off, issue them new orders, hold them in a pattern, and eventually recall them home to make them better. You cannot do that with a missile, which is essentially a throwaway weapon.

An aircraft carrier give you the most flexibility in terms of having an immediate offense and/or a threat in holding. In any area where the carrier's primary weapon, its air wings, can reach, you have an area of influence that will compel others to adjust their positions to accommodate your presence, and if they are in the inferior, their readjustments will make you the superior without you doing anything other than to be in the area. You cannot have that kind of influence with an arsenal of throwaway weapons back in the homeland.

Your line of thinking is nothing new. They predicted the demise of navies, not just of large ships but about entire navies, after Mitchell demonstrated ships can be bombed from aircrafts. Yet for today, navies are just as relevant to warfare and diplomacy as ever. Objectively speaking, if China does not make this effort even with a 'training' carrier, it will go down in military history as one of China's greatest mistakes.

i disagree.

i think you argued the same thing in some other thread. i think aircraft carriers are going the way of the destroyer. they're too slow and visible. i predict the future is in subs, ballistic missiles, and atmospheric bombers. cyber-warfare will also play a big role.
China its different, China its in a whole new palying level....China will do whatever it takes to be the World's Super SuperPower...:china:

No your not once your wages get to high the worlds companies will leave china and go to poorer companies
No your not once your wages get to high the worlds companies will leave china and go to poorer companies

They're already 4x of that in India, Bangladesh, Vietnam, etc. Why aren't they moving?

Maybe its because the companies aren't owned by the US :lol:
i disagree.

i think you argued the same thing in some other thread. i think aircraft carriers are going the way of the destroyer. they're too slow and visible. i predict the future is in subs, ballistic missiles, and atmospheric bombers. cyber-warfare will also play a big role.

Even if carriers become a liability against an advanced nation, they are still going to be kept around by the US to bomb the 'natives'. There are still plenty of country that can't really afford an effective airforce.
There would be no point to build a large carrier fleet. Those 10 carriers in the US were built on the doctrine of "surrounding" the USSR, but they got obsolete for that purpose (too vulnerable to armament) yet prior to the USSR dissapearance, and their purpose was changed to a "world police" patrol to act on weaker countries. In the USSR, and Russia carriers were intended to provide air support to the fleet, and a few are needed. Given China's position, I do not think more than like two will be needed, if 1 built at all.
Still need them not for battling USN but for battling USN's little brothers: SK and Japan. 5 carriers with 80 planes each is like carrying a South Korean air force anywhere in the world.
I don't think China will build a carrier the size of Gerald Ford class anytime soon. The Varyag will likely enter service later this year or early next year, and the refit process has been painfully slow. The next step after Varyag would be an indigenious carrier of equivilent size prior to moving into supercarriers.

There is still the matter of crappy state of Chinese nuclear propulsion.....

You are right.

However, Chinese nuclear propulsion improved much dude to the recently design new SSBN and attack nuck subs. I think this problem has been solved.
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