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China's anti-ship missiles and Gorshkov

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For India, perhaps thinking local , such as to build a nationwide sewage system, and...yes, I am forced to mention to build a toilet system for God's sake in all honety since humanity is not at 14 century anymore, and to think where to feed stomach tonight ( I know, i know that they are all very ambitious goals), could be slightly more realistic than thinking global, or not?


Actually building a sewage system is not the answer. In fact India should think outside the box and instead of simply copying everybody, they should invest heavily in green tech. Make no doubt that lack of such facilities is pathetic, but there is light at the end of the tunnel. There are many inventions in which human waste is converted and reused as fertilizer. This is an area that India should be heavily investing. There is no need to put sewage systems in place. Most if not all sewage systems simply push waste products out to sea. This is not the answer. just prolonging a disaster.In fact, an American inventor has already created a toilet that dries human excrement and it reusable as fertilizer after 2 weeks I believe. Thats the beauty of being behind everyone else, we can adopt newer, better tech much faster than industrialized nations.
For India, perhaps thinking local , such as to build a nationwide sewage system, and...yes, I am forced to mention to build a toilet system for God's sake in all honety since humanity is not at 14 century anymore, and to think where to feed stomach tonight ( I know, i know that they are all very ambitious goals), could be slightly more realistic than thinking global, or not?


The biggest problem which is holding India back is lack of social infrastructure, "plague" of poverty. India today might be a emerging power in the Information Technology sector thanks to its limited educational system, which is not available to everybody. Still half of the population is unable to read or write. If India wants to really prosper in a healthy way it will have to find ways to distribute the benefits of development evenly in the society. Population can be capital but also a hindrance if not educated, healthy etc.:argh::usflag:
For India, perhaps thinking local , such as to build a nationwide sewage system, and...yes, I am forced to mention to build a toilet system for God's sake in all honety since humanity is not at 14 century anymore, and to think where to feed stomach tonight ( I know, i know that they are all very ambitious goals), could be slightly more realistic than thinking global, or not?


The biggest problem which is holding India back is lack of social infrastructure, "plague" of poverty. India today might be a emerging power in the Information Technology sector thanks to its limited educational system, which is not available to everybody. Still half of the population is unable to read or write. If India wants to really prosper in a healthy way it will have to find ways to distribute the benefits of development evenly in the society. Population can be capital but also a hindrance if not educated, healthy etc.:argh::usflag:

Both of the posts are reported for off topic trolls.

You never got enough brains to put some solid arguments rather than off topic trolls.
Actually building a sewage system is not the answer. In fact India should think outside the box and instead of simply copying everybody, they should invest heavily in green tech. Make no doubt that lack of such facilities is pathetic, but there is light at the end of the tunnel.

So if I got your correctly, whenever 70% of India's population want to answer nautal's calls, we need to ecourage them to "think outside the box" first and have some green touch? Does that mean to forget about railway tracks but go for vetegable fields instead? Your tunnel vision is world class, my friend!

There are many inventions in which human waste is converted and reused as fertilizer. This is an area that India should be heavily investing. There is no need to put sewage systems in place. Most if not all sewage systems simply push waste products out to sea. .

hmm... "fertilisers"? my previous guess was correct! :D

but i highly doubt that a modern sewege system = a water pipe straight to the sea. :undecided:

So if I got your correctly, whenever 70% of India's population want to answer nautal's calls, we need to ecourage them to "think outside the box" first and have some green touch? Does that mean to forget about railway tracks but go for vetegable fields instead? Your tunnel vision is world class, my friend!

hmm... "fertilisers"? my previous guess was correct! :D

but i highly doubt that a modern sewege system = a water pipe straight to the sea. :undecided:

no actually what he mean was we will put all the 70% people's **** in ur mouth,now take it as a fertilizer and get out if u have nothing to comment on the topic:D
India,China,Ships,missiles.....sewage....ehhhh I think the thread has outlived its usage
yes my concern is about the coming AC from Russia and our home made AC

is AC has capability to counter super sonic AC killer missile

the reaction time will be just 30 second to save AC

Are you the Incharge of Weapon system on Both A.c's , if not then tel us when u saw this dream?
Are you the Incharge of Weapon system on Both A.c's , if not then tel us when u saw this dream?

are you kidding he ask a logical question and if you don't forget you are on defence form
1) Locating an aircraft carrier is a difficult task
2) The carrier comes with its own CBG.That means multiple layers of ABM shield.
3)The missile has to highly accurate to hit the carrier itself or within a few hundred metres
4)That means an easier and very small territory for the ABM shield to protect.If ABMs are deployed to defend a nation altogether, then such a small area is very easy to protect.In such a small radius even the Phlanx systems will be highly effective
5)Scramjet missiles are sometime off till yet.
6)Ballistic missiles does not stand much chance against a small moving target i.e an aircraft carrier and also can be detected during launch.

If china has been able to overcome all these then things will get real interesting
well china USA has

my point of concern is that china can give this tech to Pakistan by backdoor

Pakistan has the rights to get this technology to counter India's growing influence in South Asia.
DF-21/CSS-5 is a ballistic missile not some hypersonic cruise missile. So chill , these ballistic missiles can be countered with a batteries of ABM.
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