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China will have about 600 Multi-role Fighters

The US has more UAV operators then they do pilots.

And there are even plans to make the next generation of American bombers of primary bomber aircraft completely unmanned.

Given this trend I can only assume that a significant chunk of air power will be unmanned, for future air-forces.

Any info available on how many unmanned air-craft China may field

This is why china is increasing putting their focus on anti-satellite weapon and cyber/information warfare. Electromagnetic pulse weapons might also be useful.
China will not get high tec stuff from countries like Israel & US..while India does..

You are actually proud of that??? This simply means they are giving China the respect of fear and giving India none. One day our tech will match or even surpass the U.S, while India continues to squander its meager cash on obsolete products.
This is why china is increasing putting their focus on anti-satellite weapon and cyber/information warfare. Electromagnetic pulse weapons might also be useful.

Anti-sat weapons are just going cause Countries to make stealth Satellites.

Cyber warfare works both ways.

No Idea on what you mean by EMP weapons. I do know that systems can be shielded against EMP.
You are actually proud of that??? This simply means they are giving China the respect of fear and giving India none. One day our tech will match or even surpass the U.S, while India continues to squander its meager cash on obsolete products.

You actually proud of being a fearful force. Respect and fear are two totally different things.
I think it is only fair that China has more planes as it has a larger land mass to protect and more powerful neighbors. Numbers with each country is directly proportional to the perceived threats.

China deserves credits for striking it out on its own and achieving what it has achieved quality is a continuous process and will keep on improving. India is also trying to catch up by insisting on TOT with all arms purchase and is sure will catch up in due course.
I think it is only fair that China has more planes as it has a larger land mass to protect and more powerful neighbors. Numbers with each country is directly proportional to the perceived threats.

China deserves credits for striking it out on its own and achieving what it has achieved quality is a continuous process and will keep on improving. India is also trying to catch up by insisting on TOT with all arms purchase and is sure will catch up in due course.

Everything take time and hard work. But with the current trend, India is not likely going to match US in technology. Maybe 100 years later, India might catch up to the US. But then again, so could Eithiopia or any country in the world in 100 years. So the possibility of India catching US is very unlikely. Even for India to catch countries like Korea, Russia and Israel would take at least 40-50 years and a lot could change between now and then.

The difference I see between India and China is that China is forced to develop a lot of technology from scratch. India do TOT. It might know how to build the current generation of tech, but this deprieve Indian scientist the experiences of achieving a technology.
Hi guys that's good news for china but i think number should be over 1200 jet fighters because china doesn't have many friendly neighbours and more so in asia.
I want to ask any jet fighter right now china has which can take on Eurofighter Typhoon? Or rafale? i not braught F-22 raptor in the question because that would be unfair.
Hi guys that's good news for china but i think number should be over 1200 jet fighters because china doesn't have many friendly neighbours and more so in asia.
-> We are far better than indian.:rofl:

I want to ask any jet fighter right now china has which can take on Eurofighter Typhoon? Or rafale? i not braught F-22 raptor in the question because that would be unfair.
-> We are far better than indian.:rofl:
very good reply to a genuine question....:rofl::rofl::rofl:

It is wasting of time for me to enducate a guy who just wanna troll. For his question, there are many thread on this forum can let him get the answer.

BTW: Is thera anything wrong with "we are far better than india"?
good you start again i think title was china has 600 m fighter :hitwall:

well kid thanks to china aggression now our focus is on modernization of our force :sniper:

but kid you know quality diff your and our :yahoo::yahoo:

do you have any aircraft carrier in sea??/ :rofl::rofl:

jai hind

Having Aircraft carriers Make India the Aggressive Nation not china now that India has the Aircraft carriers in the region any other nation that considers India a hostile nation against it has every right to get whatever she likes to defend herself including but not limmited to Aircraft carriers so my friend you are by far the Agressive nation.
It is wasting of time for me to enducate a guy who just wanna troll. For his question, there are many thread on this forum can let him get the answer.

BTW: Is thera anything wrong with "we are far better than india"?

nothing wrong...keep repeating that..:rofl:
China will not get high tec stuff from countries like Israel & US..while India does..

i've seen comments like this for a million times,why not try to find out what Irrael transfered before posting.

uav(or ucav):CH-3

beside that, 2 more technology that will be implemented in the next gen weapon.
electromagnetic armor, which can engage the incoming fire automatically to protect the tanks or ships it mounted;
distributed radar system, which can be mounted on a medium size or even fighter aircraft, yet as powerful as that of KJ-2000.

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