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China Warns against Insults to Islam

There is famous book written by Mishi Saran titled 'CHASING THE MONKS SHADOW' an Indian Novelist who travels throughout Asia following the route that was followed by the Great Chinese Buddhist Monk Xuanzang (earlier known as Hieun Sang) to arrive to India.The Author have actually traveled the entire route starting right from the birth place of the monk and arrived to India.This book compiles all that she experienced on her tour and she has actually poured out her heart into this excellent book.An online version of the book (which again has been edited to ward off the controversial parts but one could obviously go for the original copy)and an online version is available.Anyone could read it anytime.In this book Saran explains how when on her journey she had to stay at an all women's lodge and the Han Chinese women already residing in the dormitory mistook her for an Uighur and were literally about to kick her out and went to the extent of physical violence!!These Han women then went down to the manager and told him that they found it to be utterly disgraceful so as to reside with an Uighur in the same room.Ironically when they later found out that Misha was an Indian they apologized to her and things were back to normal.This is how Chinese think of Muslims!!
Heres a link to the E-Book:
Maybe they did it to convince their muslims that they understand and prevent riots.
I don't understand why some people seem annoyed at condemnation of insulting a religion and hurting sentiments.
Indeed attacking religion should be condemned and stopped.
If you are happy when religion is insulted, then come out openly. Don't behave like a hypocrite.

sorry size 7 was last...what a irony..china who don't even allow ramadan in there country.. Muslim living under gun point...talking about Muslim welfare F and lol mannnnnnnnn

oh.. yeah i forgot the great opportunities indian muslims have. :sarcastic:
Where was the warning? They voiced "strong oppOsition" fair enough
Sensationalism of a normal balanced statement
I liked one pakistani's post,muslim prayers are with you!:lol:
Obviously you cannot use the freedom of speech to defame other religions or lie.

This is why I like China, since China is supporting justice.

lol hypocrite. There is a difference between insulting a religion and regulating a religion.

Besides tell me what happens If I slaughter a cow in Gujarat, what will Narendra Modi say? :)

If somebody slaughter PIG in you country then what your country will do??? Do I need a answer..
sorry to say this and i may be ban because PDF has some policy against who speak against china but tell you one think when it come to china pakistan completely act like slave and if some one says some thing then lol you are jealous bla bla bla...

Only Indian members get jealous when Pakistan and China moves closer.

Their trolling leads to the rest.
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