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China warms up to India's claim for UN Security Council seat

It is almost always impossible to argue with Indians, at least most Indians here in PDF IMO, because it seems that you people have endless time to always make "comeback"s with whatever obfuscation and dumb logic avalaible to you, to get away with some absurd arguments and blunders in spite of my obvious hints, many of which are pure facts. Keep enjoying with your own non sense.

Very lame comeback. When you are refuted logically and have nothing substantial to add you started uttering rhetorics. Now I can also pile up a paragraph of BS and rant how hard it is to indulge in a sensible discussion with a Chinese but that would lead us nowhere.

Not quite. Obviously UNSC 5 were winners of WW2. Korea was a winner too, so are Vietnam, Equypt, Belgium, Kenya, Australia, etc, etc. so they cound't make it to UNSC ???

It's because being a respected strong country, and preferably also a large country, is the obvious unspoken criterion among others.

The main victors were US, UK, France, USSR. Period. China got entry because of its size and human resource.

That said, being a permament vero-wielding memeber of UNSC has many unspoken conditions as such. Being a winner of WW2 was only 1 of them. All of these current 5 countries have been THE superpower of the world at least once in the recent history. Currently they are all ranked amongst world's top 5 (except Japan and Germany) both in military power, economic power, and in political power.

China was super power during WW2? :O Either you are delusional or need to brush up your history lessons. China was as impoverished as subcontinent if not worse at that time.

f India is proven to be one of world top 5 in any of above criteria, then you might start to imagine; otherwise, if India is convinced that she should be included, then Australia, Canada, Brazil, even South Korea should be more entitled to the postion according to either measure, to be frank.

Australia, Brazil are entitled to position, also representation from Africa and Arab world is needed, that is if they want to make UN any credible.
Yes, China was underdeveloped at a time. She was also the weakest in almost her entire history. Nonetheless, China's long history of being the world #1 superpower(reflecting her innate capabilities being able to make a comeback at shortest time possible)

First make up your mind, were you weakest nation or #1 superpower. True, China had been a great civilization throughout the history, but that applies for subcontinent as well.
Very lame comeback. When you are refuted logically and have nothing substantial to add you started uttering rhetorics. Now I can also pile up a paragraph of BS and rant how hard it is to indulge in a sensible discussion with a Chinese but that would lead us nowhere.

see? that's why I don't like to trap into any serious discussion with typical Indians like you( but not all Indians, have to say).
you are refuted logically
logical to whom ? to you only? You and your pals didn't refute any jack sh!t, as any decent reader could see that so called "replies" were nothing logical, but irrelevant and incoherent nonsense!

China was super power during WW2? :O Either you are delusional or need to brush up your history lessons. China was as impoverished as subcontinent if not worse at that time.

Where did I say that China was superpower during WW2, you lying piece of sh**?

In general consensus with a broad stroke, China was the largest superpower right before the Brtish came into the scene which brought her down via two Opium Wars during 1840s. In between there were small to medium Euro powers such such Portuguesm Spanish, Dutch and French... Go study history and science, you illiterate, to see who was the most powerful nation in the world technologcally and as a whole in the proceeding 17th, 16th, 15th, 14th, 13th, 12th century?

15th century's China was more advanced than the rest of the world conbined than what the 20th century's USA was to the rest of the world. It took China almost 300 years to decline til the mid of 19th century Opium Wars with Britain. Like what USA is declining today while still being the most powerful relatively, China was still more or less on par with Europeans during those 300 years declining period even though the Europeans were already clearly ahead technologically at the Eve of 1840.

First make up your mind, were you weakest nation or #1 superpower.

Keep lying! Is that your typical way of showing how logically you are in refuting? Stop pulling my words out of my different sentences from different paragraphs under clear different context.

True, China had been a great civilization throughout the history, but that applies for subcontinent as well.

Untrue. Unlike Imperial China which had always been culturally Chinese (even under the mogols who eventually became Chinese themselves) and among technogically most advanced, if not THE most, in the world except the last episode of Qing Dynasty in 18th century onwards, the subcontinent most of the time were seperated small kingdoms and tribes which were not technologically advanced at all despite being a large agrarian power when put them together. The place has been constantly conquered, ruled and completely colonised by Persians, Turks, Mogols, Brits, etc. different foreign powers for centuries upon centuries. The vivid proof of that we still can witness today is the average face in your street along with the typical mentality that you have exibited here.

You are not worth my further responses, and this is my last one to you, psychedemic..whatever.
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see? that's why I don't like to trap into any serious discussion with typical Indians like you( but not all Indians, have to say).

Well you did trap yourself, now trying to save your face by name calling. Yeah I too agree not all Chinese are like you.

logical to whom ? to you only? You and your pals didn't refute any jack sh!t, as any decent reader could see that so called "replies" were nothing logical, but irrelevant and incoherent nonsense!

So lets leave this to decent readers, putting swear words won't prove your argument.

Where did I say that China was superpower during WW2, you lying piece of sh**?

In general consensus, China was the largest superpower right before the Brtish came into the scene which brought her down via two Opium Wars during 1840s. Go study history, you illiterate, to see who was the most powerful nation in the world technologcally and as a whole in the proceeding 17th, 16th, 15th, 14th, 13th, 12th century?

Yes, China was underdeveloped at a time. She was also the weakest in almost her entire history. Nonetheless, China's long history of being the world #1 superpower(reflecting her innate capabilities being able to make a comeback at shortest time possible)

Read the bold part as stated by you and try to comprehend. I know most Chinese are weak in English but it's not that hard to understand. And whats with the silly slangs? Even kids don't use them anymore, come up with better ones next time.

Untrue. Unlike Imperial China which had always been culturally Chinese (even under the mogols who eventually became Chinese themselves) and among technogically most advanced, if not THE most, in the world except the last episode of Qing Dynasty in 18th century onwards, the subcontinent most of the time were seperated small kingdoms and tribes which were not technologically advanced at all despite being a large agrarian power when put them together. The place has been constantly conquered, ruled and completely colonised by Persians, Turks, Mogols, Brits, etc. different foreign powers for centuries upon centuries. The vivid proof of that we still can witness today is the average face in your street along with the typical mentality of you people.

Learn more about India's civilizations and history. It will free you from unnecessary hatred and make you respectful towards others. Just try, it helps.

You are not worth my further responses, and this is my last one to you, psychedemic..whatever.

By all means, spare me! And if you cant spell my name, don't try.
It is almost always impossible to argue with Indians, at least most Indians here in PDF IMO, because it seems that you people have endless time to always make "comeback"s with whatever obfuscation and dumb logic avalaible to you, to get away with some absurd arguments and blunders in spite of my obvious hints, many of which are pure facts. Keep enjoying with your own non sense.

And when people are out of words, Some Kind of the same Justification they give... You are no different either.
Guys guys 1 sec....

Without arguing with trolls ....pls tel y India needs a security council seat..?

1)Today's India is not the India of 90's.....
No sanctions can be imposed on India without affecting the trade of the countries that imposed the ban as well.We r not Iraq or North korea

2)Even if sanctions are imposed we have a huge huge domestic market to tap into.

3) For any veto we have a dependable friend to help us in times of need.

A security council seat is a recognition of Indias rising..but that should come on its own and we should not go after it.

In today's world the worth of UN is next to nothing.:lol:
It is almost always impossible to argue with Indians, at least most Indians here in PDF IMO, because it seems that you people have endless time to always make "comeback"s with whatever obfuscation and dumb logic avalaible to you, to get away with some absurd arguments and blunders in spite of my obvious hints, many of which are pure facts. Keep enjoying with your own non sense.

And it is always difficult to argue with trollers (mind you i am not being racist by calling any countrymen so and so which shows the difference between us):no:, as no amount of reasoning given to them is useless since they come up with their own facts or fall back on things usually stated when no other argument can be made to incense the other party. And particularly u my friend seem to have anti-India feeling filled up from head to toe. U come up with hilarious stories to undermine us or state off-topic things like poverty or backwardness just to take the topic away, god knows what ur true motives are but too much hatred is injurious to health. so chill and have some life :no::)
----China and India are both the largest developing countries, we would have same words in UN, China would support India and India would do like that too. We must stand together and "fight" with developed countries in many area.
Now thats mre like it:bounce::bounce::bounce::chilli::cheers:
Now thats mre like it:bounce::bounce::bounce::chilli::cheers:

-----Especially in Global Environment Problems, as both largest and booming developing countries, China and India have a lot of common behalf, we need developed countries' cleaning environment technology to reduce our pollution.
-----Most of Chinese believe that our true antagonist is USA, except USA, no countries were China's antagonist.
-----Who is the antagonist in Indian's heart? I hope it was not China. China and India only has some border problem, except that are all friendly things. Border can stay there day by day, but the cooperation of two countries couldn't stop one minute.
-----Today is the 60 years commemoration that India and China built embassy in each countries. It is a good day, isn't it?
-----There are many Chinese with serious ideas, they doesn't like India, called India "阿三", I don't know what it means, however it isn't a good name. Chinese and Indian must communiate each other more, so we would not dislike each other in the future.:smitten:
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Especially in Global Environment Problems, as both largest and booming development countries, China and India have a lot of common behalf, we need developed countries' cleaning environment technology to reduce our pollution.
Most of Chinese believe that our true antagonist is USA, except USA, no countries were China's antagonist.
Who is the antagonist in Indian's heart? I hope it was not China. China and India only has some border problem, except that are all friendly things. Border can stay there day by day, but the cooperation of two countries couldn't stop one minute.
Today is the 60 years commemoration that India and China built embassy in each countries. It is a good day, isn't it?
There are many Chinese with serious ideas, they doesn't like India, called India "阿三", I don't know what it means, however it isn't a good name. Chinese and Indian must communiate each other more, so we would not dislike each other in the future.:smitten:


dont you think you are a little unfair toward china??? :disagree::disagree::disagree:

no, why did u think like that?
i just didn't quite get psychedelic_renegade's logic so i asked him that question. if he thinks france was a main victor of ww2 then why he doesn't hold the same thought on china?
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