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China warms up to India's claim for UN Security Council seat

why u think france was a ww2 winner and china was not? france surrendered to nasi pretty soon but china resisted jap till the end of ww2.

Wikipedia shows China was a member of allies, so technically you were also a victor. But you must agree it was mainly Europe's war where world got involved.
Wikipedia shows China was a member of allies, so technically you were also a victor. But you must agree it was mainly Europe's war where world got involved.

fact is fact, it doesn't need wiki to show anything.
jap invaded china way before nazi germany started war in europe. ww2 was not just mainly an europe's war. US got directly involved into the war because of jap not europe.
China & India historically have been great nations and they still are - both are unique in their own way - People in china do not think indians are any harm to them & vice versa, apart from little rattling from media and beauracrats every now and then!

Iam going to highlight few points which can bring india and china very closer to each other.

1) China & India should promote free trade with balance of payments.
2) Both's intelligence agencies should refrain or stop sabotages on either side
3) At some point of time later free movement of people should start with visa on arrival system.
4) Cultural programmes should be started on both sides to bridge cultural differences.
5) Both should stop supporting each other enemies in case of china they should stop supporting pakistan against india.
6) Both are doing good econmically but we should start building knowledge by creating more knowledge centres to share and invent new technologies.
7) And the last both should work towards building friendship of trust & not just mutual understanding.

Yes india is behind china in many ways right now but we are catching up so its good to start thinking and building trust, which our future generations will definetly priase our efforts.

This is my personal experience being in china i spent 6 months in china travelling and i absolutely loved the people and the country - Guess what i even have a chinese girl friend who will visit me in the UK shortly :)


We are victims of The ones above mentioned, not the ones who visit India... Understand that please....
Yes China & India both have A common enemy i.e. terrorism - fundamental islamic terrorists ideology from the pakistani soil, its better china realises future threat of fundamental islamic terrorists from pakistan and with the american support/aid to pakistan which is being funnelled into these terrorists,

Pakistan is a catch 22 situtation to china, this threat will turn into a catastrophe for china if not checked - China wants pakistan to stirr trouble in india but eventually pakistans non state actors will start exporting terror to china.

If china dumps pakistan it gets indian friendship and return and threat fundamental islamic terrorism is checked plus chinese & indians both benefit in many ways! guess what china and india will be superpowers much before 2030.
BEIJING: Chinese president Hu Jintao on Thursday assured the visiting Indian President Pratibha Patil that China was ready to discuss the complex issues relating to India’s quest for a permanent seat in the United Nations Security Council. China’s response to India’s position was a significant improvement over its earlier stance on the matter, foreign secretary Nirupama Rao said.

Chinese leaders including premier Wen Jiabo said they wanted to ensure "a greater role for India in the UN especially in the Security Council", Rao told reporters after the meetings. She said it as a "positive step" on the Chinese side and did not amount to mere "guarded and diplomatic language".

China also said it was going to back India’s candidature for a non-permanent seat in the Security Council for the year 2010-11. But it did not come out with a clear support for a permanent seat besides offering to discuss the matter in greater detail. Rao did not elaborate on what steps would be taken to set up a mechanism for talks on the issue.

"There is an increasing awareness on India’s legitimacy on the issue," Rao said referring to Patil’s discussions with Chinese leaders. Beijing agreed with India on the need for reforms in the Security Council and wanted greater representation for developing countries in it, she said.

India is apparently building on the new bond that has emerged during the Copenhagen talks on climate change in order to persuade Beijing to agree on a program of intense partnership on groupings like BRIC multilateral platforms like the United Nations.

The leaders agreed with each other that there was a need to consolidate the relationship between the two countries by to make sure that no single episode or issue could do damage to it. They accepted the need to maintain peace and tranquility on the border until the boundary dispute was resolved by special representatives of both sides engaged in negotiating the matter.

Patil raised the issue of trade imbalance and suggested that China should consider diversifying its purchases of Indian goods and services from the pharmaceutical, engineering and information technology industries. Chinese leaders said they were equally keen to address the problem of trade imbalance.

During the visit, the two countries signed three agreements on giving visa on arrival to the crew of airlines, on cooperation in the field of civil services and in the area of sports and youth affairs.

And india does not need UNSC seat anyway its a piece of crap these are one of those institutes built to exploit poor and to make sure they keep them poor. :blah:

Japan killed over 30 million Chinese, but we killed about 1.33 million Japan soldiers only. That truely is a sadness thing for China.

the sadder part was him putting France as a WW2 winner when it surrendered in a week and was destroyed by germany. i'm not going to talk about a certain large country to our south and its relationship with a large island nation in europe.
fact is fact, it doesn't need wiki to show anything.
jap invaded china way before nazi germany started war in europe. ww2 was not just mainly an europe's war. US got directly involved into the war because of jap not europe.

Nothing to take away from China, but was china's role influential to conclusion? She showed great valour by resisting Japan, but didn't able to beat Japan. The allied force consisting of England, France, USSR and USA was responsible for demise of German and Japan. Again that doesn't take away anything from China. And my argument was relating to how present security counsel formed, not who won the 2nd world war.

i'm not going to talk about a certain large country to our south and its relationship with a large island nation in europe.

That large island destroyed your generations by providing them opium, you fought and couldn't do anything about it. The country to your south also fought and able to free their nation, give credit where it's due.
government of india, 1857-1947: UK
government of china, 1840-1911: Qing Dynasty

hmmm... like i said i didn't want to talk about it but we can go on.
A nice political cartoon once posted in france.


lets move on. both countries being screwed up, down and side ways by colonial imperialists, now is that time to strive for a better future.
A nice political cartoon once posted in france.


lets move on. both countries being screwed up, down and side ways by colonial imperialists, now is that time to strive for a better future.

You know the colonial imperialists never died until today, they may change their tactics, but never change their goal and purpose. So let all developing countries and third nations unite together to face off against these aggressors. We all understand that democracy and freedom are essential, but let us fighting for our own democracy and freedom, not letting those westerners tell us what to do.
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guys china is a great nation iwiht a rich history and amazing culture ..it has certain issues within ,,whcih contry dose not for instance look at us...we cannot comment how bravely they fought during ww2 or they desearved credit for the ww2 campaing...cos we were under somebody remember!!!! of course we were also part of the effort but in no comparison to china...about china being a member of unsc ..you have to remember the they did not become a member on lottery basis ..they have earned it ...so please my india freinds do not critisize them... developig good relations with them will help bring some stability in this subcontinnt
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