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China Wants To Have The World's Best Navy (Will It Succeed?)

Just like Han Cnese, Vnese ( wt many guys actually r Han Cnese) r peace loving ppl. We build the empire by making other race admire our talents, our working skill not by invading and massacre the other races like Mongol/Manchus, so our "empire" is not too big, but its steady and everyone respect our territory while everyone wanna cut off CN to pieces again cos the Mongol/Manchus rulers in Beijing r too rude, even Han Cnese in CN also dont wanna live wt them. :cool:

Because you are too small and too irrelevant.

Whereas China is always the symbolic power of the eastern civilization, and bring down China means you have conquered the eastern civilization.
Because you are too small and too irrelevant.

Whereas China is always the symbolic power of the eastern civilization, and bring down China means you have conquered the eastern civilization.
CN is symbolic in running bussiness cos Han Cnese are smart and hard working...but idiot Mongol like u are destroying CN by creating too much troubles.

Thats why Han Cnese in the South dont even wanna hide their despise to Mongol/Manchus Cnese in North CN :lol:
In Southern China we do think we are a bit more superior than Northern Chinese deep in our mind for ....

CN is symbolic in running bussiness cos Han Cnese are smart and hard working...but idiot Mongol like u are destroying CN by creating too much troubles.

Thats why Han Cnese in the South dont even wanna hide their despise to Mongol/Manchus Cnese in North CN :lol:
In Southern China we do think we are a bit more superior than Northern Chinese deep in our mind for ....


South Chinese regards North Chinese as Chinese, but won't have the same regard for Vietnamese.
Because the USD got this special privilege as the world reserve currency, and they are going to abuse this privilege like there is no tomorrow, and to export their own hyperinflation abroad through worldwide.

The FED is known for rigging the stock market, and this is hardly a secret anymore. Since they just kept injecting those liquidities into the market overnight. And where those moneys came from? Printing out of thin air of course.

You need to recognize the real world, and stop being blindfolded as a US cheerleader.

HK has become a worldwide laughing stock because there are so many dumbing down folks like you.

The Mongols and Manchus have built their own empire in the history.

Did Vietnam have any comparable achievement?

First of all, if you have to resort to personal attack, that show who is losing an argument here.

And I find that it's completely stupid to talk to you about Economy and Finance, you do not understand anything of the current system. Hence why so many of your point are strawman.

If you want to say US abuse the system, fine, if you want to say US print money out of thin air, that's fine too, I am not in the business of ruining other people wet dream, but if you want to say US economy is collapsing, please do put your money where your mouth is and send me every dollar you have in your procession, I would be gladly taken these rubbish toilet paper that formerly known as US Dollars from you.
First of all, if you have to resort to personal attack, that show who is losing an argument here.

And I find that it's completely stupid to talk to you about Economy and Finance, you do not understand anything of the current system. Hence why so many of your point are strawman.

If you want to say US abuse the system, fine, if you want to say US print money out of thin air, that's fine too, I am not in the business of ruining other people wet dream, but if you want to say US economy is collapsing, please do put your money where your mouth is and send me every dollar you have in your procession, I would be gladly taken these rubbish toilet paper that formerly known as US Dollars from you.

You are completely blindfolded, just like the rest of those HK idiots.

It is pointless to discuss with you in human language.
South Chinese regards North Chinese as Chinese, but won't have the same regard for Vietnamese.
Of course as Mongol Cnese u try to pretend that Han Cnese respect u guys, but infact its not. The Cantonese friends told us that Northern Cnese r very idiot and aggressive, the link I gave u also show that Southern Cnese despise Northern Cnese.

Thats why Cantonese Cnese quickly shift their bussiness to VN during trade war and happy to see million Northen Cnese become jobless :lol:
Of course as Mongol Cnese u try to pretend that Han Cnese respect u guys, but infact its not. The Cantonese friends told us that Northern Cnese r very idiot and aggressive, the link I gave u also show that Southern Cnese despise Northern Cnese.

Thats why Cantonese Cnese quickly shift their bussiness to VN during trade war and happy to see million Northen Cnese become jobless :lol:

The only Cantonese businessman that currently betrayed China is Li Ka-shing. Since he is from HK, what do you expect? Those tycoons in HK are pretty much hostile to the communism.

Whereas the most businessmen in Guangdong are not even Cantonese.

For example, Huawei's boss Ren Zhengfei currently resides in Shenzhen, but he is not Cantonese.
The only Cantonese businessman that currently betrayed China is Li Ka-shing. Since he is from HK, what do you expect? Those tycoons in HK are pretty much hostile to the communism.

Whereas the most businessmen in Guangdong are not even Cantonese.

For example, Huawei's boss Ren Zhengfei currently resides in Shenzhen, but he is not Cantonese.
But he has to move his bussiness to Guandong cos the real bussiness system set up since thousand year ago is there, not in Beijing where only barbarians Cnese who can not run bussiness well, living there.

If Ren is arrested and killed by US, then Cantonese ppl still run the bussiness well, no one care abt Ren, hes just Beijing spy in Guangdong.
But he has to move his bussiness to Guandong cos the real bussiness system set up since thousand year ago is there, not in Beijing where only barbarians Cnese who can not run bussiness well, living there.

If Ren is arrested and killed by US, then Cantonese ppl still run the bussiness well, no one care abt Ren, hes just Beijing spy in Guangdong.

Huawei's 5G is currently dominating the world, and in a decade later they will dominate in 6G as well.

Most Cantonese are proud that one of the greatest companies in the history like Huawei having headquarter in Guangdong.
Huawei's 5G is currently dominating the world, and in a decade later they will dominate in 6G as well.

Most Cantonese are proud that one of the greatest companies in the history like Huawei having headquarter in Guangdong.
Thats true, but they dont care who is the boss cos without Ren, Guandong ppl still run bussiness well as their ancesstors did thousand year ago.

Okay, I nit to take some pills now to get rid of my sickness. See u guys. But dont try to lie that Cantonese respect low IQ northen Cnese like Win emperor and "Xi emperor" , to us, their best job r shoes workers :lol:
These so called "experts" fail to or deliberately leave out the main reasons why U.S Navy became a global power. It has had an uninterrupted access to the latest technological advances. U.S provided a bottomless pit of money for Research & Development. The only reason why America was able to do this, is because of Dollar being a reserve currency which compounded the American hegemony over the world. The manufacture of Dollar as reserve currency, was devised by America's owners, Zionist-Swines.
That is not taught in Accounting because it is not true.

First of all, money cannot create out of nothing...….

Money is created by banks out of nothing. They are not lending only the money the have on deposit, they get to create money with loans.

Even the global financial institution ING agrees that:
"Economists frequently assert that banks can create money out of nothing...
strangely, they are both correct."


This is what creates bubbles, creating money from nothing.
Thats true, but they dont care who is the boss cos without Ren, Guandong ppl still run bussiness well as their ancesstors did thousand year ago.

Okay, I nit to take some pills now to get rid of my sickness. See u guys. But dont try to lie that Cantonese respect low IQ northen Cnese like Win emperor and "Xi emperor" , to us, their best job r shoes workers :lol:

China is fully controlling 5G right now and 6G in the near future. This will create a revolution that completely supplants the current IT ecosystems controlled by the US.

The US technological dominance will get absolutely shattered into dust by China's revolutionary 5G/6G ecosystems.

no technology dominance = no military dominance = no dollar dominance

This will be the end of the world for the US.

That's why they are desperately fighting for their future survival. They cannot let Huawei to live for another 2-3 years. At this time, they couldn't even fight back anymore. And they will try to bring down Huawei at any cost by trying to steal the core technologies or even to assassinate the elites.

The US chips companies cannot take any hit anymore, that's why they have to keep supplying for Huawei. Otherwise, Huawei just won't need them anymore and let them all collapsing into bankruptcy. The US government has no choice but to let them keep trading with Huawei, and powerlessly to watch Huawei growing even stronger.


Even some multinational US companies like Microsoft even starts considering to betray the US by jumping the ship and embracing China as their new sugar daddy because Huawei is simply too powerful to be stopped at this point.


And also look at the UK, the closest blood brother of the US just deceives them by keep using Huawei as the core 5G infrastructure. Because Huawei's 5G tech is too powerful, even UK couldn't resist this temptation. :enjoy:

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China is fully controlling 5G right now and 6G in the near future. This will create a revolution that completely supplants the current IT ecosystems controlled by the US.

The US technological dominance will get absolutely shattered into dust by China's revolutionary 5G/6G ecosystems.

no technology dominance = no military dominance = no dollar dominance

This will be the end of the world for the US.

That's why they are desperately fighting for their future survival. They cannot let Huawei to live for another 2-3 years. At this time, they couldn't even fight back anymore. And they will try to bring down Huawei at any cost by trying to steal the core technologies or even to assassinate the elites.

The US chips companies cannot take any hit anymore, that's why they have to keep supplying for Huawei. Otherwise, Huawei just won't need them anymore and let them all collapsing into bankruptcy. The US government has no choice but to let them keep trading with Huawei, and powerlessly to watch Huawei growing even stronger.


Even some multinational US companies like Microsoft even starts considering to betray the US by jumping the ship and embracing China as their new sugar daddy because Huawei is simply too powerful to be stopped at this point.


And also look at the UK, the closest blood brother of the US just deceives them by keep using Huawei as the core 5G infrastructure. Because Huawei's 5G tech is too powerful, even UK couldn't resist this temptation. :enjoy:

Utter nonsense.....China has no control over 5G. 5G is already being deployed across US cities and will only grow exponentially from here.

And name a product or industry China has revolutionized to date? Your all talk....
Utter nonsense.....China has no control over 5G. 5G is already being deployed across US cities and will only grow exponentially from here.

And name a product or industry China has revolutionized to date? Your all talk....

Keep burying your head under the sand might be a good idea to console yourself.


BTW, your GDP growth is already on the verge of contraction in this quarter. China is too powerful to be disrupted at this point, and this shows that your country is no match against a manufacturing powerhouse known as China in sheer strength.

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