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China vs. India: who’s winning?

You want a piece too tough guy?

This guy is probably a Pakistani.

No way in Hell.

He spent most of his time attacking Pakistanis, and even repeatedly insulted their prophet. It was only when I stepped in, that he started calling me a "chink faggot".

His primary target was the Pakistanis here.

He is in fact the exact same guy who posted all those pornographic pictures in order to insult the Muslims on this forum, he even puts his location as "LaWhore" which was the same website the other guy used to post those pictures.
India has a lot to learn from China. Their single handed focus on economic growth is laudable. Although China has tremendous economic clout, it remains quiet on contentious issue like Arab Palestine, iran, libya etc. Hence it's marching ahead with minimum enemies. China is not the kind of neighbor you would want border issues with but our bad luck we have it. We should do whatever it takes to increase trade with China. I know China's friendship with Pakistan is a problem but India should not worry too much about it. If India and China could realize the potential of their ties, given that there is enough space in the world for both, it would be a big big achievement for the people of both the countries.
u cannot even think india is any state to compete with china.check ur tv ur phone microwave toaster airconditioner laptop pocket pc you will find made in china on it all so thats the barometer and china has won it already india can sell spice in market no electronics

My Laptop is made in USA.
Microwave Japan
TV Japan.
Cell Phone USA
Dont know why versus threads are still encouraged .....it inevitably leads to a troll fest ...:tdown:
My Laptop is made in USA.
Microwave Japan
TV Japan.
Cell Phone USA

clearly you are behind an anti-China mindset, aren't you?

so that's not convincing, isn't it?

and more sadly, you don't use Indian made product, that's not respectful, even.
clearly you are behind an anti-China mindset, aren't you?

so that's not convincing, isn't it?

and more sadly, you don't use Indian made product, that's not respectful, even.

Do you use or even know of any comparable Pakistan made product ..? :rofl:
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