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China vs. India: who’s winning?

Well, buddy, may i add one more if not the most important criteria for being a true regional/super power which is having the ability to simply firing a few shots and your enemy will end up sh!ting their pants and bow to power of her supremacy, for example, something like this:

In September 1962, when Indian troops were ordered to "expel the Chinese" from Thag La, Maj. General J. S. Dhillon expressed the opinion that "experience in Ladakh had shown that a few rounds fired at the Chinese would cause them to run away."
Sino-Indian War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
And the rest is history.....

This is the what Mr.Brotherhood posted trying to appease some other members. Look at terms he used shitting in pants and bowing to the supremacy of the enemy. I just stated according to his post he should consider Japan a Universal power. Clearly taken aback by this his next post had the words 1962 PIG SLAUGHTERING to which i said nothing just posted a video of the rape on Nanking. Even if he wanted to troll he could have done it in a dignified manner.

Is that you Baghdad Bob? :lol:

Yes, a few shots fired at Chinese would cause them to "run away" into Indian territory, slaughter and imprison Indian soldiers, and take photographs of it.

Just like MacArthur said that if China intervened in the Korean war, "there would be the greatest slaughter". There was, but of South Koreans.
Well I can speak for Liquid and myself when I say I condemn the war crimes as well as other words used by the troll. But yeah I'm outta this thread. No point of saying the same thing over and over again. :tup:

You two are cool. I respect both of you as reasonable, and intelligent. Its true that some people just are a**holes.
Is that you Baghdad Bob? :lol:

Yes, a few shots fired at Chinese would cause them to "run away" into Indian territory, slaughter and imprison Indian soldiers, and take photographs of it.

Just like MacArthur said that if China intervened in the Korean war, "there would be the greatest slaughter". There was, but of South Koreans.

Brotherhood. Beating your opponents is fine but we should respect them as well. It was their commanders fault for their poor performance and big talk, not the soldiers themselves.
If you put it this way, with our 6 trillion economy we are like the US in 1990.

US Gross Domestic Product GDP History in United States 1950-2010 - Federal State Local

I find it interesting that even developed economies follow the same growth trajectory: low, then exponential growth, then stagnation.

Well interestingly what i have seen USA has never had the high growth rates of GDP like we have in Asia. They have had continous levels of moderate growth for about 4 decades, Yours and US models are quite different.
Brotherhood. Beating your opponents is fine but we should respect them as well. It was their commanders fault for their poor performance and big talk, not the soldiers themselves.

I'm not Brotherhood. I was only correcting a misconception. Nothing against Indians.

Well interestingly what i have seen USA has never had the high growth rates of GDP like we have in Asia. They have had continous levels of moderate growth for about 4 decades, Yours and US models are quite different.

In macroeconomic terms China is where the US was in 1990 but socially it is where Japan was in 1978 and where South Korea was in 1985.
If you are really Chinese Dragon, than login as Chinese Dragon and say that you are really cardsharp.

Twas a joke. Both my and Chinese dragon's screenname's start with a "c". Unless you are joking as well, in which case you've one up'd me :lol:
All the Chinese big guns in this thread? Whats going on, looking for a fight?:lol:
Lmao, its about to be an Internet fight,,,

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