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China vs. India: who’s winning?

But really, you think most of us support the mass murder of the Chinese in WW2? From people that suffered from foreign brutality most of us would sympathize with the Chinese.

LOL such a liar, read the above post where an Indian was gloating and laughing about the atrocities during WW2.

Even our dear friend VARAD on this thread did the exact same thing earlier today.

It is far too common.
ohooh :rofl: you came back.CD you should check the thread US declares India a regional power. Everybody was having a normal conversation until Mr. Brotherhood tried to troll declaring 1962 war and India should consider China a superpower. I just gave back some of his own class.
Mate, when you are on troll expect such responses.

There is nothing wrong in winning a war. We even took half as POWs and sent them back in fine shape.

However laughing at atrocities in war is F**king disgusting, and your belief that it was a justifiable response on your part is ridiculous.
OK back to the topic, clearly the "slanty-eyed chink faggots" (i.e. me, my family, my countrymen) are the ones who are FAR behind India.

Since we don't have freedom of speech, we don't have free media, we eat dead bodies, we are cannibals, we torture our own people, we run our own people over with tanks, etc. Oh, and don't forget this one:

Oh come on.. what's different between you and that suicide troll? Every time there's a pakistani posting a derogatory sentence or line, it sure ticks of some Indian who never fails to start flaming the same thread. Then you come and start blaming all Indians because of some idiot.

I've seen the pattern numerous of times here. I thought you would know better to report and ignore.. :rolleyes:
Between India and China in terms of economic, social, environmental, military, industrial, academic and even political development I would say that China is ahead.

I agree but there is this one thing in which we are number 1..that is CORRUPTION..... although Pakistan se Zardari saheb kafi competition de rahe hai par fir bhi swiss bank is ruled by Indians......:rofl:
There is nothing wrong in winning a war. We even took half as POWs and sent them back in fine shape.

However laughing at atrocities in war is F**king disgusting, and your belief that it was a justifiable response on your part is ridiculous.

Who the hell is laughing at the war crimes?! I always sympathize with the Chinese against what the Japanese did..
LOL such a liar, read the above post where an Indian was gloating and laughing about the atrocities during WW2.

Even our dear friend VARAD on this thread did the exact same thing earlier today. It is beyond common.

Man, seriously who ever supports these things obviously has issues period. If you want to believe most Indians that know about this event support it, go ahead. Just cause you read some comments from some insecure Indians on the web that supports the crime doesn't mean people like me support it.
Who the hell is laughing at the war crimes?! I always sympathize with the Chinese against what the Japanese did..

Read it:

is it TRUE JAPANESE and MONGOLAIAN used to come rape Chinese woman and leave ! damn what a shame????

Please china couldn't save her women from a small island called JAPAN... CHina has yet to prove to beat japan let alone the US

And then ask our friend VARAD, on this very thread, what he said today as well.

It is a neverending source of joy for the Indian members here.
Read it:

And then ask our friend VARAD on this very thread, what he said today as well.

I have heard it so many times from Indians.

Surely whoever supports war crimes has some serious mental problems. I undoubtedly condemn them. However it amuses me that you guys nitpick of all the negatives and label us all like that..
Man, seriously who ever supports these things obviously has issues period. If you want to believe most Indians that know about this event support it, go ahead. Just cause you read some comments from some insecure Indians on the web that supports the events doesn't mean people like me support it.

I certainly don't think most Indians do it. However I think most Indians are apathetic enough to simply ignore it. I don't see many Indians telling those who do it to stop, and when we bring it up you just tell us to get over it.
Well this shows the strength of the Indian trade fraternity. It took China 13 years after implementing economic policies to come to the level of a closed market economy like India. Then started the China boom. In 1991 when we were about to go bankcrupt we opened our markets, by that time China had all the infrastructure to clock such growth. The Indian boom has just started but will need effective policies to maintain it.

If you put it this way, with our 6 trillion economy we are like the US in 1990.

US Gross Domestic Product GDP History in United States 1950-2010 - Federal State Local

I find it interesting that even developed economies follow the same growth trajectory: low, then exponential growth, then stagnation.
I certainly don't think most Indians do it. However I think most Indians are apathetic enough to simply ignore it. I don't see many Indians telling those who do it to stop, and when we bring it up you just tell us to get over it.

Well its true.. We just ignore these people and dont bother replying or tell them to stop. I do report though.

But most of us dont support such crimes(Japanese atrocities)..
Read it:

And then ask our friend VARAD, on this very thread, what he said today as well.

It is a neverending source of joy for the Indian members here.

Well, buddy, may i add one more if not the most important criteria for being a true regional/super power which is having the ability to simply firing a few shots and your enemy will end up sh!ting their pants and bow to power of her supremacy, for example, something like this:

In September 1962, when Indian troops were ordered to "expel the Chinese" from Thag La, Maj. General J. S. Dhillon expressed the opinion that "experience in Ladakh had shown that a few rounds fired at the Chinese would cause them to run away."
Sino-Indian War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
And the rest is history.....

This is the what Mr.Brotherhood posted trying to appease some other members. Look at terms he used shitting in pants and bowing to the supremacy of the enemy. I just stated according to his post he should consider Japan a Universal power. Clearly taken aback by this his next post had the words 1962 PIG SLAUGHTERING to which i said nothing just posted a video of the rape on Nanking. Even if he wanted to troll he could have done it in a dignified manner.
Surely whoever supports war crimes has some serious mental problems. I undoubtedly condemn them. However it amuses me that you guys nitpick of all the negatives and label us all like that..

I don't but it is disturbing that instead of condemning those offenders openly you instead chose to argue with us instead.

For me I just want to see one Indian condemn the offender directly. I would be satisfied. However that is a rare to nonexistent occurrence.
I don't but it is disturbing that instead of condemning those offenders openly you instead chose to argue with us instead.

For me I just want to see one Indian condemn the offender directly. I would be satisfied. However that is a rare to nonexistent occurrence.

Well I can speak for Liquid and myself when I say I condemn the war crimes as well as other words used by the troll. But yeah I'm outta this thread. No point of saying the same thing over and over again. :tup:
I don't but it is disturbing that instead of condemning those offenders openly you instead chose to argue with us instead.

For me I just want to see one Indian condemn the offender directly. I would be satisfied. However that is a rare to nonexistent occurrence.

Did anyone condemn Mr Brotherhood when he tried to troll or called the Indian soldiers who fought no matter what the circumstances were PIGS
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