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China versus India - a thorough analysis

There is no point comparing India and China as of today.Sadly,even after having adequate resources our health and education sector suffer from utter misery due to lack of planning and incompetent effort from both the central and state Govt.After Independence India's primary concern was to take its huge population out of the sufferings,poverty and pain created by the British by agricultural and Industrial revolution.
Even after having substantial achievements in agriculture our Industrial sector has suffered blockades for several reasons which should have been curbed out by a strong and firm national policy with a long term vision.Luckily for the Chinese,they have handled the situation far better than the Indians.Their approach towards corruption and human development has yielded an enviable consequences with greater efficacy.
It will be wiser for us,Indians not to held any sense of jealousy or apathy towards the Chinese effort and its results.Instead, we can study their methods,its results both positive and negative with patience and then try to solve our own issues with a fresh way to deal with.

I agree... And I think the basic difference was that the Chinese built ground up while Nehru was obsessed with a top down high profile paradigm. So while the Chinese were investing in Health and Education, we were building the temples of modern India while completely neglecting land reforms and rural social and physical infra. So when opportunity comes, the Chinese are ready for industrialization while we have only a sizable middle class in cities as asset - so its service sector for us..

Sometimes feel that Gandhi's vision of Gram Swarajya would have actually got us nearer to the Chinese .
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I agree... And I think the basic difference was that the Chinese built ground up while Nehru was obsessed with a top down high profile paradigm. So while the Chinese were investing in Health and Education, we were building the temples of modern India while completely neglecting land reforms and rural social and physical infra. So when opportunity comes, the Chinese are ready for industrialization while we have only a sizable middle class in cities as asset - so its service sector for us..

Sometimes feel that Gandhi's vision of Gram Swarajya would have actually got us nearer to the Chinese .

If we look back in the 1950s,our approach was not wrong.The five years plans were well studied program and gave us fruitful results.But we missed to address some vital problems.
1.The British red tapism was and still is a mess.If you want to build an Industry in your town one file travels miles from table to table within a department for years. Ultimately the Industrialist gets fed up and moves his industry to some other county.

2.The first problem takes us to another severe disease,the great corruption.More tables,more delay and more bribery.

3.Now,when the files have been passed you have gone to the locality for next step of your industry,here comes the members of the local political party,forcing you to buy materials from their companies,hiring incompetent workforce from their party.If you fail to satisfy them not a single brick moves.

Health and education sector is bound to improve if our Industrial growth meets proper results. Dr.Bidhan Chandra Ray,a great visionary of this century developed two Industrial zones in Bengal in 1960s. Today,even after enough political mess and lack of administrative competence these two zones are still delivering great results in the region.

There are thousand other reasons for why we never could meet our goals what we have dreamed one day unless we change our attitude and study our present deadlocks. That is why this is not time to match the Chinese.They have their own problems with different methods to deal with and we have ours.
China current account balance, 2012: $213.8 billion (2nd place)

India current account balance, 2012: $-80.15 billion (deficit; 2nd last place)

World Factbook - https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/rankorder/2187rank.html

Great work.:tup:

The only disheartening factor is the above figure. Not because China is way ahead but because we lag too much behind.Currently it is above (-) $100 billion and the major factor for the fall of rupee against dollar.
If we look back in the 1950s,our approach was not wrong.The five years plans were well studied program and gave us fruitful results.But we missed to address some vital problems.
1.The British red tapism was and still is a mess.If you want to build an Industry in your town one file travels miles from table to table within a department for years. Ultimately the Industrialist gets fed up and moves his industry to some other county.

2.The first problem takes us to another severe disease,the great corruption.More tables,more delay and more bribery.

3.Now,when the files have been passed you have gone to the locality for next step of your industry,here comes the members of the local political party,forcing you to buy materials from their companies,hiring incompetent workforce from their party.If you fail to satisfy them not a single brick moves.

Health and education sector is bound to improve if our Industrial growth meets proper results. Dr.Bidhan Chandra Ray,a great visionary of this century developed two Industrial zones in Bengal in 1960s. Today,even after enough political mess and lack of administrative competence these two zones are still delivering great results in the region.

There are thousand other reasons for why we never could meet our goals what we have dreamed one day unless we change our attitude and study our present deadlocks. That is why this is not time to match the Chinese.They have their own problems with different methods to deal with and we have ours.

I will still insist that the fundamental reasons are far deeper -- not only the "attitude"

1. The Bengal province( Bengal, Bihar, Orissa) used to be the richest -- which is why the British came there first... Look where it is now. The Zamindari land tenure system has sucked out wealth from the provice. And coming from a Zamindar family myself, I know how it worked. First thing which should have been done was Land distribution - it was somewhat successful in Bengal, a total failure in Bihar and UP. In rural India, Land is social political and Economic power. Give a man some land and he will raise himself over time.

2. there is still no rural infra worth the name. What to say of backward states, even states like Haryana, Punjab have pathetic rural roads, schools etc. Also, rural employment is confined to agriculture which means that we have large number of unemployed youth who indulge in anti social activities, drinking or politics. the so called boom is virually confined to the urban middle class and rural folks have just got a few benefits like mobiles. This is not how a country can develop.
thank god this india vs china thread is going with good nd healthy discussion....trolls havnt invaded this thread yet. but if they do i request all to ignore them :)

dont bring in God when China is in discussion...!

and regarding chinese trolls, they ve already invaded the thread...

Sorry I am late...I just remember that I forget India's most important and proud indicator as you mentioned above...
You can live totally without "bread" and curry.
Just a kind reminder, masturbation makes you lost in reality.
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Since man does not live by bread alone, I l request you to compile some "soft" data as well.

Example: Index of Individual liberty

India : 49
China : 132!

Source : Rankings: The 2006 State of World Liberty Index: Free People, Free Markets, Free Thought, Free Planet

I can't complete it with "soft" data because soft data is interpreted very differently from "hard" data. It tends to be far more subjective than the hard data, and would lead to endless argument by both nationalities.

This data above, on the other hand, can barely be argued against. It is judged by 3rd parties, many of them international, and so not subject to the whims of political powers within said nations.
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Also, the quality of life index:

Rather surprising that inspite of China's GDP etc being much higher, the quality of life is very similar:

China : Rank 60
India : Rank 73

Quality of Life Index, written in 2005, and barely even heard of... And again, please stop posting the subjective data. Only hard facts are needed.

Besides, it's far more important to look at the Human Development Index 2012, which is far more popular and thorough.
The 1st entry is in PPP terms。

The figure for China is totally wrong,for the PPP conversion factor was derived from census conducted over 30 coastal cities where the cost of living was way higher than the rest of China,especially the populous central and western provinces。

The UN is in the midst of a new study on China,the result of which should provide a far more reliable PPP measurement of the Chinese economy。

The PPP data is official from the IMF 2012 report. Until it is updated, I cannot make any conjecture on the real number.
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And of course, Freedom! I know the Chinese have risen over such insignificant issues. But real humans like to have freedom too.


Green: Free
Yellow: Partly free
Purple: Not free

Source : Freedom in the World - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I think they should place fourth color red..
I believe for the future Pakistan vs. India and China vs. USA I should include maternal mortality, infant mortality, and some sort of poverty index.

Anything else?

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