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China to pump $47 bln into Tibet to 2015

I don't care about the llama or BHudda, but the problem is Tibetans. Backwards they are, but what happens to them? Invenstment is a good thing, and so are the projects, but the high positions are held by educated Chinese and the businesses are also owned by HAN Chinese.
Problem: HAN CHinese can easily buy land and business's in Tibet.
Result: Massive invasion of Chinese into Tibet, resulting in the Tibetans becoming becoming a gradual minority in their own country. Same thing happened to North Ireland.
How does the CCP plan to protect Tibet and its culture if Tibetans culture is on the down?

get yourself educated.
Tibetans can choose to move to Beijing, Shanghai, Han Chinese can choose to move to Tibet. It is not called invasion.

did your father rape your mum and get you born eventually?
did you steal money for your wallet and bought your food today?

same logic here.

how about just shutup and piss off from this Chinese forum?

---------- Post added at 05:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:19 PM ----------

I've listened to some of there complaints. This particular gentleman makes his living selling goods made by Tibetans unfortunately when he started his business in Tibet most of shops where owned by Chinese/Hans who sold those dollar trinkets that we are so fond of to take back and give to distant friends. If the CCP willed it, they could tax Han Chinese more whom lived in Tibet, and give the Tibetans a break because they are getting eaten up by the competition. A small minority should be able to succeed like Jews, Sikhs, Parsi by having a stronger communal bond.

Sikhs succeed? what a bloody joke!

living in a $1000 per capita GDP country, without stable electricity supply, 65 years life expectancy, 50% female literacy rate, they succeed?

please stop your propaganda.

---------- Post added at 05:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:21 PM ----------

one day loser, always loser.
one day indian, always liar.
china did a great job by overthrowing the backward traditions and introduced secular education, Water and jobs, the Tibetans are useless other then praising the Lama they have no skills, I actually thank China for trying to bring these backward people into the 21 century by teaching them skills.

Wow you know a lot about Tibetan culture do you? How would it be if your own (not the false flags you put up) was cursed and called barbaric and terror-oriented? Of course it would be offensive. Every culture wherever it is of origin, must be respected.
Wow you know a lot about Tibetan culture do you? How would it be if your own (not the false flags you put up) was cursed and called barbaric and terror-oriented? Of course it would be offensive. Every culture wherever it is of origin, must be respected.

Seem a little emotional there, how exactly am I a false flag ? due tell Im and simply stating my opinion if you don't like it then oh well deal with it, whatever China does in it's Territory it's up to them not YOU not ME or anyone but China.
get yourself educated.
Tibetans can choose to move to Beijing, Shanghai, Han Chinese can choose to move to Tibet. It is not called invasion.

did your father rape your mum and get you born eventually?
did you steal money for your wallet and bought your food today?

same logic here.

how about just shutup and piss off from this Chinese forum?

You're an idiot. Your a by product of incest aren't you my boy?

Sikhs succeed? what a bloody joke!

living in a $1000 per capita GDP country, without stable electricity supply, 65 years life expectancy, 50% female literacy rate, they succeed?

please stop your propaganda.

I mentioned the Sikhs, in comparison to Indians. Whats your point? your a troll. Come back when you have a something real to say.

I pity the fool who thanks you.
get yourself educated.
Tibetans can choose to move to Beijing, Shanghai, Han Chinese can choose to move to Tibet. It is not called invasion.

did your father rape your mum and get you born eventually?
did you steal money for your wallet and bought your food today?

same logic here.

how about just shutup and piss off from this Chinese forum?

Weird logic,talk on the matter,provide the data of tibetian migration to mainland China in comparison to the han superiority in Tibet and their share of economy.

---------- Post added at 05:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:21 PM ----------

one day loser, always loser.
one day indian, always liar.

I will appreciate it if u tone down ur language,not that I dont know how to respond or i fear a ban,but i found nothing intresting to insult a community which promotes itself as peacefullll.
Aren't the succesfull minorities the ones that have integrated well within the country they live in?
I can not distinguis a jew from any other dutch person, except for the ultra orthodox ones.
The minorities who are a problem are those who publicly state the are that minority above anything else.

The social economical differences in most countries are not due to discrimination, but difference in skill level.
$47 bln is a lot of money to be invested in 3 years, but protests are to be expected by Tibettans that their piece of the pie is not big enough. Probably due to corruption, which will be a valid complaint, and due to the difference in skill level. Application forms will probably be in Chinese, so if you can't read them ...
You're an idiot. Your a by product of incest aren't you my boy?

I mentioned the Sikhs, in comparison to Indians. Whats your point? your a troll. Come back when you have a something real to say.

I pity the fool who thanks you.

sorry to disappoint you. I graduated from a world top 20 university with a PhD degree in my professional area, my monthly income is probably higher than your annual take home amount by a large margin.

suddenly I am the fool and you average 80 IQ morons are talking loud.

time to wake up, you are just one of those 1.2 billion indians who don't have a future.
The most disgusting thing you can see on internet is probably seeing some indians talking about Tibet issues.

When Tibetans are having higher literacy rate, life expectancy than indians, when Tibetans never need to worry about stable electricity supplies and clean drinking waters, india members should just admit the reality and shut up.

Right now, what needed is a bottom up uprising in india against its regime. indians should focus on this business not the daily life of Tibetans -- because by all stats, Tibetans are better off than you loser indians
The most disgusting thing you can see on internet is probably seeing some indians talking about Tibet issues.

When Tibetans are having higher literacy rate, life expectancy than indians, when Tibetans never need to worry about stable electricity supplies and clean drinking waters, india members should just admit the reality and shut up.

Right now, what needed is a bottom up uprising in india against its regime. indians should focus on this business not the daily life of Tibetans -- because by all stats, Tibetans are better off than you loser indians

a little harsh, but all true. but then, when you have almost 60% (of 1.2 billion indians) of your entire population that publicly defecate then you should already know that there are some serious priority issues.

fun facts:
* average tibetan lifespan 67 years; indian lifespan 63
*more people openly defecate in india than there are people in europe
a little harsh, but all true. but then, when you have almost 60% (of 1.2 billion indians) of your entire population that publicly defecate then you should already know that there are some serious priority issues.

fun facts:
* average tibetan lifespan 67 years; indian lifespan 63
*more people openly defecate in india than there are people in europe

AGAIN? :lol:

looks like indians defecating is bread and butter to chinese and pakistani trolls (pun intended). did u kids notice that india reduced its poor from 90% to 35% in 40 years?

@ topic

nice video

@ Indian members: i find pakistani trolls civilized and well manered compared to chinese trolls.
why is that? makes no sense.
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a little harsh, but all true. but then, when you have almost 60% (of 1.2 billion indians) of your entire population that publicly defecate then you should already know that there are some serious priority issues.
Well of course the West flatters India as the great counterweight to China! Not because it has toilets, but because it has Eurofighters.
Rule number one. When someone starts throwing the topic out the window and changes the focus onto India rather than the topic on hand. Lets say if I was from merry old England would you still pull the same crap? When did I bring India into this? What does Indias with a low IQ have anything to do with this? PhD my brown ***. BTW I live in Canada.
I never understood why Chinese feel the need to protect their CCP government even though people have faults.

---------- Post added at 08:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:51 PM ----------

Why is this ***** still not banned?
You talking about lovely old me Persian?
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