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China to pump $47 bln into Tibet to 2015

i dont trust these tibetian rats. they are trouble makers.

china need to only do things for the benefit of han chinese.

im sick of these whites taking chinese jobs.
china should deport the whites back to the west that are stealing chinese jobs for chinese people.

Well, just few bad examples don't represent the overall Tibetans.

Historically, Tibetans always have strong racial and cultural tie with us.

China even has the place for the Uyghurs and many other ethicities, why not Tibetans?
Developing infrastructure in Tibet is expensive because of the terrain. Only China has the money and resolve to do these kind of things.
Some of you speak of Tibetans like they're cockroaches and advocate your Han superiority. Competely disgusting how you think of your fellow countrymen like some second rate citizens. If nothing else, you're providing recruitment fuel for separatists propaganda. It makes me suspicious of what your true intentions are.
tibetans, uyghurs, Hans, Monglos are all Chinese, we are a family of 56 ethnic people
tibetans, uyghurs, Hans, Monglos are all Chinese, we are a family of 56 ethnic people

Spot on man, sometimes its clearer to see this when one is outside of their comfort zone and in the midst of people foreign to himself.
Both Tibetans and Han-Chinese should benefit from this. Benefiting only the Han-Chinese would be counterproductive.
i dont trust these tibetian rats. they are trouble makers.

china need to only do things for the benefit of han chinese.

im sick of these whites taking chinese jobs.
china should deport the whites back to the west that are stealing chinese jobs for chinese people.
I don't know if you are purposely trolling or not but you make the Chinese look bad. Congratulations.
I don't care about the llama or BHudda, but the problem is Tibetans. Backwards they are, but what happens to them? Invenstment is a good thing, and so are the projects, but the high positions are held by educated Chinese and the businesses are also owned by HAN Chinese.
Problem: HAN CHinese can easily buy land and business's in Tibet.
Result: Massive invasion of Chinese into Tibet, resulting in the Tibetans becoming becoming a gradual minority in their own country. Same thing happened to North Ireland.
How does the CCP plan to protect Tibet and its culture if Tibetans culture is on the down?
Not according to me or the Tibetans i've talked to. The problem being the pace of modernization. Mainland china brings with it korean movies and soup operas, and Japanese anime to ****. The Chinese bring with Chinese culture, and Tibetan culture becomes something exotic. The same effect is seen on tribes in Amazon and Indonesia. Modernization needs to pace its self according the community or you wipe them out.
I also remember a Tibetan shop owner who complained about the racism he recieved in Tibet from Hans who own majority of the business. Although I had brought up the subject to talk about the illegal tiger fur trade.
dont develop tibet..let it remain barren...
or the rains will stop.

moonsoon is only caused due to a barren tibet...
I've listened to some of there complaints. This particular gentleman makes his living selling goods made by Tibetans unfortunately when he started his business in Tibet most of shops where owned by Chinese/Hans who sold those dollar trinkets that we are so fond of to take back and give to distant friends. If the CCP willed it, they could tax Han Chinese more whom lived in Tibet, and give the Tibetans a break because they are getting eaten up by the competition. A small minority should be able to succeed like Jews, Sikhs, Parsi by having a stronger communal bond.
i dont trust these tibetian rats. they are trouble makers.

china need to only do things for the benefit of han chinese.

im sick of these whites taking chinese jobs.
china should deport the whites back to the west that are stealing chinese jobs for chinese people.

If the tibetians go to streets, the gov will give them money.
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