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China to have 4 aircraft carriers, 18 Type 055 destroyers, and 300 J-20 by 2025

It is the culture of China to not blindly followed the others pace when it comes to not only the millitary build up but every sectors, we put our boot on the ground, the opposit example is our neighbor India, program like Tejas and arjuns are the best example where they always wanted the bis, always come up with closing gap upgrade but at the end nothing.
Yes, things are not urgent, no one dare to mess up with our carriers even if they carry WWII war planes. The reasons are obvious that our strategical force and national strength behind them. Same reason for Russian aircraft carrier Kuznetsov passed the English Channel like walk on its own garden, with its smoke reach the universe:
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Vietnam’s defense budget is $5.5b and increases rapidly. modern war is mostly IQ war, so no need to waste too much on money on weapons. The lower the IQ the more money is needed. That explains why you need more money than us.
The jungle IQ shit again which can shoot down a plane by throwing a stone and sink an carrier by swimming... :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I am talking about here and now and not sometime in the future.

Fact is the UK Navy will beat the PLAN in an open ocean battle right now.

China has no answer in the air or under the water right now - the service of the Type-095SSN is not verified and so it cannot be counted as of yet.

These two weapons give the UK's Navy the edge right now:

F-35B - UK has 18 ready for battle right now:


Astute Class SSN - UK has 3 submarines for battle right now. 3 Astute class submarines will be available to cause mayhem to the large Chinese surface fleet that is also being harassed by the 18 F-35Bs.

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I am not talking about the future, but right now at this moment, we can put our J20s on our carrier if necessary. Simple... Remember Roosevelt ordered B-25s took off on a carrier and bombed tokyo... It is all about necessity, the technical difficult is nothing compared to that...
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The jungle IQ shit again which can shoot down a plane by throwing a stone and sink an carrier by swimming... :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I am not talking about the future, but right now at this moment, we can put our J20s on our carrier if necessary. Simple...
We beat the Mongols with three armies. We beat the Manchu, your colonial master. We beat endless enemies all multiple bigger than us. How chinese army? Where was the PLA, when the Japanese attacked Nanjing, taking your women?

If all about weapons when did you win a war in the last 400 years? Making jokes on our army is very rediculous.

You build more carriers we acquire more yakhont. Win win.
We beat the Mongols with three armies. We beat the Manchu, your colonial master. We beat endless enemies all multiple bigger than us. Where was the PLA, when the Japanese attacked Nanjing?

If all about weapons when did you win a war in the last 400 years? Making jokes on our army is very rediculous.

You build more carriers we acquire more yakhont. Win win.
Mongols and Manchu??? They are our ethnic groups and proud citizens of China today...
Japanese could not manage to occupy even 1/3 of China during the entire war of 14 years, while you saw your french master 'shake hands' with your new Jap masters within 1 week...lol...
Talking about ancient times, then jungle boy, just remember we fuxked you for the past 2,000 years...
You are piece of shxt without the back of USSR and China, and now a stray dog...
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I am not talking about the future, but right now at this moment, we can put our J20s on our carrier if necessary. Simple... Remember Roosevelt ordered B-25s took off on a carrier and bombed tokyo... It is all about necessity, the technical difficult is nothing compared to that...

Yes it will be one-way mission as the J-20 will not be able to land since it cannot take the stress of carrier landings.
The B-25s were a one way mission as well.

The F-35s would just approach the carrier group to force the J-20s to take off and then head back to their carrier.
Once the J-20s have had to ditch in the ocean the F-35s will just take off again lol
Yes it will be one-way mission as the J-20 will not be able to land since it cannot take the stress of carrier landings.
The B-25s were a one way mission as well.

The F-35s would just approach the carrier group to force the J-20s to take off and then head back to their carrier.
Once the J-20s have had to ditch in the ocean the F-35s will just take off again lol
So we have the technology on J-15 (~same weight as J20) while can not apply it to J-20??? You are so funny... It is just some strengthening of structure such as landing gear which takes no time to do...
So we have the technology on J-15 (~same weight as J20) while can not apply it to J-20??? You are so funny...

No, no. no.....

Even if you made a crash programme it will take many months, maybe a year or two to get the J-20 fully carrier capable.
After the J-20 has been modified by strengthening the landing gear and airframe, it's flight control and navigation software will have to be modified to take into account it is a naval fighter that will be taking off and landing on a moving carrier in the middle of an ocean. Then you need to spend many months testing all these.
Sorry you are just not understanding the massive amount of work and time that will be required to convert the J-20 for carrier use

We are not even talking about training J-20 pilots to fly and land off carriers either. That will take many many months as landing on a carrier(especially at night) is one of the most difficult things a pilot has to do.

Simply in a naval battle right now, the J-20 would not be available.
Mongols and Manchu??? They are our ethnic groups and proud citizens of China today...
Japanese could not manage to occupy even 1/3 of China during the entire war of 14 years, while you saw your french master 'shake hands' with your new Jap masters within 1 week...lol...
Talking about ancient times, then jungle boy, just remember we fuxked you for the past 2,000 years...
You are piece of shxt without the back of USSR and China, and now a stray dog...
Yes but after they conquered China, making you to slaves for centuries.
As for Vietnam war, but minus China!
You failed to mention that only USSR helped Vietnam. China under Mao and Deng stopped all assistances long before the war escalated to the point of no return.

Yes it will be one-way mission as the J-20 will not be able to land since it cannot take the stress of carrier landings.
The B-25s were a one way mission as well.

The F-35s would just approach the carrier group to force the J-20s to take off and then head back to their carrier.
Once the J-20s have had to ditch in the ocean the F-35s will just take off again lol
All theory all is on paper not worth much
The PLA never fights a carrier battle.

Naval battle is very unpredictable, see the battle between Vietnam and China at Paracels, or see the battle of Midway, it was just a lucky moment of either side that decided the outcome. Only 5 minutes decided the battle, then the war.
Yes but after they conquered China, making you to slaves for centuries.
As for Vietnam war, but minus China!
You failed to mention that only USSR helped Vietnam. China under Mao and Deng stopped all assistances long before the war escalated to the point of no return.
Conflict between different ethnic groups in history are nature for the evolving and formation of modern nation, being it UK, France, Russia, or China of course... While you jungle creatures being slaves of a foreign country for 2 millennium are still bragging hard here...lol...
And so you admit you are piece of shxt without USSR, good.
And just check your inventory even today to see what we have given you ungrateful jungle creatures:

No, no. no.....

Even if you made a crash programme it will take many months, maybe a year or two to get the J-20 fully carrier capable.
After the J-20 has been modified by strengthening the landing gear and airframe, it's flight control and navigation software will have to be modified to take into account it is a naval fighter that will be taking off and landing on a moving carrier in the middle of an ocean. Then you need to spend many months testing all these.
Sorry you are just not understanding the massive amount of work and time that will be required to convert the J-20 for carrier use

We are not even talking about training J-20 pilots to fly and land off carriers either. That will take many many months as landing on a carrier(especially at night) is one of the most difficult things a pilot has to do.

Simply in a naval battle right now, the J-20 would not be available.
Months, a year or two... lol... So you know CAIC has not done it during the past years and just make cheap planes for your Bangladeshi airforce?? lol...

All theory all is on paper not worth much
The PLA never fights a carrier battle.

Naval battle is very unpredictable, see the battle between Vietnam and China at Paracels, or see the battle of Midway, it was just a lucky moment of either side that decided the outcome. Only 5 minutes decided the battle, then the war.
Where is the lucky moment here???
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Where is the lucky moment here???
You illiterate Not spratlys, I say the battle of Paracels.
Vietnam warships were more numerous, possessing long range weapons.

Pathetic jungle creatures again... Collected some American junk and think you are someone, and then got azz kicked by PLA... lol...
What junk! The VN Naval ships belonged to ones of the most powerful in the western pacific!
Ok your first carrier is indeed a Soviet junk!

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Yes it will be one-way mission as the J-20 will not be able to land since it cannot take the stress of carrier landings.
The B-25s were a one way mission as well.

The F-35s would just approach the carrier group to force the J-20s to take off and then head back to their carrier.
Once the J-20s have had to ditch in the ocean the F-35s will just take off again lol

Because you are imagining that China will use wrong strategy. It wont be carrier vs carrier; Chinese carrier wont be used against USN carrier. Instead PLAN will use HQ-26 launched from destroyers to down F-35, and YJ-12 and YJ-18 launched from destroyers to sink USN carriers.

F-35 will render useless if China use DF-21 or DF-26 or LARSM from H-6. Once hit F-35 wont be able to find place for landing.
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