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China to have 4 aircraft carriers, 18 Type 055 destroyers, and 300 J-20 by 2025

You can't counter the article
What article? I'm not reading that wall of text; go peddle your acronyms and LockMart scam brochures somewhere else. I wipe my a*s with NEMESIS and all the rest of your boondoggles. You don't dare strike Iran or North Korea, you think you can so much as look at China sideways? Don't make me laugh.

You lost this debate, just like China will lose a future war with the United States.
What debate? You don't have the mental capacity to debate, you drooling retard. Go put on your special needs helmet so you don't hurt yourself too badly the next time you run into a wall.

I enjoy bringing you and the *** kissers back to reality.
With what, your acronyms?:omghaha:
I've got an acronym for you: GETLOST. Bet if I put that on a brochure the Pentagon would give me a couple billion.

Seeing you grovel in dirt is a minor highlight of the day.
So in addition to being as mentally handicapped as you are, you hallucinate as well. Wow, you drew a really short straw.
What article? I'm not reading that wall of text; go peddle your acronyms and LockMart scam brochures somewhere else. I wipe my a*s with NEMESIS and all the rest of your boondoggles. You don't dare strike Iran or North Korea, you think you can so much as look at China sideways? Don't make me laugh.

What debate? You don't have the mental capacity to debate, you drooling retard. Go put on your special needs helmet so you don't hurt yourself too badly the next time you run into a wall.

With what, your acronyms?:omghaha:
I've got an acronym for you: GETLOST. Bet if I put that on a brochure the Pentagon would give me a couple billion.

So in addition to being as mentally handicapped as you are, you hallucinate as well. Wow, you drew a really short straw.

As expected, you didn't read the article, and don't have the ability to counter it. So your last resort is petty personal attacks and empty/baseless claims. Once again, you've lost, just like the rest of the Chinese PDF brigade I put to shame.

And "boondoggles?" The Chinese military has worshipped and modeled the US military from Day 1 post Desert Storm. We're flattered!

And the funniest of all? Your not even Chinese! That makes you the Grand Poobah of Chinese *** kissing. How does that taint taste?
As expected, you didn't read the article, and don't have the ability to counter it.
Oh, I have plenty of ability. What I don't have is the inclination to read anything posted by trash like you, especially not Rogoway's rag.
So your last resort is petty personal attacks and empty/baseless claims.
It's not my last resort, it's my first when dealing with filth like you because being insulted is all you deserve. I don't have debates with animals. As you prove time and again with your odious presence here, you are trash and I will constantly remind you of that.
Oh, I have plenty of ability. What I don't have is the inclination to read anything posted by trash like you, especially not Rogoway's rag.

It's not my last resort, it's my first when dealing with filth like you because being insulted is all you deserve. I don't have debates with animals. As you prove time and again with your odious presence here, you are trash and I will constantly remind you of that.

It’s simple, if you could you would. But you can’t, because you don’t have the ability. That makes you a lazy incompetent halfwit.

An being called an animal from you is an honor. If I’m an animal, that makes you the dirt beneath my feet. This is enjoyable for me. Getting under your skin is a pleasure. Because when you resort to personal attacks, I win.

I posted an excellent piece on US Naval EW, you admitted to not reading it, then proceeded with a petty attack against the intellectual ability of Americans. I win.....you lose.

Now, don’t you have some Chinese taint that needs some attention?
salvo after salvo of junk...lol... eventhough, you jungle becomes bankrupted...lol...
Now let me tell you what is salvo after salvo... There will be no jungle left after:
Yakhont is cheaper than any capital ship. Read how many S2 missiles were fired against B52 bombers in the decisive battle of 1972! What do you have against jungle?
It is normal.

Tico by 2025 will all be over 30 years old, therefore it should all be retired under the normal circumstance.

Many of your Burke are also obsolete Flight I and Flight II.

And your Flight IIA is also quite obsolete.

Your Flight III probably will end up like another failure like the DDG-1000.
Declaring stuff 'obsolete' just like that?

Arleigh Burke class destroyers continue to receive important upgrades and capabilities from relevant companies. These warships can shoot down virtually anything you can throw at them at present. Their own firepower is in the mix. USN operate in every ocean, study numerous developments from a distance, and even partake in numerous conflicts. They very much understand the intricacies of maritime operations. These matters aren't as easy as pressing mere buttons and/or like playing Call of Duty on a laptop.

I get your excitement but do not underestimate US in the matters of technology, resolve and warfighting. As long as American Public is productive, it will continue to surprise others. They have excellent industrial might and learning platforms back home.
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Declaring stuff 'obsolete' just like that?

Arleigh Burke class destroyers continue to receive important upgrades and capabilities from relevant sources. These warships can shoot down virtually anything you can throw at them. Their own firepower is in the mix. USN operate in every ocean, study numerous developments from a distance, and even partake in numerous conflicts. They very much understand the intricacies of maritime operations. These matters aren't as easy as pressing buttons or like playing Call of Duty.

Do not underestimate US in the matters of technology and resolve. As long as American Public is productive, it will continue to surprise others. They have excellent industrial might and learning platforms back home.
chinese are humorless folks!
Declaring Aegis destroyer is obsolete is like declaring Mercedes car becoming outdated.
Yakhont is cheaper than any capital ship. Read how many S2 missiles were fired against B52 bombers in the decisive battle of 1972! What do you have against jungle?
Mr Viet, here you go again, you are literally saying the human has achieved nothing in the past 40 years or so,
we all knows very well those relic of yours are totally obsolete in modern warfare, nice try.

Declaring Aegis destroyer is obsolete is like declaring Mercedes car becoming outdated
Declaring Yakohnt is still effecitve is no more than a joke either, you should be the last person here to say such thing.
Mr Viet, here you go again, you are literally saying the human has achieved nothing in the past 40 years or so,
we all knows very well those relic of yours are totally obsolete in modern warfare, nice try.

Declaring Yakohnt is still effecitve is no more than a joke either, you should be the last person here to say such thing.
Yakhont is Russia’s means of coastal defense. So you declare Russia is helpless against any attack? When will the PLA attack Vladivostok?

Yakhont is Russia’s means of coastal defense. So you declare Russia is helpless against any attack? When will the PLA attack Vladivostok?

Are you really 40 plus as you claimed? you act like a freaking child, you are in a defense forum without knowing the basic rules of modern warfare, so you believed Yankees doesn't attack Russian because they possess Yakhont?
When enemy Armada reaches within the range of coastal anti ships missiles, which means the enemy already has dominated in sea and sky, game over.
One more thing, what do you think is the difference of an AK47 in the hand of Viet and Rus?:wave:
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Are you really 40 plus as you claimed? you act like a freaking child, you are in a defense forum without knowing the basic rules of modern warfare, so you believed Yankees doesn't attack Russian because they possess Yakhont?
When enemy Armada reaches within the range of coastal anti ships missiles, which means the enemy already has dominated in sea and sky, game over.
One more thing, what do you think is the difference of an AK47 in the hand of Viet and Rus?:wave:
Pls don’t violate forum rule here with personal attack!
Why should the US invade Vladivostok?
Anyone who knows a bit of history knows you are the one that eyes Russia Far East, your ancient self declared territory.
The newest satellite image shows that the Type 003 can displace over 90,000 tonnes, it is most likely a nuclear supercarrier with the EMALS and AGG.

China needs to diminish the replenishment problem with the lack of oversea naval bases.

Yep, it has been started, it is a sister ship to the Type 003.

China is planning to have four Type 003 class supercarriers as the first step, possibly all nuclear powered.
So currently, Type 002 is being constructed, Type 003 started but didn’t heard about Type 004 as you are mentioning here? Or am i messing with names?
Pls don’t violate forum rule here with personal attack!
Why should the US invade Vladivostok?
Anyone who knows a bit of history knows you are the one that eyes Russia Far East, your ancient self declared territory.
You started something extremly stupid and expect me to carry on with your stupid claim?
You seem always jump into any thread involved China and US and start jumping up and down, left and right.
What are all these assets has anything to do with vietnam, you should go to the Type 056 convertte thread to find your worthy opponent.

So currently, Type 002 is being constructed, Type 003 started but didn’t heard about Type 004 as you are mentioning here? Or am i messing with names?
Right, we still waiting for the confirmation of the second boat of Type 003.
You started something extremly stupid and expect me to carry on with your stupid claim?
You seem always jump into any thread involved China and US and start jumping up and down, left and right.
What are all these assets has anything to do with vietnam, you should go to the Type 056 convertte thread to find your worthy opponets.

Right, we still waiting for the confirmation of the second boat of Type 003.
And is 5th carrier still on cards?
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