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China to have 4 aircraft carriers, 18 Type 055 destroyers, and 300 J-20 by 2025

Mr UKBengali must be an admirer of Gavin Williamson, you know the guy who used to be a fireplace salesman turned into UK Defense minister before being sacked. One of his brainchild was to turn ferries into warships that will teach the Russians and the Chinese not to mess around with British hard power.
Because you are imagining that China will use wrong strategy. It wont be carrier vs carrier; Chinese carrier wont be used against USN carrier. Instead PLAN will use HQ-26 launched from destroyers to down F-35, and YJ-12 and YJ-18 launched from destroyers to sink USN carriers.

F-35 will render useless if China use DF-21 or DF-26 or LARSM from H-6. Once hit F-35 wont be able to find place for landing.

How will the PLAN fleet even "see" the F-35Bs?

Their stealth would mean that they would need to get to within 100km of the carrier fleet before being detected.

Please do not overestimate what missiles can do as the other side can do the same thing as well.

China has no answer to the UK's 18 F-35Bs or it's 3 Astute class SSNs as they one generation ahead of what China has.
So currently, Type 002 is being constructed, Type 003 started but didn’t heard about Type 004 as you are mentioning here? Or am i messing with names?

The Type 004 right now is in steel cutting mode, and the first module will likely appear in the mid 2020 as the Type 003 gradually taking into shape.
China has no answer to the UK's 18 F-35Bs or it's 3 Astute class SSNs as they one generation ahead of what China has.

And you have no answer to the 300 ship PLAN. Just accept the fact that the PLAN is No. 2 navy in the world RIGHT NOW. You've embarrassed yourself enough.


Over the last few decades, China’s navy has rapidly expanded. As of 2018, the Chinese Navy consists of over 300 ships, making it larger than the 290 vessels comprising the deployable battle force of the US Navy. The fleet sizes of other leading nations are comparatively smaller. The British Royal Navy consists of 75 ships and the Royal Australian Navy has a fleet of 46 ships.

New ships are being put to sea at an impressive rate. Between 2014 and 2018, China launched more submarines, warships, amphibious vessels, and auxiliaries than the number of ships currently serving in the individual navies of Germany, India, Spain, and the United Kingdom. Eighteen ships were commissioned by China in 2016 alone and at least another 14 were added in 2017. By comparison, the US Navy commissioned 5 ships in 2016 and 8 ships in 2017. Should China continue to commission ships at a similar rate, it could have 430 surface ships and 100 submarines within the next 15 years.


And you have no answer to the 300 ship PLAN. Just accept the fact that the PLAN is No. 2 navy in the world RIGHT NOW. You've embarrassed yourself enough.

Numbers by themselves wont help as the PLAN would have zero air-cover or submarine cover in an open ocean battle with the UK Royal Navy.

Those 24 Aegis Destroyers and 30 Type-054As frigates would be picked off one by one by the 18 F-35Bs and the 3 Astute class SSNs - yes the UK would take heavy losses ,and it would take some weeks to fully sink the large Chinese fleet but down they would go to the bottom of the ocean one by one.
Numbers by themselves wont help as the PLAN would have zero air-cover or submarine cover in an open ocean battle with the UK Royal Navy.

Those 24 Aegis Destroyers and 30 Type-054As frigates would be picked off one by one by the 18 F-35Bs and the 3 Astute class SSNs - yes the UK would take heavy losses ,and it would take some weeks to fully sink the large Chinese fleet but down they would go to the bottom of the ocean one by one.
You have gone too far, pointless debate, and by the way how is UK's carrier able to remain undiscoverd during the whole "conflict"?The whole system of ASBM (for navy and air,BM forces aswell) and the eco chains behind it was the spot,track and guidance, which we have invested heavily in the last 30 years, this is the things that usually ignore because ppl liked to comparing weapon to weapon, stats to stats.
Mr UKBengali must be an admirer of Gavin Williamson, you know the guy who used to be a fireplace salesman turned into UK Defense minister before being sacked. One of his brainchild was to turn ferries into warships that will teach the Russians and the Chinese not to mess around with British hard power.
I suggest he change his name to BengaliUK instead of UKBengali... He thinks UK is Bengali, and sounds like he is from the British Royal family but just a Bengali in UK in reality...

You have gone too far, pointless debate, and by the way how is UK's carrier able to remain undiscoverd during the whole "conflict"?The whole system of ASBM (for navy and air,BM forces aswell) and the eco chains behind it was the spot,track and guidance, which we have invested heavily in the last 30 years, this is the things that usually ignore because ppl liked to comparing weapon to weapon, stats to stats.
He is from the backward and weak Bangladesh knows nothing about real strategies of big powers...
Aircraft carriers are just bullying tool for big powers... No real war or even battle will happen between big powers, because everyone's fleets are backed by their nuclear arsenal especially hydrogen bombs... This is why I said earlier that the Russian carrier Kuznetsov sailed through English Channel like an old granny, but not one dare to mess up with it... And its target is not UK, not France, but Syria rebels... lol...
Aircraft carrier is used to show the presence of power, but the real power are not from the carrier itself, but the power behind it:


BTW, every core tech are mastered by our defense industry that our J20s can be put on the carriers within a minute if needed... But as I said above, J15s are more than enough to be used as a bully tool to destroy those crappy navies such the vn one with zero air defense capability on sea... lol...
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How will the PLAN fleet even "see" the F-35Bs?

Their stealth would mean that they would need to get to within 100km of the carrier fleet before being detected.

Please do not overestimate what missiles can do as the other side can do the same thing as well.

See : Anti stealth radar



China has no answer to the UK's 18 F-35Bs or it's 3 Astute class SSNs as they one generation ahead of what China has.

No equivalent => half true. J-20 is the answer for F-35B. Imagine artificial island in SCS as the very big carrier. Beside J-20 range is quite far then can take off from mainland base near off shore.

No answer => wrong.
Like I said: DF-21, DF-26, YJ-12, YJ-18 ... all are the answer for the USN carriers + their F-35.
Numbers by themselves wont help as the PLAN would have zero air-cover or submarine cover in an open ocean battle with the UK Royal Navy.

Those 24 Aegis Destroyers and 30 Type-054As frigates would be picked off one by one by the 18 F-35Bs and the 3 Astute class SSNs - yes the UK would take heavy losses ,and it would take some weeks to fully sink the large Chinese fleet but down they would go to the bottom of the ocean one by one.
And you think China doesn't have silent subs? And stealth fighter?

I suggest he change his name to BengaliUK instead of UKBengali... He thinks UK is Bengali, and sounds like he is from the British Royal family but just a Bengali in UK in reality...

He is from the backward and weak Bangladesh knows nothing about real strategies of big powers...
Aircraft carriers are just bullying tool for big powers... No real war or even battle will happen between big powers, because everyone's fleets are backed by their nuclear arsenal especially hydrogen bombs... This is why I said earlier that the Russian carrier Kuznetsov sailed through English Channel like an old granny, but not one dare to mess up with it... And its target is not UK, not France, but Syria rebels... lol...
Aircraft carrier is used to show the presence of power, but the real power are not from the carrier itself, but the power behind it:


BTW, every core tech are mastered by our defense industry that our J20s can be put on the carriers within a minute if needed... But as I said above, J15s are more than enough to be used as a bully tool to destroy those crappy navies such the vn one with zero air defense capability on sea... lol...
Exactly, carriers are for muscling weak countries, that's the reason it's not really effective against superpowers. With 30 optical + radar + sigint sats and 50 beidous, it can precisely track and guide an Asbm, designed specifically for US carriers.
Everybody can defeat the Chinese these days. Vietnam with her Yakhont can sink the entire Chinese Navy and the Royal Navy can repeat the same trick with only 3 submarines and 18 F-35. Why is the Chinese Navy ranked so high anyway? There must be some kind of error in assessing Chinese power on a global scale because a mongrel and a Bengali can do a much better job.
Everybody can defeat the Chinese these days. Vietnam with her Yakhont can sink the entire Chinese Navy and the Royal Navy can repeat the same trick with only 3 submarines and 18 F-35. Why is the Chinese Navy ranked so high anyway? There must be some kind of error in assessing Chinese power on a global scale because a mongrel and a Bengali can do a much better job.
You are not too smart hence I tell you.
Chinese carriers are a means to intimidate weak opponents in the Sc sea: brunei, philippines and Malaysia. Worthless against Vietnam. Ok unless the carriers are on suicide mission.

We have more means than just two Yakhont batteries.

maybe carriers are useful though.
The Japanese should produce 10 Izumo and sell some for cheap to Vietnam. We pack some squadrons fighter jets on deck, voila, would be naval battle redux between VN and CN forces: carrier battles in the SC sea.

Izumo at Camranh bay @Suika


Chinese carriers are a means to intimidate weak opponents in the Sc sea: brunei, philippines and Malaysia. Worthless against Vietnam
Your naval and air force is one of the weakest in Aesan, not only the assets but also the software, armed force structure, surveillance, electronics countermeasure, the list goes on forever, it is so funny to see how you exclude yourself from the weakling.
Secondly, how you going to "pack" some aircraft onto that LHD?
Thirdly, as I have mentioned before, leave this thread, this is for the Chinese naval build up and target for 2025 which has nothing to do with vietnam, go to the Type 056 corvette thread and find your worthy opponent there.
@rambro @lcloo
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You are not too smart hence I tell you.
Worthless Chinese carriers are a means to intimidate weak opponents in the Sc sea: brunei, philippines and Malaysia. against Vietnam. Ok unless the carriers are on suicide mission.

We have more means than just two Yakhont batteries.

maybe carriers are useful though.
The Japanese should produce 10 Izumo and sell some for cheap to Vietnam. We pack some squadrons fighter jets on deck, voila, would be naval battle redux between VN and CN forces: carrier battles in the SC sea.

Izumo at Camranh bay @Suika



If vietnam is not a weak nation, then every country in the world is a super power...

And keep your sweet dreams, when you wake up, you are piece of shxt with your 5B defense budget which is less than the budget for one university of ours...
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Your naval and air force is one of the weakest in Aesan, not only the assets but also the software, armed force structure, surveillance, electronics countermeasure, the list goes on forever, it is so funny to see how you exclude yourself from the weakling.
Secondly, how you going to "pack" some aircraft onto that LHD?
Thirdly, as I have mentioned before, leave this thread, this is for the Chinese naval build up and target for 2025 which has nothing to do with vietnam, go to the Type 056 corvette thread and find your worthy opponent there.
@rambro @lcloo
You missed the news.
Japan goes ahead with converting Izumo into F35 aircraft carrier by next year!
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