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China to have 4 aircraft carriers, 18 Type 055 destroyers, and 300 J-20 by 2025

You aware that only the stealth tech in F-35B is actually US?
The engines and vertical take off and landing system is all UK.
Radar and avionics can easily be UK as they can just swap out with what is in Eurofighter which is really a UK plane with UK radar, airframe and engines.

UK is currently building the "Tempest" 6th gen fighter to replace the Typhoon in the 2030s. It is using the knowledge of stealth from being the only Tier 1 F-35 partner to make sure Tempest is cutting-edge when it comes into service.
Landing system...vertical take off...engine all UK...WTH.... You mean the P&W F135 is from UK?? Sorry your masters master won't agree..... Everyone knows It is American that UK has no shxt to do with it...
Are you blind to not see 'the country of origin'??
You are a joke now... Waste so much my time....

6th Gen...hmmmm...let me tell you 'for free' that China is currently building a death star...LMAO...
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Well said Bro! This dude from Bangladesh is really jealous of the achievement made by our friendship:china::pakistan:, as I have said multiple times that PK has a way better future than his BD homeland:

Ok Pakistan may have a couple of cities that look better than BD.
One is a new city built home to 2 million people and the other is also not that large compared to 20 million people in Dhaka.
I agree that Dhaka looks bad now but it will be transformed in 10 years as slums are being razed to the ground and lots of infrastructure is being built now.

Pakistan has greater wealth than BD as it has been ahead in GDP per capita till only recently. Now BD has per capita of 2000 US dollars compared to just 1400 dollars for Pakistan.
Even with CPEC per capita growth in Pakistan is now 1-2% range whereas it is 6-7% range in BD.
China knows how strong the BD economy is as it is pouring billions of US dollars in FDI to build power stations in BD.

As a fellow Muslim country I wish Pakistan well but economically BD has well and truly surpassed them now.
You clown, to detect a plane, radar wave must reflect on the surface of the plane and returns to sender. However F35 is a stealth fighter with a rcs of a tennis ball, that is about 0.1m in radius. How can a radar wave of 1m detect the object? The wave goes thru the F35 without reflection.

You and UK Bengali both are really idiot clowns who just brag things out of ignorance and idiocy ... while telling other smart people to learn physics ... what a shameless buffoon :lol:

RCS is not a measure of a plane you idiot, it is a measure of radar cross section. The small RCS is due to low radar reflection, not due to plane size; but unfortunately with long-wave /meter wave radar the F-35 RCS will be much much higher almost like non stealth fighter!

If you dont have knowledge nor clue you'd better shut up, never brag things you dont understand. :laughcry:
Landing system...engine all UK...WTH.... You mean the P&W F135 is from UK?? Sorry your masters master won't agree..... Everyone knows It is American that UK has no shxt to do with it...
Are you blind to not see 'the country of origin'??
You are a joke now... Waste so much my time....

6th Gen...hmmmm...let me tell you 'for free' that China is currently building a death star...LMAO...

Did you even bothering reading the whole article on the F-35 engine?

It's vertical lift system is the responsibility of UK's Rolls Royce.
This is the secret to the engine. The core engine is easy for a company like Roll's Royce as it's engines power everything from ships, military and civilian planes.
No other engine manufacturer in the world has it's engines in such a wide range of products.
GE mainly focuses on civilian planes while P&W is mainly military planes.
Now please try to understand the point I am trying to make before jumping to conclusions.
Did you even bothering reading the whole article on the F-35 engine?

It's vertical lift system is the responsibility of UK's Rolls Royce.
This is the secret to the engine. The core engine is easy for a company like Roll's Royce as it's engines power everything from ships, military and civilian planes.
No other engine manufacturer in the world has it's engines in such a wide range of products.
GE mainly focuses on civilian planes while P&W is mainly military planes.
Now please try to understand the point I am trying to make before jumping to conclusions.
I don't care what shxt Roll Royce powers... It is called P&W F135 not R&R F135 not even PW/RR F135.... Everyone knows PW is Amrican which has nothing to do with you. Period.
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I don't care what shxt Roll Royce powers... Everyone knows PW is Amrican which has nothing to do with you. Period.

Listen and understand please.

The secret to the F-35 engine is the vertical lift system and that is why the US gave it to Rolls Royce. Rolls Royce has decades of experience in this field as they developed the system for the Harrier jump jet.
Russia made their own version and it was nowhere near as good as the UK's one.
You and UK Bengali both are really idiot clowns who just brag things out of ignorance and idiocy ... while telling other smart people to learn physics ... what a shameless buffoon :lol:

RCS is not a measure of a plane you idiot, it is a measure of radar cross section. The small RCS is due to low radar reflection, not due to plane size; but unfortunately with long-wave /meter wave radar the F-35 RCS will be much much higher almost like non stealth fighter!

If you dont have knowledge nor clue you'd better shut up, never brag things you dont understand. :laughcry:
You are the idiot!
You have nothing except Blabla to counter my arguments.
If F35 is easy to detect why the US develops the plane at all?
Listen and understand please.

The secret to the F-35 engine is the vertical lift system and that is why the US gave it to Rolls Royce. Rolls Royce has decades of experience in this field as they developed the system for the Harrier jump jet.
Russia made their own version and it was nowhere near as good as the UK's one.
The core engine is from F119 which RR has nothing to offer.... Other things are just minor shxt nobody cares... Without the core engine, the F35 will be slower and clumsier than a boeing 747...lol... Now stop boasting your tiny little contribution nobody cares..
You are the idiot!
You have nothing except Blabla to counter my arguments.
If F35 is easy to detect why the US develops the plane at all?

I have nothing except blabla? LOL. :laughcry:
Tell me which one from my explanation and citation that you still failed to understand? :lol:

Nobody said F35 is easy to detect, and nobody says that meter-wave radar tech with high accuracy is easy to master. Learn how to read!

You and UKBengali is just the same ... moronic, delusional and denial :laugh:
I have nothing except blabla? LOL. :laughcry:
Tell me which one from my explanation and citation that you still failed to understand? :lol:

Nobody said F35 is easy to detect, and nobody says that meter-wave radar tech with high accuracy is easy to master. Learn how to read!

You and UKBengali is just the same ... moronic, delusional and denial :laugh:
Correct you are not only an idiot but ignorant!

You posted a random article claiming meter wave radar can detect stealth jet. I countered it by citing my own understanding, with F35 low profile sub meter exposed to radar. Electromagnetism in physics. You have nothing to counter accept bla bla.

Listen and understand please.

The secret to the F-35 engine is the vertical lift system and that is why the US gave it to Rolls Royce. Rolls Royce has decades of experience in this field as they developed the system for the Harrier jump jet.
Russia made their own version and it was nowhere near as good as the UK's one.
It’s logical, A complex system as F35 requires multinational partners. The engine itself has many partners as well. Chinese are the only people on earth that do thing alone. You are right, RR is a great engine maker. I hope the company establishes a production line in Vietnam, similar to Hanwha aerospace.
Correct you are not only an idiot but ignorant!

You posted a random article claiming meter wave radar can detect stealth jet. I countered it by citing my own understanding, with F35 low profile sub meter exposed to radar. Pure physics. You have nothing to counter accept bla bla.

Are you aware that you are talking about yourself? :laughcry:

Since when wikipedia, national interest, and popsci are random article? And what citation that you have brought so far? nothing! just outburst of ignorance and idiocy! :omghaha:

Your understanding of physics is ZERO! you need to go back to high school to get some understanding of physics.

You said I have nothing to counter - it is because you have no basic at all to grasp even a little of my explanation/citation. Thats why I am asking you which part of my explanation/citation that you dont understand? But unfortunately the gap is so big - you dont have understanding at all that even you dont know what you need to ask .. :laughcry:

It’s logical, A complex system as F35 requires multinational partners. The engine itself has many partners as well. Chinese are the only people on earth that do thing alone. You are right, RR is a great engine maker. I hope the company establishes a production line in Vietnam, similar to Hanwha aerospace.

Say a clueless ... to his clueless friend .. :laughcry: :laugh:
Are you aware that you are talking about yourself? :laughcry:

Since when wikipedia, national interest, and popsci are random article? And what citation that you have brought so far? nothing! just outburst of ignorance and idiocy! :omghaha:

Your understanding of physics is ZERO! you need to go back to high school to get some understanding of physics.

You said I have nothing to counter - it is because you have no basic at all to grasp even a little of my explanation/citation. Thats why I am asking you which part of my explanation/citation that you dont understand? But unfortunately the gap is so big - you dont have understanding at all that even you dont know what you need to ask .. :laughcry:

Say a clueless ... to his clueless friend .. :laughcry: :laugh:
Use your brain!

The article is written by “Wei Dongxu, a Beijing-based military analyst”.

Sorry, who is that random Noname chinese?

It’s you?


the article is then copied by other brainless media.
Use your brain!

The article is written by “Wei Dongxu, a Beijing-based military analyst”.

Sorry, who is that random Noname chinese?

Talking about your self again? about the one who never talk with brain?:lol:

Which article you are talking about?
Do you understand the basic RCS and how stealth work? If you do then you will understand why Meter Wave Radar can detect low RCS plane! as simple as that.

If you still cant understand due to poor basic physics, then you can just read this article:

References Edit
  1. Maj. Gen. Carlsons briefing on Stealth Fighters, Tuesday, April 20, 1999
  2. Dr. Carlo Kopp's Technical Report APA-TR-2007-0901
Talking about your self again? about the one who never talk with brain?:lol:

Which article you are talking about?
Do you understand the basic RCS and how stealth work? If you do then you will understand why Meter Wave Radar can detect low RCS plane! as simple as that.

If you still cant understand due to poor basic physics, then you can just read this article:

References Edit
  1. Maj. Gen. Carlsons briefing on Stealth Fighters, Tuesday, April 20, 1999
  2. Dr. Carlo Kopp's Technical Report APA-TR-2007-0901
Ok I read the article, you too?
First, it’s very poor written, confusing in many parts. Second, it confirms what I say: meter wave radar can’t detect F35. There is a possibility of detection though. It’s not based on radar reflection but resonance. That is new, I read it to find out how it works exactly.

The question is how the radar can detect resonance in hundreds km away? Even if it works, I am pretty sure, the F35 developer will produce a countermeasure against F35 emitting resonance.
Ok I read the article, you too?
First, it’s very poor written, confusing in many parts. Second, it confirms what I say: meter wave radar can’t detect F35. There is a possibility of detection though. It’s not based on radar reflection but resonance. That is new, I read it to find out how it works exactly.

Which ones confusing for you? let me help to make you understand. For sure it is confusing for you because your own severe deficiency in physics, also perhaps due to your very limited cognitive ability too, not because it is poorly written as you think!:laughcry:

Which sentence confirming what you say: that meter wave radar can't detect F-35? In fact it clearly says most of the existing stealth aircraft will turn from invisible, to visible :lol:

Nope, you are wrong! it is still based on radar reflection. :laugh:
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