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China to have 4 aircraft carriers, 18 Type 055 destroyers, and 300 J-20 by 2025

Reputable sources??? WTF is that?? Like your B.S. here???
LMAO... Who said passive stealth radars??
How many of your type-23 frigates have been retrofitted with those radars and missiles??? Can you provide the 'reputable source' lol... that you have refitted all of your type-23 frigates rather than one or two??? No you can not. And 25 km is still shitty...you got seconds to respond to our hyper sonic missiles before your ships turning into ashes...conservative??? 60 km in trail... LMAO...Self claimed shxt again... We can claim we killed an alien in trail...Who knows...
'tell me for free'?? No thanks, lol....
Full generation ahead? Your daddy told you that?? Just stop bragging with no substance...
Simple logic:
Your anti-ship missiles are shitty and little few in quantity which make you can do nothing to our ships no matter it's from the air or from the sea:
Our air defense missile system cover the whole range over 300+ km with multiple layers of defense and overwhelming quantity... You got no chance to get through.

Your air defense missile is shitty as well and little few in quantity...It has no chance against our overwhelming numbers of anti-ship missiles which are generations ahead of yours, with 400km/1000+km range and 4 mach in speed make your air defense system a joke...lol...

1000 DF26s can kill 100 carriers, but you just have 2...

Metre wave radar is not magic that somehow makes stealth aircraft like F-35 "visible".
It will not give enough accuracy to pinpoint a firing solution as lots again need to be put at multiple points and at multiple axis to be able to do this.
I am not even going to talk about the F-35s spoofing and jamming techniques that are the most advanced on any fighter aircraft.
Yes it is better than not having it at all but China needs much more to be able to defeat stealth aircraft like F-35.

Enough Type-23 frigates have got the Artisan 3D radar and the 32-cell Sea Ceptor system to provide a virtually impenetrable ring around the 2 carriers and that is all that matters.
The others with Sea-Wolf SAMs(32 cell VLS) are again formidable and can shoot down any anti-ship missile that China manages to throw at them.
Type-054A/HQ-16 is thought to be 1990s Western tech level and the Artisan/Sea Ceptor combo is 2010s and so that makes them a full generation ahead.

Air-defence - the F-35s and Astutes will be the first line of defence by launching stealthy attacks on your fleet from the air and under the sea.
The 6 Type-45 destroyers are even reckoned by the US as the best air defence destroyers on the planet and nothing will get through them as long as they do not exhaust their 48 missile load. The SAMPSON MFR is perched 25m in the air and will "see" any Chinese missiles sea-skimming from 25 kms and then dispatch them with a single SAM.
If your missiles get past the Type-45s then it will be Type-23s that will be waiting with the Artisan/Sea Ceptor combo.
Last line of defence for the carriers is the 3 CIWS that each of them has.

All in all you will need to do the below to hit one of the carriers:

1. Survive Astute and F-35B attacks
2. Get past the 6 Type-45 destroyers
3. Get past the 13 Type-23 frigates
4. Get past the 3 CIWS that each carrier has

I would say that China's chances are almost zero and you have more chance of a lucky hit by launching 100 DF-21Ds - be careful to leave enough of your Navy to protect them against UK cruise missile attacks from submarines!
Enough Type-23 frigates have got the Artisan 3D radar and the 32-cell Sea Ceptor system to provide a virtually impenetrable ring around the 2 carriers and that is all that matters.
The others with Sea-Wolf SAMs(32 cell VLS) are again formidable and can shoot down any anti-ship missile that China manages to throw at them.
Type-054A/HQ-16 is thought to be 1990s Western tech level and the Artisan/Sea Ceptor combo is 2010s and so that makes them a full generation ahead.
can't shoot down hypersonics
Metre wave radar is not magic that somehow makes stealth aircraft like F-35 "visible".
It will not give enough accuracy to pinpoint a firing solution as lots again need to be put at multiple points and at multiple axis to be able to do this.
I am not even going to talk about the F-35s spoofing and jamming techniques that are the most advanced on any fighter aircraft.
Yes it is better than not having it at all but China needs much more to be able to defeat stealth aircraft like F-35.

Who said that ...? your father again? :lol:

China’s Meter Wave Radar Can Guide Missiles to Destroy F-35 and F-22 Stealth Fighters

You already lost your credibility since the beginning of debate as you never brought adequate citation to support your delusional claims except what your father said.:omghaha:

Enough Type-23 frigates have got the Artisan 3D radar and the 32-cell Sea Ceptor system to provide a virtually impenetrable ring around the 2 carriers and that is all that matters.
The others with Sea-Wolf SAMs(32 cell VLS) are again formidable and can shoot down any anti-ship missile that China manages to throw at them.
Type-054A/HQ-16 is thought to be 1990s Western tech level and the Artisan/Sea Ceptor combo is 2010s and so that makes them a full generation ahead.

You need to learn about military science => Cruise missile is stealth! even stealthier than stealth non cruise missile.

Why It Might Be Impossible to Stop a Cruise Missile Attack (For Now)

As demonstrated in Libya in 2011 and prior conflicts, cruise missiles are much more difficult to detect and intercept than other aerial assets (reduced radar cross-section, infrared and visual signature due to smaller size), suiting them to attacks against static air defense systems.

Why dont you find fact in the first place before outburst stupidity?

Air-defence - the F-35s and Astutes will be the first line of defence by launching stealthy attacks on your fleet from the air and under the sea.

Repeating the same dream again :lol:
F-35 may not have chance to take off, if your Carriers sink due to saturated YJ-100 or/and DF-26 attack.
F-35 that is lucky to take off will face HHQ-9 guided with passive or meter wave radar.

The 6 Type-45 destroyers are even reckoned by the US as the best air defence destroyers on the planet and nothing will get through them as long as they do not exhaust their 48 missile load. The SAMPSON MFR is perched 25m in the air and will "see" any Chinese missiles sea-skimming from 25 kms and then dispatch them with a single SAM.
If your missiles get past the Type-45s then it will be Type-23s that will be waiting with the Artisan/Sea Ceptor combo.

All type-45 and type-23 can do NOTHING! against sea skim YJ-100 even DF-26.

Explanation given above.

Last line of defence for the carriers is the 3 CIWS that each of them has.

Do you know that YJ-100 is not only very long range, but also "Supersonic terminal speed" ?
Do you know how difficult to engage supersonic terminal cruise missile?
Not to mention YJ-12 that can make zig-zag terminal maneuver which make it more difficult for CIWS to engage.

And now we are talking massive/saturated long range cruise missile attack!
I think I have explained this to you once before, but again you are too ignorant :laugh:

All in all you will need to do the below to hit one of the carriers:

1. Survive Astute and F-35B attacks
2. Get past the 6 Type-45 destroyers
3. Get past the 13 Type-23 frigates
4. Get past the 3 CIWS that each carrier has

I would say that China's chances are almost zero and you have more chance of a lucky hit by launching 100 DF-21Ds - be careful to leave enough of your Navy to protect them against UK cruise missile attacks from submarines!

1. Nonsense! F-35 or Astute can't do anything to intercept YJ-100 even DF-26. Even they wont be aware of the YJ-100 (sea skim/stealth) until it is too late :lol:

2. Same. Type-45 destroyers can do nothing againts YJ-100 even DF-26. In fact all type -45 will be destroyed all together with Carriers by the rain of DF-26 even by multiple warhead from DF-26 :laugh:

3. Same like the above.

4. Sorry. CIWS can barely intercept supersonic missile, and zig zag terminal maneuver missile. Thats why the purpose of supersonic and zigzag terminal designed.

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Metre wave radar is not magic that somehow makes stealth aircraft like F-35 "visible".
It will not give enough accuracy to pinpoint a firing solution as lots again need to be put at multiple points and at multiple axis to be able to do this.
I am not even going to talk about the F-35s spoofing and jamming techniques that are the most advanced on any fighter aircraft.
Yes it is better than not having it at all but China needs much more to be able to defeat stealth aircraft like F-35.

Enough Type-23 frigates have got the Artisan 3D radar and the 32-cell Sea Ceptor system to provide a virtually impenetrable ring around the 2 carriers and that is all that matters.
The others with Sea-Wolf SAMs(32 cell VLS) are again formidable and can shoot down any anti-ship missile that China manages to throw at them.
Type-054A/HQ-16 is thought to be 1990s Western tech level and the Artisan/Sea Ceptor combo is 2010s and so that makes them a full generation ahead.

Air-defence - the F-35s and Astutes will be the first line of defence by launching stealthy attacks on your fleet from the air and under the sea.
The 6 Type-45 destroyers are even reckoned by the US as the best air defence destroyers on the planet and nothing will get through them as long as they do not exhaust their 48 missile load. The SAMPSON MFR is perched 25m in the air and will "see" any Chinese missiles sea-skimming from 25 kms and then dispatch them with a single SAM.
If your missiles get past the Type-45s then it will be Type-23s that will be waiting with the Artisan/Sea Ceptor combo.
Last line of defence for the carriers is the 3 CIWS that each of them has.

All in all you will need to do the below to hit one of the carriers:

1. Survive Astute and F-35B attacks
2. Get past the 6 Type-45 destroyers
3. Get past the 13 Type-23 frigates
4. Get past the 3 CIWS that each carrier has

I would say that China's chances are almost zero and you have more chance of a lucky hit by launching 100 DF-21Ds - be careful to leave enough of your Navy to protect them against UK cruise missile attacks from submarines!

Blabla so much, all empty claim B.S as always.... lol...
'Enough' type 23??? How much is 'Enough'??? 1 or 2??? Just give the source! Otherwise you are still using the useless 10 km range old vintage shxt with old vintage radar... Even 25km is useless against our hypersonic 4 mach long range missiles...'shOot down any missile'??? by your big mouth???LMAO... And about the system on our 054A is from the 90s?? Source again... Your little few ships with majority of them even do not have a fleet air defense system, are useless against our overwhelming anti-ship missile attack, just admit it..

And your entire enti-ship either from the air or from the sea is useless against our multi-layer air defense missiles which cover the entire space with overwhelming quantity... You little shitty old vintage Harpoon is a joke in front of our air defense system... No matter it is fired from your little few ships or your little few planes... BTW, your clumsy slow F35B joke plane even can not fit the Harpoon into its internal weapon bay... It will be exposed and shot down by our 300km+ HQ9B missile... even before it have chance to fire the Harpoon... Now your F35 'stealth' attack become a joke too... And I will tell you 'for free' LMAO.. that the biggest problem for metric radar is not the accuracy, but it could not provide a 3D position of the target, and China is the first country to solve this problem make phase arrayed metric wave anti-steath radar, not just for early warning, but for fire control as well. This is told by the chief designer of the anti-stealth radar Wu Jianqi and professor Wang Qun from PLA national university of defense technology (learn something about this university, Bengali boy, the world's no.1 super computer is from there)...
And I will tell you 'for free' again: our threat of stealth plane is from the USA, not from the tiny little UK, for the past decades before J20 came out. Our anti-stealth technology is the world's best. A dozen of F35s??? WTF...Here is a heat discussion on our cjdby, the most influential defense forum in China about two news from a credible source:
#1: the metric anti-stealth radar guided SAM/AAM are in service. The metric wave radar can guide the missile close to the stealth plane, and the sensor/radar on the missile will take over and kill the plane.
#2: Our ship based small sized version of DF21D ASBMs with 1000+km range which can be launched in the universal VLS of our DDGs, are now in service.

These are all bonus for us, because as I told you, your anti-ship missiles and air defense missiles are just too shitty against ours... lol...

What I mentioned above are all bonus for us, as:
Our fleet can all be around our ASMBs, which will kill all your carriers... Why separate them??? You 3 little subs will just be gang raped...LMAO...
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can't shoot down hypersonics

Sea Wolf is a vintage missile on the vintage destroyer Type 42 that the Bengali fanboy brag ignorantly.

Can't shoot down cruise missile either. So far it can only shot down aircraft fighter (Skyhawk) during falkland war, and lot of failures still happened.

On 12 May 1982, Brilliant and HMS Glasgow were in combination and were attacked by a flight of four Argentine A-4 Skyhawk aircraft. Brilliant was able to shoot down two of these and cause a third to crash trying to avoid the missile. A second wave of aircraft attacked during a failure of the missile system, which led to the Type 42 Glasgow suffering heavy damage. Broadsword was then unable to successfully defend HMS Coventry when the pair were attacked on 25 May. Coventry, moving evasively, crossed in front of Broadsword and broke the Sea Wolf's lock on the attacking aircraft.[3]

Sea Wolf also suffered from problems with hardware failure causing launches to fail, and broken lock resulting from the extreme sea conditions and the Argentines' low-altitude hit-and-run tactics, and multiple targets and crossing targets - neither of which it was designed to intercept. Sea Wolf accounted for two confirmed "kills" and three further possible successes from eight launches.

99% possibility those vintage type 45 will go to the bottom of the sea against PLAN modern AShM and ASBM. :laugh:
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4. Sorry. CIWS can barely intercept supersonic missile, and zig zag terminal maneuver missile. Thats why the purpose of supersonic and zigzag terminal designed.

Haha.. This Bengali boy @UKBengali is so funny... If CIWS can do much things to our 4 mach ASMs, then a matter of fact: all our ships are equipped with CIWSs like type 1130/type 730 and FL3000, even for our type 056s... Their Harpoon vintage slow granny missile attacks become really really a big big joke then... This boy bring up the CIWS really get his own face slapped hard...lol...
BTW, I don't see any CIWS on its type 23 frigates? except some joke machine guns...LMAO...

Can't shoot down cruise missile either. So far it can only shot down aircraft fighter (Skyhawk) during falkland war, and lot of failures still happened.

On 12 May 1982, Brilliant and HMS Glasgow were in combination and were attacked by a flight of four Argentine A-4 Skyhawk aircraft. Brilliant was able to shoot down two of these and cause a third to crash trying to avoid the missile. A second wave of aircraft attacked during a failure of the missile system, which led to the Type 42 Glasgow suffering heavy damage. Broadsword was then unable to successfully defend HMS Coventry when the pair were attacked on 25 May. Coventry, moving evasively, crossed in front of Broadsword and broke the Sea Wolf's lock on the attacking aircraft.[3]

Sea Wolf also suffered from problems with hardware failure causing launches to fail, and broken lock resulting from the extreme sea conditions and the Argentines' low-altitude hit-and-run tactics, and multiple targets and crossing targets - neither of which it was designed to intercept. Sea Wolf accounted for two confirmed "kills" and three further possible successes from eight launches.
Yep. that half century old vintage missile is just a joke in today's warfare...
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Blabla so much, all empty claim B.S as always.... lol...
'Enough' type 23??? How much is 'Enough'??? 1 or 2??? Just give the source! Otherwise you are still using the useless 10 km range old vintage shxt with old vintage radar... Even 25km is useless against our hypersonic 4 mach long range missiles...'shOot down any missile'??? by your big mouth???LMAO... And about the system on our 054A is from the 90s?? Source again... Your little few ships with majority of them even do not have a fleet air defense system, are useless against our overwhelming anti-ship missile attack, just admit it..

And your entire enti-ship either from the air or from the sea is useless against our multi-layer air defense missiles which cover the entire space with overwhelming quantity... You little shitty old vintage Harpoon is a joke in front of our air defense system... No matter it is fired from your little few ships or your little few planes... BTW, your clumsy slow F35B joke plane even can not fit the Harpoon into its internal weapon bay... It will be exposed and shot down by our 300km+ HQ9B missile... even before it have chance to fire the Harpoon... Now your F35 'stealth' attack become a joke too... And I will tell you 'for free' LMAO.. that the biggest problem for metric radar is not the accuracy, but it could not provide a 3D position of the target, and China is the first country to solve this problem make phase arrayed metric wave anti-steath radar, not just for early warning, but for fire control as well. This is told by the chief designer of the anti-stealth radar Wu Jianqi and professor Wang Qun from PLA national university of defense technology (learn something about this university, Bengali boy, the world's no.1 super computer is from there)...
And I will tell you 'for free' again: our threat of stealth plane is from the USA, not from the tiny little UK, for the past decades before J20 came out. Our anti-stealth technology is the world's best. A dozen of F35s??? WTF...Here is a heat discussion on our cjdby, the most influential defense forum in China about two news from a credible source:
#1: the metric anti-stealth radar guided SAM/AAM are in service. The metric wave radar can guide the missile close to the stealth plane, and the sensor/radar on the missile will take over and kill the plane.
#2: Our ship based small sized version of DF21D ASBMs with 1000+km range which can be launched in the universal VLS of our DDGs, are now in service.

These are all bonus for us, because as I told you, your anti-ship missiles and air defense missiles are just too shitty against ours... lol...

What I mentioned above are all bonus for us, as:
Our fleet can all be around our ASMBs, which will kill all your carriers... Why separate them??? You 3 little subs will just be gang raped...LMAO...

Are we again able to cut out the insults please?

Sea-wolf may only have up to 10km range but all Type-23s now have the Artisan 3D radar and it travels up to Mach 3. Although it can only defend it's own ship and say a nearby carrier that is close it can knock out any of China's cruise missiles.
Last I checked 9-10 of the Type-23 frigates had the Sea-Ceptor missiles installed and only 4 frigates will be required to form a virtually impenetrable barrier for any missile to get through to the carriers. That is if they get past the long-range SAMs on the Type-45 destroyers first.

Chinese claims about anti-stealth radar are not really credible as no Western country has made similar claims and the US/UK/France or Japan does not have any such radar.
Remember the Japanese fielded the world's first AESA radar on their F-2 fighter back in 1999 and they would have more reason than most to want a shipborne radar that could detect and track Chinese J-20s.

Any real source for shipborne DF-21Ds apart from Chinese fanboy forum claims?
Even if they are real the chances of a hit from one is extremely remote as I already explained to you in detail.

F-35Bs would be using thier LPI radars(world's most advanced fighter radar) to search and get tracks on your ships to allow other assets like cruise missiles and Torpedoes to sink them.While you could probably fend off the 100 or so cruise missiles that UK will fire at your ships, losing say 5-10 ships, you have no real defence against the 50km range Spearfish Torpedoes that the Astutes will fire at you.
Just count yourself lucky that the Spear 3 missile is not ready, each F-35B can carry 8 internally and 140km range, as your fleet would literally then be wiped out within a week rather than many weeks. Saying that UK would probably send a few dozen "test" Spear 3 as real-life training against your ships lol
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Who said that ...? your father again? :lol:

China’s Meter Wave Radar Can Guide Missiles to Destroy F-35 and F-22 Stealth Fighters

You already lost your credibility since the beginning of debate as you never brought adequate citation to support your delusional claims except what your father said.:omghaha:

You need to learn about military science => Cruise missile is stealth! even stealthier than stealth non cruise missile.

Why It Might Be Impossible to Stop a Cruise Missile Attack (For Now)

As demonstrated in Libya in 2011 and prior conflicts, cruise missiles are much more difficult to detect and intercept than other aerial assets (reduced radar cross-section, infrared and visual signature due to smaller size), suiting them to attacks against static air defense systems.

Why dont you find fact in the first place before outburst stupidity?

Repeating the same dream again :lol:
F-35 may not have chance to take off, if your Carriers sink due to saturated YJ-100 or/and DF-26 attack.
F-35 that is lucky to take off will face HHQ-9 guided with passive or meter wave radar.

All type-45 and type-23 can do NOTHING! against sea skim YJ-100 even DF-26.

Explanation given above.

Do you know that YJ-100 is not only very long range, but also "Supersonic terminal speed" ?
Do you know how difficult to engage supersonic terminal cruise missile?
Not to mention YJ-12 that can make zig-zag terminal maneuver which make it more difficult for CIWS to engage.

And now we are talking massive/saturated long range cruise missile attack!
I think I have explained this to you once before, but again you are too ignorant :laugh:

1. Nonsense! F-35 or Astute can't do anything to intercept YJ-100 even DF-26. Even they wont be aware of the YJ-100 (sea skim/stealth) until it is too late :lol:

2. Same. Type-45 destroyers can do nothing againts YJ-100 even DF-26. In fact all type -45 will be destroyed all together with Carriers by the rain of DF-26 even by multiple warhead from DF-26 :laugh:

3. Same like the above.

4. Sorry. CIWS can barely intercept supersonic missile, and zig zag terminal maneuver missile. Thats why the purpose of supersonic and zigzag terminal designed.

You can’t detect objects by meter wave radars if radar reflection size of those objects are smaller than one meter. Pls learn physics.
You can’t detect objects by meter wave radars if radar reflection size of those objects are smaller than one meter. Pls learn physics.

Chinese fanboys believe anything that CCP claims.
They seriously believe that their radar tech is better than the US now!
chinese techs are superior to anything in this universe.

Made in China techs defeat even physics.

Lol Japan made the world's first fighter AESA radar in 1999 and they also beat Japan to build radar to defeat stealth.

China is better than US + UK + France + Japan combined.

Lol Japan made the world's first fighter AESA radar in 1999 and they also beat Japan to build radar to defeat stealth.

China is better than US + UK + France + Japan combined.


Chinese delusion is exactly why they are such a major threat to the world. Hitler was delusional too about their own power and went on a global conquest. Communist China’s behaviour is more and more bellicose every year. They are on their expansion phase which all big powers go through. This is why they are an extremely dangerous country.
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Are we again able to cut out the insults please?

Sea-wolf may only have up to 10km range but all Type-23s now have the Artisan 3D radar and it travels up to Mach 3. Although it can only defend it's own ship and say a nearby carrier that is close it can knock out any of China's cruise missiles.
Last I checked 9-10 of the Type-23 frigates had the Sea-Ceptor missiles installed and only 4 frigates will be required to form a virtually impenetrable barrier for any missile to get through to the carriers. That is if they get past the long-range SAMs on the Type-45 destroyers first.

Chinese claims about anti-stealth radar are not really credible as no Western country has made similar claims and the US/UK/France or Japan does not have any such radar.
Remember the Japanese fielded the world's first AESA radar on their F-2 fighter back in 1999 and they would have more reason than most to want a shipborne radar that could detect and track Chinese J-20s.

Any real source for shipborne DF-21Ds apart from Chinese fanboy forum claims?
Even if they are real the chances of a hit from one is extremely remote as I already explained to you in detail.

F-35Bs would be using thier LPI radars(world's most advanced fighter radar) to search and get tracks on your ships to allow other assets like cruise missiles and Torpedoes to sink them.While you could probably fend off the 100 or so cruise missiles that UK will fire at your ships, losing say 5-10 ships, you have no real defence against the 50km range Spearfish Torpedoes that the Astutes will fire at you.
Just count yourself lucky that the Spear 3 missile is not ready, each F-35B can carry 8 internally and 140km range, as your fleet would literally then be wiped out within a week rather than many weeks. Saying that UK would probably send a few dozen "test" Spear 3 as real-life training against your ships lol
Can you be more shameless??
You can defend all our overwhelming numbers of hypersonic antiship missiles with your pathetic little few ships with most of them even have no fleet defense capability, while we can not defend your vintage slow granny Hypoons with our hundred ships with full layers of air defense capability with overwhelming number and range??? WTF logic is that??? And 3 subs with torpedoes??? Your 3 pathetic subs have no chance to pass through our network of defense of hundreds of ships with advanced towed active sonars and anti-sub missiles, and just get gang raped...
And pls again: GIVE ME THE SOURCE of all your claims like 'Last I checked 9-10 of the Type-23 frigates had the Sea-Ceptor missiles' Otherwise they are all B.S.... And even that is true, you are still shitty with a point-point defense missile which is useless against our over over saturated attack...
And you say we have no anti-stealth radar just because JAPs and your white masters do not have??? This is not a convincing argument, my Bengali boy... As I have told you, we are not from a joke country like yours, our professors and engineers are serious, when they say it, they mean it... like the world's no.1 super computers and world's top 3 heavy rocket, etc. etc...And our fanboys are still more credible than you Bengali boy who claim all shxt with ZERO support... LMAO...
And yes, F35 with old Harpoons is useless... Now you can only use it as a guide plane...lol... And wait, you use F35, a fighter plane to guide your torpedoes??? Give me the link which show you can do it, OK?
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Chinese delusion is exactly why they are such a major threat to the world. Hitler was delusional too about their own power and went on a global conquest. Communist China’s behaviour is more and more bellicose very year. They are on their expansion phase which all big powers go through. This is why they an extremely dangerous country.

Unlike China, German tech was No. 1 during WW2.
Chinese tech is still Tier 2.
Chinese delusion is exactly why they are such a major threat to the world. Hitler was delusional too about their own power and went on a global conquest. Communist China’s behaviour is more and more bellicose very year. They are on their expansion phase which all big powers go through. This is why they an extremely dangerous country.
That’s not surprising, every major power does the same. Chinese do not differently than England, France, Germany, Japan or the Persians in the past. Peaceful rise shit.

But ok, we know they now have aircraft carriers, more warships, in no ways we can’t catch up. But we can produce cheap sea mines in thousands.

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